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Taipei Confucius Temple

About the Confucius Temple

Taipei Confucius Temple (5)

China Confucius Temple commanding the greatest sage and teacher, teacher ── culmination of Confucius, and the ancient sages, Xianru. Since Confucius advocates simple, so Confucius Temple building is relatively simple and plain, unlike most ornate temples there, the door did not even place the lions, Confucius Temple Dacheng Hall of the main stand Dacheng Dianwai, you can see the middle of the roof, a pair of cylinders, called "Tripitaka barrel." In ancient China, Qin Shi Huang in order to facilitate the rule, so the implementation of obscurantism, who burned books and killed scholars, was scholar in order to preserve books, on the roof of the cover up was like a chimney collection tube, the book hiding there, to avoid being burned fate. So Confucius Temple also has Canon cartridges to express admiration for the people who love reading books at the time of the spirit. Meanwhile, on the front of the roof, there is the owl carving. Owl is a bird neither filial piety and brutal, but it also administered Confucius enlightenment, so the owl carving, on behalf of Confucius 'education for all' spirit.

In addition, on either side of the ladder in the middle, there is a carved relief of dragon beveled step, called "Royal Road", was the emperor or gods, when the next step on the foot stone hall. Also, all of the different Confucius Temple pillars, doors, windows and other temples, above all no text, it is said that there is no one dares to show off the article in front of sage and teacher Confucius. And there is no temple statue. In ancient times, the original statue of Confucius Temple of Confucius, but different carving techniques, some can not show Confucius statue demeanor, so when Ming, Confucius Temple after it ordered a new cover, the tablets are to replace the statue; to Jiajing emperor, ordered the withdrawal of the National like Confucius, full use of the tablets. Since then, although the change of government, but had to follow this provision, because there is no deification of the Confucius statue, also highlights the relatively great personality. The annual September 28th is the anniversary of the birth of Confucius, the same morning will hold a grand festival for Confucius, and the culmination of months of Dianwai stage, the student performances eight quiet dance, to express reverence for Confucius. After the festival, there will be a lot of people scrambling for their children or themselves pull wisdom gross (ox hair), to pray for children and grandchildren grow a symbol of wisdom, school went smoothly.

Construction Great

Confucius door (west door) and Pan Palace (east door) are all re-Zhan archway, roof warped as dovetail, the provision of the arch, both sides round window, Confucius Temple is the main entrance, breakdown around; Jiuquan street, according to a tall wall, which climbed a wall, the wall of the story from "the Analects", Confucius Temple is the essential, according to the inner wall of the wall painted unicorn is a symbol of good luck intended.

went through at the door, you can access Ling Xing Gate and Pan pool. Ling Xing Gate Temple of Confucius is an essential building, listed before the Confucius Temple, the center of Beaulieu pillars with green bucket stone is the stone from Quanzhou and Quanzhou Whitehead. Through the lattice star gate, the second seat house for the ceremonial gate, ceremonial gate, also known as Dacheng Gate, Dacheng Hall is entering the main door, which door windows on both sides of the fireplace Beaulieu, smooth lines and shapes at one go, it is a masterpiece of wood carving. Dacheng Hall of Confucius Temple main hall, the middle shrine dedicated to the sage and teacher Confucius memorial tablet, hanging on "education for all" black gold plaque, dedicated to the four walls around with: Yan Zi, Zeng, Verifying and, Mencius, and twelve Zhe; Daeseongjeon Xieshan heavy roof Zhan, five wide width and depth of six bays, common pillars 42, located around cursory gallery, grand type system, careful and precise structure.



Taipei Confucius Temple is located Dalong Street Datong District, Chong Qing Emperor Guangxu reign (AD 1875) set in northern Taiwan House Taipei, Tainan started when Guangxu five years (AD 1879), then the Man Mo Temple built in the city of south Gate, two temples all facing south, Temple left, Wu Temple in the right, that is, the Confucius Temple in Taipei House . During

created, in Guangxu twenty years (AD 1894) Sino-Japanese War time, there have been ceded Taiwan to Japan, the Japanese army occupied the second year in Taiwan, began a decade during the Japanese occupation . Guangxu thirty-three years (AD 1907) to establish a Japanese language school, it will be dismantled Confucius Temple, and in the establishment of the first higher school for girls.


fourteen years to the Republic of China (AD 1925), Taipei gentry Huang Chan Jun, Chen bacon, Koo Hsien-jung, who once again invited to the temple and fundraising matters. In February the same year established the Preparatory Office of Taipei Temple building, raising a total of about 5,000 pyeong as a Confucian temple building base. (AD 1951), weaving Taipei Confucius Temple Management Committee, to promote the festival every year matters. To (AD 1971), by the administrative department of Taiwan's nuclear cross Taipei City Government took over, and in (AD 1972), the formal establishment of the Taipei Confucius Temple Management Committee, under the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Taipei Confucius Temple in Qufu adopt this temple building, beams doors and windows garnered lettering seem simple and solemn. Confucius Temple highlight the architectural features, its layout is in turn climbed officer Wall (Jiuquan street photo wall) Pan Chi, Ru Stargate, ceremonial gate, the Great Hall and Tsung shrine; the wall story from The Analects Confucius Temple is essential. It is a legend no one would dare to show off in front of Confucius in the article.

