Home Technique RFID asset management

RFID asset management


RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) RFID technology, mainly by the composition and the electronic tag reading and writing device, and the electronic tag reader devices between automatic target recognition by the radio frequency signal, obtaining the relevant data, in order to achieve the object identification, and transfer the collected data to the application platform summary, analysis, processing. This technique has read distance, penetrating ability, anti-pollution, high efficiency (more tags can be processed at the same time), a large amount of information features.

using an RFID principle and characteristics of the equipment inside the cabinet and the installation of fixed assets such as RFID tags, the room entrance and RFID identification device mounted inside the cabinet, combined with real-time monitoring internet data center assets, assets realized full visibility and real-time information updates, real-time monitoring of the use and flow of assets, embodied as a location of the device where the real-time queries, mobile device tracking records, alarm; management of statistical reports and other equipment management objectives, establish a set of advanced, standardized to optimize the management mechanism.


initially in the field of technology, the transponder is capable of transmitting information refers to information in reply to an electronic module, in recent years, due to the rapid development of radio frequency technology, the transponder has a new argument and meaning, also called the smart tags or labels. The RFID reader certificate elevator (reader) in wireless communication with the RFID tag through the antenna, may be implemented to read or write operation of the tag identification code and the data memory. A typical reader comprises a high-frequency module (transmitter and receiver), a control unit and a reader antenna. A radio frequency identification RFID is a non-contact automatic identification technology, radio frequency automatic target recognition and access to relevant data signal, identifying the work without human intervention, it can work in all kinds of environments. RFID technology can identify high-speed moving objects and simultaneously identify a plurality of tags, easy to operate. RFID is a simple radio system, only two basic components, the system for controlling, monitoring and tracking objects. System consists of an interrogator (or reader) and a transponder number (or label) components.

active and passive

What is the difference

active RFID and passive RFID

passive tag has no power; they are transmitted through the first reader after activation of the electromagnetic wave, and then the information back to the reader. Practical range of passive tags in about 10 cm to several meters.

Active tags have an internal power supply and a microprocessor to perform a specific task. Data transmission range passive tags and active tags as compared much more; an active RFID reader is able to monitor all the active tags within the range of 100 m.

What is the advantage of passive RFID

If passive assets labeling techniques, which use a barcode reading speed is faster than the four times. Users only need to carry a passive RFID reader, even though not within line of sight of the label may be detected. Users still need to inspect the actual location of each asset labeling, data collection process will run automatically and the error rate is very low.

What is the advantage of active RFID

When a tagged object management active RFID, the routine inventory objects will basically not necessary. Active RFID tracking program will automatically start the real-time asset inventory based on applicability, operational and safety requirements.

reader may be permanently installed in: a key position (e.g., offices, storage rooms, high traffic areas, outlet channels, etc.) to report the current situation within the designated area asset tag.

Under what circumstances the use of passive RFID

commonly used passive RFID in the retail supply chain, which, to improve inventory tracking and management effectiveness. Can be seen as a passive RFID "Sharpening barcode" (print bar codes with use of the longer, there will be defaced, tear quality is deteriorated, and requires the bar code reader and the field of view in both within range). No built-in power means that passive tags can be quite individual small and inexpensive; commercial use passive tags can be can be nested on a sticker label.

using active RFID

under what circumstances

active RFID systems use "beacon" tags, periodically broadcast their status. These labels will be transmitted in real time and will continue for the labeling and identification of assets immediately. If the required real-time tracking over a wide range of active RFID scheme is superior to other passive solutions. For important assets, IT equipment, valuables, move and manage shared resources, active technology has significant advantages.

active RFID tag how assets cognitive it

tag information, in the form of "license" number encoded as a series of radio frequency pulses; and the letters pulse code numbers themselves have no intrinsic meaning. The reader will load the state of all active tags within the operating range: decoding and reporting (e.g., displacement, temperature, damage). Once the tag associated with the asset, which will become important through effective information system software. No label will tell geographic information system assets; payload status label also provides asset awareness run decisions.

data center

In addition to a successful data center management to select highly reliable IT infrastructure equipment outside, efficient asset management system is also critical, directly related to the maintenance of the system reliable operation, reduce system operating costs and increase profits. Survey of the United States, Britain and other European countries show:

RFID asset management

1, downtime event of huge losses caused by the loss and room management directly related

20 year experience of large institutions times, "a system" serious downtime events, on average it takes 13 hours and 14 million dollars to resolve an event. Downtime caused by operating losses and legal liability is sometimes quite substantial. The survey found 70 percent downtime associated connecting lines and, 85% of human errors. 80% down processing time spent is to find out the wrong device or connection. 42% of companies said it could take at least a day to find the downtime of the server.

