Home Technique Respond to climate change

Respond to climate change

The content of the

Based on a large number of research and analysis, China proposed my country as the world's largest developing country, how to build a strategic framework for climate change, how to unite developing countries Strive to meet the international fairness of climate change, truly realize the "common but distinctional responsibility" provisions prescribed by the International Convention, and contribute to global response to climate change. This book is smooth, expressible, and professional applicants who are suitable for environmental protection systems are also suitable for government staff to understand the international community and my country's policy and practices to address climate change. In particular, it helps corporate administrators to master the current international community to support clean development policies to help companies strive for considerable international funds through energy conservation emission reduction.

This book has analyzed the causes and impacts of climate change and environmental protection from global, and introduces the international community and China's response to the two aspects of climate change, from slowdown and adaptation. Changes have taken and should take policies and actions, and those who are suitable for professional systems are studied, and they are also suitable for government staff to understand the international community and my country's policy and practices to address climate change.


Basic knowledge of the first climate change

Chapter 1 Climate change scientific recognition

1.1 climate variant Basic facts

1.2 Changes of climate change

1. Prediction and uncertainty of climate change trend

Chapter 2 Climate change influence

< P> 2.1 on water supply and demand.

2.2 on ecosystems

2.3 The impact on social and economy in various regions

2.4 production of agriculture Effect of

2.5 on human health

2.6 on natural disasters

2.7 on coastal area

2.8 climate Study on China 's Impact on China

2. Evaluation of Climate Change and Its Uncertainty

Chapter 3 Coping to Climate Change International Organization and Convention

3.1 Intergovernmental Climate Change Professional Committee (IPCC)

3.2 Climate Agenda Office (IACCA)

3.3 United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention (UNFCCC)

3.4 Kyoto Protocol

3. Other important documents adopted by the Unfccc Parties

3.6 change negotiations

second article to deal with climate change 1 - Mitigation

Chapter 4 Different States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions position and action

4.1 EU countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions position and action

4.2 Umbrella Group Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission position and action

4.3 "Seventy-seven-seven-seven countries plus China" to reduce the position and action of greenhouse gas emissions

4.4 Small Island Country League Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions The position and action < /> (5 4.5 Petroleum Exporting Countries) Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions The position and action

Chapter 5 CDM CDM

5.1 Overview

5.2 CDM management system framework

5.3 CDM development and implementation process

5.5 implementation of the implementation of the CDM project

5.5 China's CDM development

< P> Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Characteristics of CDM Projects

6.1 CDM Quality Requirements Requirements of

6.2 CDM Projects

6.3 CDM Project Formwork

6.4 Small Scale CDM Project

6.5 afforestation and reforestation CDM project

Chapter 7 After Kyoto era replacement scheme

7.1 background < //>< PP7.2 is based on country-based new reort

7.3 is based on industry-based new resolution options

Third Article 3 to address climate change 2 - Adapt to

Chapter 8 to build a national adaptation The overall idea of ​​strategic framework

Chapter 9 Adapts to Climate Change Strategic Priority Domain Identification

Chapter 10 Performance Adaptation Measures Countermeasure Matrix Establishment

No. 11 Chapter Promotional Adaptation Measures -


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