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Tagne Ma Mao

Characters experiences

Ta Neixi Martin Mau, September 16, 1960 was born in the southern island of Kiribati Ohno Toha. He graduated from the University of the South Pacific, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, bachelor's, master's degree in economics literature. Former Kiribati Public Service Office, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce permanent secretary and other duties.

Since 1979, worked in the Ministry of Finance, then worked in the Ministry of Education and the Office of the President. Former Permanent Secretary of the President Teburoro Tito.

In 2002, he resigned from office, put into politics, was elected in 2003 Constituency Member of Parliament hometown Ohno Toha Island, Kiribati has since been active in politics as opposition members.

Members of Parliament elected in 2007, re-elected several times thereafter. March 2016 was elected the fifth president of Kiribati serve as foreign minister.

Mao horse to win in the general election held in March 2016 in 60% of the vote, overwhelmingly defeated three other candidates, was elected the new President of the Republic of Kiribati.

2020 June 23, President of Kiribati election results were announced, the incumbent President Ma Mao and win re-election.

Personal life

Ma Mao married, his wife Taryn, have three children.

Tagne Ma Mao

Policy Agenda

During the campaign, Ma Maocheng promise to achieve any long-term goals within KV20, the main content is to extend free education to high school, the establishment of government corruption investigation before the Anti-Corruption Commission, the development of the coconut processing industry, trying to Kiribati transformed into stronger fisheries, tourism countries to build a healthy, prosperous, harmonious country.

climate change, sea level rise, threatening the survival of the background of Kiribati, the Ma-mao said that climate change is indeed a very serious problem, but not as Kiribati sank like the Titanic Kiribati is God's creation beautiful land. Ma Mao decided to vigorously develop tourism, attracting foreign investment for the construction of a "possible business world-class diving, fishing, surfing five-star eco-resort project", will use 20 years to build a Kiribati in the South Pacific Dubai or Singapore.

China exchanges

Ta Neixi Martin Mao and Wang Yi signed a joint communique of the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Kiribati (6)

2019 on September 20, the government of Kiribati declared that "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan and China decided to resume diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, he said that this decision is in line with Kiribati national interest in international relations after a long internal policy assessment made of.

2019 Nian 9 25, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in New York to attend the UN General Assembly and Foreign Minister Meets with President of Kiribati Ma Mao.

2019 Nian 9 27, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, Chinese Permanent Mission in New York signed diplomatic relations "People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kiribati Republic of Kiribati on the restoration with the President and Foreign Minister Ma-mao the joint communique, "from today formally restored diplomatic relations between the two countries.

2019 years 12 31, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced: President Xi Jinping to be invited, President of the Republic of Kiribati Ma Ta Neixi Mao in 2020 January 4 to 11 for China a state visit.

2020 January 6, Chinese President Xi Jinping afternoon held a ceremony in the Great Hall, welcomed the President of the Republic of Kiribati Ma Ta Neixi Mao state visit to my country and with their talks.

the evening of September 25, 2020, the President of Kiribati Ma Mao attended the reception held in the Chinese embassy in Kiribati, celebrated the first anniversary of the 71 anniversary of the People's Republic of China and the base resumption of diplomatic relations. Ma Mao said in his speech, resumed diplomatic relations in the past year the rapid development of relations based, cooperative effort to promote the well-being of the people.

2021 Nian 2 12, Ta Neixi Ma Mao attended the reception held in the Chinese embassy in Kiribati celebrate the Lunar New Year.

2021 Nian 6 4, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Guiyang conversation with President of Kiribati and Foreign Minister Ma Mao phone.

2021 Nian 9 3, Mao attended the Chinese assistance to Kiribati Ma new crown vaccination launching ceremony held in the capital Tarawa.

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