Taipei Confucius Temple also did the statue; reason from the Ming ordered to replace the tablets (due to different engraving techniques, can not express an air of Confucius) according to the unicorn symbol painted wall inner wall of the "auspicious" Great Hall of the main temple, hanging on now this plaque there is the highest principle of education for all through ancient penetration followed by education, mutual education ancient difficult to love, so sage and teacher of high status so far no one beyond.

Taipei Confucius Temple every year September 28 event will host the festival Kong Dadian, from idolatrous ceremonies begin, then line incense ceremony, San Xian, Zhu-Wen read, drink confer blessing by, hope Liao, and finally Send-off, complete the ritual procedure. Process, you can see wearing a dark purple Zen ceremonial clothing, deacon was offering to accompany the lead officer and other pious salute.

Taipei Confucius Temple

Ming festival Kong Dadian which follow ancient rites, dancers advance and retreat Ji Xu, show a different attitude instrument of Confucius Yiwu most attractive to foreign guests to the ceremony; except there was "intelligent pull hair", etc. special customs.

Chiang Kai-shek period

1945 years, China recovered Taiwan, Taiwan entered a new era, as China's traditional Confucian Temple re-valued.

20 1950, issued by the parent via Chiang Kai-shek "No Child Left Behind" plaque, the government will not only continue to follow for Confucius made since 1931, the responsibility of the public school Talungtung Taipei Folk Festival , but its scale, the most important festival official hierarchy. After

1952 years the re-conversion, and the official ceremonies to commemorate the birth of Confucius restructuring from August 27 each year September 28 of each year, on the same day longer than government ministers and Taipei Confucius Temple in Taipei Related festival held for Confucius. In the same year, will also Confucius's birthday ordained for the whole day off Taiwan's Teachers' Day.

In terms of buildings, administered by the government not only maintenance, and 1955 build three-story Minglun the right of the Confucius Temple, and was completed in September the following year, although its forms and regulations inconsistent with the Confucius Temple, caused considerable controversy. This building was rebuilt until 1990 was only trimmed.

1972 years, the Taipei Confucius Temple by the Koo (Koo Hsien-jung's son) and Chen Xiqing donated to the Taipei City Government on behalf of the Temple.


1992 Nian 1 10 May, Taiwan authorities of the temple were set at Taiwan's third-grade monuments.

September 23, 2006, Chen Weiying Rusi Hiromichi Temple, the Confucius Temple in Taipei handled in 1919, the last date Xianru Rusi, the first Rusi figure.

October 5, 2008, Ma Ying-jeou to attend the postponed due to typhoon Shih Tien ceremony, the ceremonial gate door into the incense. And awarded "Road intersection Deming" plaque. The second festival, also due to Ma Ying-jeou to attend the ceremony where Shih Tien six Yiwu, Yiwu changed to eight central level.

Today Taipei Confucius Temple a total area of ​​13,777 square meters, or about 5200 Ping, the temple was built in the area account for about 3,000 square meters, more than 1,400 US Ping. Easy set up recreational sports facilities in addition to the temple for worship for sightseeing, but also for the local recreational sports.

demolition and reconstruction

1895 In June 2009, Yi Wei early in the war, the Japanese capture of Taipei. In addition to Japan Taipei city government offices to use for other purposes each Yamen, but also the Qing Dynasty Taipei Confucius Temple temple is destroyed, and changed its name to Taipei Confucianism.

1907 years, the Taiwan Governor borrow corrected by the urban grounds, this official Confucius Temple, together with the city of Mo Temple and Tin Hau Temple and so legacy of Qing Han Chinese traditional architecture, all demolition and build Xu Wei Hospital. After that, the hospital moved to another, and then to the site of the first institutions of higher learning established in Taipei (now Taipei First Girls' High School).

1925 years, the political situation gradually stabilized, including Koo Hsien-jung, Chen bacon, yellow praise all, Chang-only, south of Hong Xie Yu Quan, Interaction of Two Chen days, Li sound dollar and many other Taiwanese gentry promote reconstruction Confucius Temple. Because Confucius Temple built for civil and Taiwan, as much religious believers Confucianism population, seek to fund-raising and other civil construction was not as smooth temples.

