Home Technique Shared resource network

Shared resource network

Prerequisites for shared resources

1. Changing different computer names and sets the same working group.

2. My computer Right-Management - Computer Management - Local User and Group - User: Change the Administrator User Name

3. Manually set IP, set IP to the same The network segment, subnet mask, and DNS resolution (routing DHCP)

4. How to set DNS parsing: First you can use automatic acquisition, then start - running into cmd after entering CMD In the command, enter ipconfig / all, enter the

5. Enter the service in the running services.msc Enter the service

Share preparation

(note It is best to restart after the settings):

1. Start - Set - Control Panel - Firewall - Exception - Check "File and Printer Sharing"! Of course, you can also turn off the firewall.

2. Enter SECPOL.MSC Enter the local security settings - Local Policy - Security Options

Network Access: Does not allow the SAM account anonymous enumeration Note that this point is only valid for the guests and will be said in Chapter V.

Put "Account: Use the local account of the blank password to log in to" deactivate

3. Double-click my computer to open the Explorer - Tool - Folder Item - Viewing - In the previous hook in the "Use Simple Folder Sharing"!

4. Set the shared folder or shared disk (I set the D disk for the shared disk, of course, you can set any files inside the disk to shared files)

Open Explorer - Right-click D Dish - Sharing and Safety - Left Key Points Open

Note: After the shared resource settings of the two graphs, even "read only" permissions can only be "read".

LAN sharing mode by administrator

After the above two chapters, we have access to the computer PC

1. Double-click online in the host. Neighbor - click to view the working group computer

2. Double click on the PC or right-click Open

3. There is a faster access method to enter directly in the address bar of the host \\ The PC is back to the vehicle, the interface that appears is the same.

4. Enter the username and password in the login box (here the password is empty, so do not input), then enter the PC's shared disk

Tips: In the future we once again When you log in to the PC, you don't have to enter the username and password. Hehe

The local area network sharing method logged in is

through the first and second chapters, we must further set up To do the guest sharing

Shared resource network

1. "My Computer" right-management - local users and groups - users - Enable guests (Note: Enable guests to enable guests and enable inside the Control Panel - User Account The guest is the same. Difference is that the guests inside the rear panel are not enabled here, while enabling guests in the panel.)

2 .. Enter SECPOL. MSC starts "local security settings" - "User Rights Assign" - Remove the Guest user inside "Reject to Access this computer".

3. Enter SecPol.msc to start "Local Security Settings" - "Security Options" - "Network Access: Local Account Sharing and Security Mode" - Change "Classic" to "Live" .

4. Operation Enter SecPol.msc Start "Local Security Settings" - "User Rights Assign" - Delete the "Deny as Server and Batch Job"

Note: The above settings need to be restarted to take effect

5. We can enter Today's shared resources like the entry method of the third chapter. The difference is that the guest login sharing method does not pop up the login box, you can enter directly from the username and password.

Tips: From the above setup method. We can see that the sharing method of the administrator login is a narrow share, while the guest login sharing method is generally shared.

can say this: The guest sharing has already included the way the administrator shares. However, the way the guest login is enabled, the administrator login is removed. Haha

Shared resource directly mapped

with disk mapping, map Today's shared resource to the host. Follow the host resource manager, you can open it directly. The premise is that Today must turn it on in the local area network.

1. Right-click "Online Neighbors" - Click "Mapping Network Drive"

2. Browse the shared disk of the PC

3. Completed After the host appears in the host, the common fault and solutions are common faults and solutions

1. If you access the other party, you do not pop up the user name box, can't open the other computer. Shared folder

The reason for this machine administrator user name is Administrator, change it to any name!

Note: This phenomenon will appear in a shared method of guests. !

2. When accessing the other party, the username in the login dialog is always the gray GUEST unique

Solution: Local Policy - Security Options - Network Access: Local Account Sharing and security model "Change to" Classic - Local users can verify their own authentication!

Note: After the above, we don't pay attention to the disabled guests after the sharing method of the guest. After the guest has been banned, we turn into a sharing method of administrator login.

3. When logging in to the other party, there is no permission to use the network resources when logging in to the other party.

This is the normal sharing used because some of them is installed When the security software is turned off. We only need to put the "Use Simple File Sharing" again to remove it!

4. The 3rd points will appear on the LAN in the sharing method of the guests. The reason is also the use of certain security software to restore our SAM account to the default enabled state.

We only need to enter the group strategy to disable it and restart!

Friendly Tips: It is important to note that we have some software such as Jinshan anti-virus software, which will close some of our services in our shared settings can't be shared normally. We can solve it according to the settings of the above chapters and the settings of this chapter.

Sets the password

for the guest user.

In fact, we have already mentioned the settings in the shared disc of the second chapter, which is only safe to read by reading this itself.

is just that everyone in the LAN can access you. If we set a password, others cannot access your shared resources at will.

1. Enter the Control Userpasswords2 Enter

2. After setting the password, restart

3. After setting the password, log in to the PC, the gray dialog box, this conversation The faults in the box and the sixth chapter can be different. We can enter the password to enter.

4. In Computer Management - Sharing Folder - You can see the login method

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