Home Technique Solar water pump

Solar water pump

system composition

Photovoltaic array

is mainly converting the light energy of the sun to electricity, providing working power to the load water pump motor.

Photovoltaic Yang inverter or controller

The operation of the solar water pump is controlled and regulated, and the water pump is driven by the solar array, and according to the change in the sunshine strength, real-time Adjust the output frequency to close the output power to the maximum power of the solar battery array.

Motor (drive motor)

The drive motor used in different systems is also different. In the photovoltaic water pump system of less than 10 reading NP power levels, in order to obtain as high system efficiency, multi-use DC brushless and permanent magnet motor is used, in large photovoltaic water pump systems, there is still no shortage of communication asynchronous transmission mode, but due to The continuous development of modern control technology, in order to further improve the amount of water supplied by the unit peak, it has begun to have a trend of multi-machine group control technology that is flexible controlled by multiple water pumps.

Water pump

For photovoltaic water pump systems, the choice of water pump type is also important. In a system with a small power, if the user needs to be high but the flow is small but the flow is small, it is appropriate to select the positive positive shift water pump, and in other cases, the centrifugal or axial water pump may be employed. Selection and Consideration of Applying Pump Type of PV Water Pump System.

Water Tower and Water Water Supply Facility

If the photovoltaic water pump system is applied to winter cold areas (such as my country's western region), it is advisable to use antifreeze water storage facilities, such as intermediate draw empty or real Double-layer water tanks or water towers of insulating materials, the water tubing should also be used to use anti-low temperature materials and to do anti-freezing treatment.

Classification and characteristics of water pump

AC asynchronous motor drive water pump

Large power (such as power greater than 10kW or greater) Photovoltaic water pump system In the driving motor, there is still no shortage of three-phase AC asynchronous motor, in which asynchronous motors typically use a wet sheath winding, due to the structural characteristics of the tank full rate, the efficiency is usually much lower than the same power, and the DC permanent magnet brushless motor is much lower. However, its structure is relatively simple, relatively low, and the oil immersion motor is not suitable for use in water supply systems that provide people's drinking water at the same time, there is still a need. The core of the drive control is a dedicated variable frequency and control integrated power supply, essentially, in the same controller, in the same controller, in essence, in the same controller, and a number of necessary operating protection measures to complete the photovoltaic All control functions required in the water pump system are the advantages of good system stability, compact structure, and motor voltage levels can be freely optimized according to array configuration, and manufacturing costs, while sufficiently considering that the photovoltaic water pump outdoor long time is no one. Targeting, fully automatic operation, etc., give special considerations in terms of heat dissipation, dust, lightning protection and various special protection measures (such as the protection), etc., which is much more economical than "scattered" structure. reliability.

DC permanent magnet brushless motor drive water pump

DC motor with good mechanical characteristics, wide speed range, high starting torque, high operation efficiency, simple control, etc. A wide range of applications are obtained in the control system, but their brushes and exchangers have also brought low reliability and require frequent maintenance. In the past 20 years, with the rapid development of high-power switching devices, simulation and digital integrated circuits, computer technology, high-performance magnetic materials, brushless DC motor using electronic exchange-phase prototypes has also been rapidly developed. It has rapidly expanded from the initial application of aerospace and military facilities in the field, and the use face is increasingly wide. Visual small power brushless DC motor has been used in a large number of computer peripherals, office automation and audio film equipment, in some In the power transmission system, its applications are also increasingly wide.

Several brushless DC motor begins to be used as a drive motor in the photovoltaic water pump system, because the motor has a high efficiency that is not easy to achieve, it is expected to be larger. It is remarkably costly to reduce the amount of solar cells, which has significant economy. However, since the photovoltaic water pump usually requires the motor to run in water, the research work of this paper is required to solve the operational drive technology of conventional DC brushless motors, and the motor can be adapted to the demand for diving, that is, the reliable insulation must be solved simultaneously. problem. From the perspective of mechanical sealing, it is ideal to solve the problem of submersible motors, but it is difficult to overcome the complex structure of its structure, and the corresponding mechanical loss is large.

Working principle of brushless pump

Brushless DC solar water pump (motor type)

motorless brushless DC water pump is a brushless DC motor plus impeller The following composition. The axis of the motor is connected with the impeller. There is a gap between the stator and the rotor of the water pump, and the use time has long used water penetration into the motor to increase the possibility of the motor burning.

Brushless DC magnetic isolation solar water pump

brushless DC water pump adopts electronic component commutation, no need to use carbon brush, high-performance wear-resistant ceramic shaft and ceramic shaft The sleeve, the shaft is to avoid wear through injection molding and magnet, so the life of the brushless DC magnetic water pump is greatly enhanced. The stator portion and the rotor portion of the magnetic isolation water pump are completely isolated, the stator and the circuit board portion employ an epoxy resin potting, 100% waterproof, and the rotor portion employ a permanent magnet magnet, a water pump body, a low noise, low volume, and performance. Stablize. Various required parameters can be adjusted by the winding of the stator, and can be operated widely.


(1) Reliable: Photovoltaic power supply rarely used moving parts, work reliably.

(2) Safety, no noise, no other public hazard. No solid, liquid, and gas harmful substances, absolute environmental protection.

(3) Install and maintenance, low operating cost, suitable for unattended advantages. Especially in terms of high reliability.

(4) is good, the photovoltaic power generation can be used in conjunction with other energy sources, or the photovoltaic system can be easily compatible with the photovoltaic system.

(5) High standardization is high, and the needle can be met with the components to meet the needs of different electricity, and the versatility is strong.

(6) Solar energy is everywhere, and the application range is wide.

However, the solar system also has its disadvantages, such as: energy dispersion, intermittent, high geographicality. The previous cost is higher.

Outlook for solar water pump system

Silicon solar panel efficiency is difficult to improve in a short period of time, although the second-generation thin film solar cell and third generation organic solar cell There is a significant advantage in cost, but it is not competitive compared to large-scale production of silicon solar panels. The silicon battery board will still occupy a lot of share in the next few times. Therefore, in the future, the role of solar water pump system should focus on the following three aspects:

(1) R & D high-efficiency pump and motor to improve the high-efficiency zone of the motor and water pump under large-range speed, flow rate changes and Reduce the system Yang water threshold power. Develop low-cost, high-reliability intelligent controllers to improve the performance match between components, to address the variable climate conditions, thereby improving system dynamic quality and global efficiency. At the same time, improve the development and promotion of the integrated technology of small and medium-sized wind-optical-heat and other energy complementary utilization;

(2) multi-factor changes such as climate, light, water level, water, water, water, long-term performance forecast of solar water pump system General methods and system design methods based on dynamic variations, establish databases in different regions, to gradually replace the use of static average estimation;

(3) With the price reduction of battery board and small and medium solar system Development, in the future, on the basis of optimizing battery board power, the evaluation of the reliability of the system should be increased to improve the system's long-term operational reliability and the stability of water supply.

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