So, was built in the east side of Dalongdong Baoan Temple in Taipei Confucius Temple, after several years of work stoppage and return to work, only to be completed in 1939. But Yizhi climbed a wall built, Pan Chi, Ling Xing Gate, ceremonial gate, the Great Hall and Tsung shrine. Generally there must be Minglun Confucius Temple, Zhu Xi Temple, Wu Temple and build Kuige, it has failed because of lack of funds to build.

festival Kong Dadian

September 28 each year the birth of Confucius, the Confucius Temple in Taipei will hold a grand festival Kong Dadian, served as mayor was offering officer, Bureau of Civil Affairs official as correcting instrument, ritual of solemn silence, consul General of Taiwan.

1931 began during the Japanese occupation of the festival from Taipei Confucius Temple, was held at the Confucius Temple has not been fully completed. After the end of World War II in the 1950s, the Taipei Confucius Temple is not only the continuation of tradition, and expanding held. But students still existing large-yi Long elementary school students (former Talungtung public schools).

The so-called born-yi, is the worship ceremony hole, served as personnel Yiwu performances. "Yi" means that the ranks of ancient music and dance, six Yiwu refers to the six rows six, a total of thirty and six men to worship princes, eight Yiwu is eight rows eight, sixty four, with to worship the emperor. The difference is in addition to the number of line-up, only the former is the text of dance, the latter wen dance, dance Wenwugeyi Wu Wu and three kinds of Taipei Confucius Temple area because a smaller temple grounds, so with six Yiwu. Tai Lung small country has to maintain tradition as yi students, but there are difficult issues can not levy yi Qi 36 students in recent years, deep into the country's high school students are sometimes added in recent years to participate.

In addition to the raw yi, originally ceremonial National Taiwan Normal University Department of State and Department of Public training as students convened after the 1996 change Talungtung held by local people. Since the Taipei Confucius Temple in Taiwan is now the first in twelve Confucius Temple, China Taiwan region president usually appoints Minister of the Interior on behalf of the President of incense, read Christine Zhu-Wen, we were offering official cases held by Taipei mayor or designated representatives, offering sub-officer was the Director of the Taipei City government Bureau, the Taipei Confucius Temple management Committee, donated the land for the construction of the Confucius Temple family of Chen, on behalf of the Koo family. Taipei City Government for the promotion of Confucianism, increased participation in recent years, is inviting representatives of the people, mayor, municipal advisers, in the long representatives, teachers and merit Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other groups representing Confucianism served to accompany Jiguan.

As Confucius instrument used was a traditional ancient instruments, including: zhu, Yu, lyre, harp, stroke pat, Zhao Xun and drums and bells and so on. After the ceremony began, students have to play all kinds of music Gagaku, and dragon pole, lights, stove, ax, ax, fans, umbrellas, Zhen, Fu Jazz and confer disk, and other ritual echoes.

Further, sacra, early gift, gift points, so the final follow ancient rites for gift. Before the 1990s, after the hair pulling the offerings of gift (ox hair) of the hair pulling wisdom activity, but many people will participate in activities in Taipei. However, this activity was made in the 1990s to replace the wisdom of cake.

Confucius content

2007 September 28, 2557 Taipei Confucius Temple held anniversary of the birth of Confucius Shih Tien ceremony. Sacrificial Rites held five o'clock, seventy-ninth-generation grandson of Kung Tsui-chang after Confucius, Mencius seventy-fifth generation of entropy Sun Mengxiang Association, Zeng seventy-fifth-generation grandson, as actuaries Zeng Qinghong attended ritual.

according to ancient rites began at 6 to drum three strict curtain, positive (points) offer official position, sequentially Kai Fei, Mao bury blood, idolatrous, into the dishes, incense, OK San Xian, was offering up the official blessing by drinking confer, withdraw dishes, Send-off, burning and Sibo Zhu-Wen, Fei whole family, the ceremony is completed. Mencius, Zeng descendants of Japan on behalf of South Korea also attended the ceremony.


Taipei Confucius Temple is located Dalongdong, Hamilton Street area, using the ancient Chinese palace-style architecture, colorful tile dazzling. Taiwan is a major feature of the temple is built in imitation of Quanzhou Confucian Temple "orthodox style of South China Confucius Temple." Taipei Confucius Temple was first built in 1665 (Ming Yongli nineteen years), after the Japanese invasion of Taiwan were destroyed. In 1925, more than 200 people in Taipei patriots rally decided to rebuild the Confucius Temple, built in 1939. After repairs expansion, Confucius Temple has been restored towering old face. September 28 each year the birth of Confucius, the Confucius Temple in Taipei will hold a grand festival Kong Dadian. Scenes of solemn silence, it is amazing.

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