Home Technique Sigiriya



Sigiriya [1] is 170 kilometers from Angient City of Sigiriya, 170 kilometers north of Sri Lanka Capital, located at a "lion" of about 200 meters high. It is famous for the Wusiye, and the Sigirije Mural is the only non-religious theme mural in Sri Lanka history. It is also said to be the Du Du Napan, the prince of the Du Du, the Dawn, the father of the prince, Kassea, and his brother Magagran fled India. In order to prevent revenge of Mamaland, Castea built the city in "Lion Rock". In Indonesia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Angkor Wat, and India Auntie Grottoes. In 1982, it was included in the World Heritage Catalog. [2]


Tourism scenic spot

Sigiri Yeji City should have been identified as one of the miracles of the world, and now some people have officially proposed to list it as the eighth miracle of the world. . Sijirije Ancient City is the most complete city center in the millennium. The traditional architectural style of Sri Lanka has performed the fullestity: the garden, the trails and the water-free building; the symmetrical and asymmetric building elements are complement; change multi-end The plane, the axis and the radius design are perfectly combined; the center of up to 200 meters stand up to 200 meters from the ancient city; the city of Chengdong and Chengxi, the two moats and three-sided city walls are surrounded by two rectangular urban areas.

Sigiri Yama

The history of Zijiji Ancient City dates back to ancient times before 7,000 years ago. From the 3rd century BC, it became a monastery in the mountains, and there was a delicate cave donated by Buddhist converters. AD 477 - 495, the monastery built a city garden and palace. After that, until the 14th century, here are the lives of monks. Its east and west is 3 km, 1 km from North and South, revealing the city planning of the Great city planning of Sri Lanka, the 5th century. A moat passes through the entrance of the west area, it is just along the mountain. The city gate is purified by wood and brick stone, and the top is tiled. The southern part of the city's garden has unearthed, and the same northern half-half is still waiting for today's archaeologists to discover. Xicheng's water park layout is very symmetrical, showing the most delicate water pressure technology in the world since the ancient times. It uses the principle of micro-hydraulic to each other, not only meets the needs of home gardening and agricultural production, but also has uniqueness in surface drainage, prevent corrosion, decorativeness, protection facilities and system cooling. Small water park in the wall of Xicheng, consisting of water, pond, water storage, garden, fountain and waterway. The crystal clear river is slowly moving on cobblestones or marble, not only practical refrigeration facilities, but also gives people a beautiful audio-visual enjoyment. Tourists will notice the existence of the river as long as they are in this feet. There is a four-sided island in the largest water park, which is in the main city, and the history of the History here is 5 centuries in the garden during the Cambodia Ancient Angko and the India Mo-卧. There is a huge pavilion on the central islands; the water in the four L-shaped ponds is in the depth of water, to control different water levels. There is a large swimming pool in the pond in the southwest direction, you can pick up in the tunnel built with wood. Another smaller pond is situated on a rock, which is towering a brick pavilion. The fountain park looks very narrow, the winding creek flows until there are two deep ponds in the west half. The fountain is built on the creek, and it is not only in the past. On the other side of the fountain is the large island that is going to the north and south, and it is cut off the middle axis of the water park. Shilin Park is higher than that of the sea level, which is a high altitude, is a completely divided architecture. It combines many asymmetrical concepts, curved small roads and non-carved boulders are this design idea. Typical representative. Almost every rock in the stone park has a building made of masonry or wood, and a large-scale reservoir built in granite is in this park. Recently in Sigiri Yama has unearthed with miniature calf statues, they are exquisite crafts made from paintings on the stone wall of Sigiri. This intended selling them to visit Sigiriya as commemoration, and part of it is exhibiting in the Sigiye Museum.

Sijiri Yamago

is located on Sigiyeier, Sri Lanka, about 160 kilometers from Capital Colombo, is Sri Lanka's famous ancient castle site. Sigiri Yes Mountain peaks, 349 meters above sea level, overlooking the peak, just like a green forest cluster to hold a boulder. After the 5th century, Sri Lanka Peacock Dynasty, the prince of Ja Ye, I was afraid that the younger brother of the escape India came back to revenge. She left the capital Anurad Dapula, moved to Sijije, Qang Palace, build Emperor. In order to build this mountain to build this mountain to build a brilliant royal palace of Jijin Soup, he costs his heart. But after 18 years, he is still fighting down. Since then, Sijiri Yama was abandoned until 1894 was re-found by an archaeologist in Europe. After the independence of Sri Lanka in 1948, the government allocated the road to the mountaineering tour and opened to home and abroad. In the past, Sijiri Yama, in the square, but the palace was independent of the palace, like a huge lion, so there is "Lion Rock". There is a cool temple in the palace, and the flow of the spring is under the floor; there is a Queen Royal Garden; there is a saying of French cliffs, laying a layer platform, with the monks, and there are 100 small walls around the cliff. There are hundreds of murals in the palace, painted with Gayo, the sky, the sky, the sky, the flowers, the beautiful shape. On the south of the south of Sigiri Yes, a huge lion is sitting on the waist, making the town demon, now there are only two one or two meters left and right. From the foot to the mountainside, a long corridor was built, and the mountains and waist. The gallery of the mountains, painted stone walls with colored murals. In order to protect the safety of precious murals and tourists, the government also specializes a huge barbed wire, cover on the stone wall. It is said that more than 1,500 years ago, there were hundreds of frames of the stone walls, and there were only 21 frames left due to the vicissitudes of vicissitudes. The sky on the mural is bare, the skin is golden, accompanying the flash of head, some hand, and the flowers, some are spreading. Although these murals have been over more than a thousand years, their colors are still in the beginning. On the stone wall on both sides, he retains some sophisticated text poems, with a total of 685, out of the ancient Sri Lankan king, general, monks, literati, is the preciousness of Sri Lanka society, culture and religion before and after the 5th century. material. On the mountainside platform, look to the ladder to the peak, which is not cold, and a steep stone ladder begins with only half of the stone lion sitting on one side. The stone ladder is just like the huge stone of the turtle, fixed A piece of iron chain. Tourists hold the iron chain step by step to climb the steep mountain top. The palace in the top of the mountain has already been flat, only one collapsed temple, dry pool and the ridiculous garden.

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