Home Technique Super fast laser

Super fast laser

Amberpico series picosecond laser having an ultrashort pulse width (less than 15ps), high energy per pulse (maximum pulse energy 30mJ), high repetition frequency (1kHz or more) and excellent output performance reliable, Amberfemto series 200fs pulse width is smaller than the femtosecond laser, the repetition frequency of 1Hz-100kHz Alternatively, spatial pattern having excellent stability and excellent power. We can achieve efficient second harmonic, third harmonic, fourth harmonic or even light output. Over the wavelength range of infrared light, green light, ultraviolet, wavelength is as short as 266 / 263nm. Both satellite ranging, fine laser micromachining, research areas nonlinear optics, laser spectroscopy, biomedical, optical field strength, condensed matter physics powerful research tool.

Ultrafast Laser Division is committed to providing customers with consistently high performance ultrafast laser system, the department has a number of years of work in the field of ultrafast R & D personnel, and in terms of power, control and refrigeration strong R & D capabilities, the NSC laser has the ability to further provide customers with more customized and high-performance products, better service, to promote the huge potential of ultrafast lasers in blank to fill application on the basis of the domestic market, promote national laser industry the revitalization.

Super fast laser

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