2, a serious waste of capital equipment

The survey found that companies with thousands of servers room, average utilization of each server is only 10% -20%. 28% of the company's information center managers do not know their computer room in the end how many servers, but no way of knowing warranty and maintenance of idle machinery, equipment and other information. Also found that the reason idle infrastructure 20% -40% when the line is to engineer grafting, the wiring is not timely removed from the wiring board caused by (patch panel). About 60% of the cost of software licenses is redundant spent. Low capacity utilization is not only a waste of assets, direct investment, but also consume power and take up valuable rack space.

3, energy and space crisis

The survey found that 11 percent of data center floor space will be less than in the year; 14% power limit has been reached. RF-EAM

our company based on past experience and listen to the multi-party success, designed to deploy a data center in line with the characteristics (RFID-Asset Management System) platform for real-time monitoring of data center assets, is the next-generation data center the basic structure of one of the components. Automatic identification system using RFID technology and network and software platform to provide faster, more detailed and more accurate day-today management of the cabinet and other important business asset monitoring.

4, and the old and new optimization engine room of the data center migration

According to the data of the world's advanced IT data center display, the data center is not static, about 24-40% of annual data center assets will be moved and updated. Mainly from: optimization and innovation power (machine updates); embodiment virtualization technology (e.g.: cloud, etc.); room old and new migration.

In response to these problems, with its now advanced technology and rich experience in implementation, developed a set of asset monitoring system in line with the characteristics of the data center. The use of RFID automatic identification technology and network and software platform to provide faster, more detailed and more accurate day-today management of the cabinet and other important business assets monitoring, and real-time monitoring functions, automatic recording and inventory of assets, further reducing safety problems possible.


based data center environment is very conducive to the application of RFID technology, because the data center is usually in a limited area centrally located in a high density expensive equipment, basic environment and temperature and humidity are very good, which can reduce the cost of deploying RFID environment, and improve its efficiency. RFID radio frequency identification technology mainly by the composition and the electronic tag reader device, the reader device and the electronic tag between automatic target recognition radio frequency signals acquired its associated data enabling identification of the object, and transfer the collected data application platform to summarize, analyze, process. This technique has read distance, penetrating ability, anti-pollution, high efficiency (more tags can be processed at the same time), a large amount of information features.

using the above principles and characteristics of the RFID, the interior of the cabinet and the installation of equipment and other fixed assets RFID tag, mounted inside the cabinet room entrance and RFID identification device, monitoring platform combined asset management, asset to achieve full visualization and real-time information updates, real-time monitoring of the use and flow of assets, embodied as a location of the device where the real-time queries, mobile device tracking records, alarm; management of statistical reports and other equipment management objectives, the establishment of an advanced, standardized and optimize the management mechanism.

system composition and architecture

RFID asset monitoring system consists of an electronic enclosure label (RFID tags), the reader (RFID readers), server and system software (Tracking Server) composition of the present system B / S mode. A rack system architecture RFID asset monitoring system, wherein:

· each device within the cabinet are fitted RFID tag (Tags);

are mounted within the

· Each cabinet RFID interrogator system;

· room entrance mounted RFID interrogator system;

· staff handheld RFID reader.

implement the functions

RFID data center management solution can achieve the following functions:

· monitoring equipment inside the cabinet: internal rack-mounted RFID reader system coverage inside the cabinet RFID tag device, real-time system can read the RFID tag on the device, when the device is operated and moved, automatically form a working recording system according to a preset alarm value, the alarm monitor assets implemented;

· room entrance monitoring: RFID reader room entrance system is installed, covering the channel region, any device attached to the RFID tag when the region will be identified by the system, the real-time data is uploaded to the monitoring platform, the corresponding data recording and processing ;

· 3D display platform (Horizon View)

establishment of equipment and facilities database, all equipment and facilities rooms added to the database in order to clear management of all equipment and facilities, to monitor to provide the necessary basic data;

on the location of the device for 3D graphical management; achieve device location query;

in real-time, automatically, to change the position of the device is recorded;

is a dynamic display of the position of each device in the monitoring screen, when new equipment, select the original equipment type, model, or new equipment, if the new device model, the front of the device need to submit kind photo proportional;

alarm monitoring functions implemented by the deployment of alert engine node; Firstly, alarm policy database, the data set alarm thresholds for each of the acquisition state;

whenever acquisition to the device data, calls the alarm engine do threshold checking, it is determined whether the alarm is triggered; if it exceeds the threshold value (i.e., the device illegal operation and movement) of the initiator alarm;

after an alarm is triggered, an increase in the alarm log a record, and submitted to the control center; At the same time, send an alert notification module calls, send alarm information to other systems.

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