Home Technique Shebar Farm

Shebar Farm

Geographic location

Schbs Farm is a Lebanon village located in the south of Shebar, in the northwest, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. It is about 14 kilometers to 2.5 km and 150 to 1880 meters above sea level, and there are twelve pieces of abandoned farmland.

Farm History

This rich land has used barley, fruits and vegetables. Its sovereignty has been controversial and has not yet been determined to be Lebanon or Israel's Golan Highlands from Syria.

Israel occupied it from the Saturday of 1967, from Syria, Israel's withdrawn from the South Ripmer in 2000, still controlled this area. Lebanon called the ridge of the north of the Sheba Farm called Kraft Schuba, and Israel called it Hadov. There is a piece of mountain ridge in the territory of Lebanon, located in the east of Kraft Subaha.

The landlords of the Saba Agricultural Land live in the village of Sheba, in the non-controversial Lebanon, and there is no way to reappear. Israel and Lebanese Hezbower have played a lot of conflicts for the sovereignty of this area for many years.

Annan, the United Nations Secretary-General, said its sovereignty is quite blurry: "There is no record between Lebanon and Syria, there is no record of international boundary agreement for this place." Annan agreed to all parties The boundaries defined by 1973, first, first determined Israel to withdraw from Lebanon, and then wait for a true boundary.

Schba Farm has been delineated to be hosted by France in 1930, after the France withdraws, it is taken from Syria; all maps in history are also divided. In 1964, a cross-border committee of Lebanon-Syria believed that Shebar farm belongs to Lebanon and recommends re-establishing the international borders. However, without any formal actions, all the maps still scratch the Sampa farm as the Syrian land. On May 16, 2000, the Secretary of Foreign Minister, Syria, confirmed Syria, supported the sovereignty of Lebanon to the Sabar farm.

Israel believes that UN Security Council requires 425 resolutions from the NGA Nun, and did not include Sheba Farm. The resolution requested Israel to withdraw (blue line) from the location of the army from May 14, 1978.

May 22, 2000, in Israel, in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 425, completed the withdrawal action from South Lebanon. The United Nations also confirmed the withdrawal of Israel. On January 20, 2005, the Security Council clearly explained the report of Lebanon: "The Lebanese government is invalid to the Blue Line in the Saba Farm. It is not compatible with the resolution of the Council. The Council has recognized the blue line for the color According to the legitimacy of the 425 resolution. The Lebanese government should pay attention to the Council's request to respect the legitimacy of the parties. The United Nations spokesperson in the Temporary Forces in Lebanon said, "On all maps The United Nations sees the Sampa farm belongs to the Syrian land. "(BBC News (London), May 25, 2000)

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