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Quantum gas


Quantum gas, a European research team dominated by German scientists has made important progress in the quantum of quantus under micro-gravity, and they have successfully developed an instrument It can produce a glass-Einstein condensed state under weight loss conditions. Scientists hoped to develop high-precision measuring instruments such as atomic interferometers under this zero-gravity of ultra-low temperature sub-gas to measure the gravity field of the earth, and solve some basic problems in the field of physics.

Quantum gas

Presence State

material wave intervene has opened up a new approach to precise measurement in the field of measuring and basic physics. A hopeful interference source is a glass - Einstein agglomeration. The glass-Einstein coagulation state is a gaseous, overtream matrix that atoms exhibited when cooling to absolute zero. In this state, almost all of the atoms are aggregated to the lowest quantum state, thus losing their independent identities, and can be described by one wave function. This material state shows a huge similarity of laser. The atomic coherence of the glass-Einstein agglomerate can be obtained to obtain a new coherence-wave source-atomic laser. This atomic laser is the key to improving the sensitivity and accuracy of atomic interference instrument in the future.

Application Principle

The application range of future atomic interferometers will extend from the interdisciplinary application measured by the earth gravity field to the quantum test of weak equivalent principles. The weak equivalent principle is the theoretical stone of general relativity. In the same manner, it requires a weak equivalent principle in the same manner in the same manner. The equivalent principle test may help to unify the quantum mechanics and generalized relativity into a common theory. Therefore, this quantum material equivalent principle test is an encouraging practice of Einstein relativity by using BAC-Einstein Condensate Verification Einstein

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