Home Technique Quantum bit

Quantum bit


Refer to the features of the Shannon information theory, the "quantum bit" is introduced in the quantum information. The English name of the quantum bits is Quantum Bit, shortly called Qubit or Qbit.

Quantum bit

1983, Stephen Wiesner introduced the concept of quantum bits in his quantum currency proposal. The term "Quantum Bit" is due to Benjamin Schumacher, in his paper, Schumacher said that the term "quantum bit" is he proposed when he is talking to William Wootters, just because of ancient one. Length Measurement Unit The pronunciation of the cubit is similar. In quantum calculations, the quantum bit is similar to the quantum bit, the quantum bit is similar to the classic bits, except that the quantum characteristics of the physical atom are added.


Quantum bits have no clear definitions, different researchers use different expressions, for example, from physics's perspective, people are accustomed to according to quantum state properties It is called quantum bit (QBIT or QBIT), entangled bits, tribit, multibit and classic bits (CBIT), and more. This approach is dazzling, and the description of quantum bits should be described in terms of specific physical properties. In order to avoid the troubles of these problems, the quantum bits are unified from the perspective of information theory.

Physical Characteristics The physical structure of the quantum computer is an orderly arrangement of the entangled state atom itself, and the quantum bit represents the state memory and entanglement state in the system. The quantum calculation is achieved by initializing the quantum bit system having the quantum algorithm, where the initialization refers to some advanced physical processes for preparing the system into an entangled state. The quantum ratio quantum state in the quantum mechanism system in both state is described, which is the same as the two-dimensional vector space in the plurality of complexes. Examples of the two-state quantum mechanics system are polarization of single photons, and the two states here are vertical polarized light and horizontal polarity light.

Basic nature

In a classic mechanical system, a bit of a bit is unique, and quantum mechanics allow quantum bits to be superimposed in two states, which is quantum calculation. Basic nature.

Basic Features

From physical quantum bits are quantum state, the quantum bit has an attribute of quantum state. Due to the unique quantity of the quantum state, the quantum ratio has many features that are different from classic bits, which is one of the basic features of quantum information science.

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