Home Technique Taizi River District

Taizi River District

Historical Procedures

The place name of the Taizi River is from the local river - Taizi River.

set up the suburbs of Liaoyang City in 1980.

On 10 May 1984, the State Council approval: the suburbs of Liaoyang renamed the Taizi River. Be named by the Taizi River in the territory.

In 1984, the Guanghui Village of Guanghui Village and the Prince River Township, Xiaoyu Hi Township. In 1994, Xiaoyu hometown was revoked and set up Qijia Town. In 1996, the area of ​​the Taizi River is 150 square kilometers, and the population is 100,000. Jurisdiction of 1 street, 1 town, 4 towns: Xinhua Street, Qijia Town, Taizi River Township, Wangshui Township, Tokyo Township, Dongning Township. District government in Youth Street.

in 1999, the Liaoning Provincial Government approval: revoke the Prince Horrent, the administrative villages under the jurisdiction, the adjacent street offices, including Xinmin Village, Dalinzi Village, Guanghui Village, Beiyuan Village , Xu Jizi Village, Han Han Village is divided into Baita District, which will be divided into the Wen Sheng District in Yumin Village, National Day Village, Prince River Village and Xinglong Village.

On January 8, 2002, the Liaoning Provincial Government approved the revocation of Wangshuai Township and set up a Shuotai Street Office. After adjustment, the prince river jurisded 2 streets, 1 town, 2 towns: Xinhua Street, Wangshui Street, Qijia Town, Tokyo Township, Dongning Wi Township. The administrative region of Qijia Town is handed over to Liaoyang Economic Development Zone.

2004, the Liaoning Provincial Government approved: Eight Tree Community Neighborhood Committee (0.42 square kilometers of regional area) in the Xinhua Sub-district Office of Prince River District (0.42 square kilometers). After the district adjustment, the area area of ​​the Prince River is 147.58 square kilometers, the magnificent area area is 59.06 square kilometers.

October 18, 2009, the Liaoning Provincial Government agreed to pick up the village of Zhangzizi Town, Lighthouse City, the high-yard Wall Village, and Luo Tao Town Jishang Village. Judging Township Township. After the district adjustment, the administrative area of ​​the Prince River area is 165.6 square kilometers (including 64.52 square kilometers in the Dongjing Ling Township), jurisdiction over 2 streets, 1 town, 2 towns: Xinhua Street, Wangshuai Street, Qijia Town, Tokyo Ling Township, Dongning Wi Township. District Government in Xinhua Street Youth Street 57.

In 2011, the Xinhua Street was placed in Baita District, and the Tokyo Ling Township was divided into the Holy District of Liaoyang County, Wangjia Town, Lighthouse City, Tiexi Street in Baotao District (Excluding the new people community and the dawn area of ​​the Nippleding community). After adjustment, the Prince River area increased from 165 square kilometers to 273 square kilometers.

Administrative divisions

As of 2012, the Taizihe District gave 2 streets, 3 towns, 1 township: Wangshuai Street, Tiexi Street, Qijia Town, Shaling Town, Wangjia Town, Dongning Township. No. 57, District Government in Youth Street.

Geography Environment


The Taizi River is located in the middle of the Liaodong Peninsula, located in the western part of Liaoyang Old Town, and has a long railway in white tower. Wen Shengzhi sees the Taizi River, located at 123 ° 18 'north latitude of 123 ° 18', with a total area of ​​2,73.99 square kilometers.

太子 区

Climate characteristics

Taizi River District belongs to the temperate continental season wind climate area, four seasons clear, precipitation has been 739.7mm, the annual change is large, more concentrated From January to September, accounting for about 73% of the year, the rumor is in spring; the evaporation amount is 1725.1mm, due to the monsoon effect, the maximum evaporation of the year, accounting for 32.6% of the year. The average temperature is 8.4 ° C; the highest temperature is 38 ° C, the lowest temperature is 33.7 ° C; the average annual mesh is 2512.5 hours, 10 ° C is 10 ° C, the average annual mean is 3,500.8 ° C, more than 160 days of the average frozen soil 1.1M In the winter and spring, it is the northwest wind, and the summer is mostly the southeast wind.


The river is 413 kilometers long, 143 kilometers in the territory, and the basin area is about 4,000 square kilometers, accounting for 85% of the total area of ​​Liaoyang. There are more rivers in the territory of the Taizi River, of which is more than 24 of the tributation of more than 10 kilometers. From the north, East, South three sides into the Taizi River, forming to the heart.

Natural resources

There is a coal, limestone, river stone, clay such as coal, limestone, river, clay.

Population national

As of 2012, the total population of the Prince River District is 160,900, mainly in the Han nationality.

According to the seventh population census data, as of November 1, 2020, the occupational population of the Prince River is 13,4604.

Economic Development


In 2013, the total production value of the Prince River area achieved 7.3 billion yuan, an increase of 10.3% from 2012; fixed asset investment realization 5.3 billion yuan, more than 43.2% from 2012; public fiscal budget revenue achieved 460 million yuan, according to the increase of 1.5% compared to the caliber; the per capita disposable income of urban and towns realized 21180 yuan, an increase of 9% from 2012; peasant per capita net income realizes 15342 yuan A 17% increase in 2012.

In 2019, the total production value of the Prince River District achieved 6 billion yuan; the total retail sales of social consumer goods achieved 3.5 billion yuan; the disposable income of urban and rural resident residents achieved 2,6599 yuan and 16692 yuan respectively.

2020, the GDP region has a total value of 5.645 billion yuan, according to the unchanging price, a year-on-year increase of 4.5%. Among them, the first industry is 860 million yuan, an increase of 2.488 billion yuan, an increase of 8.8%; the tertiary industry is 2.295 billion yuan, an increase of 0.7%.

First Industry

As of 3800 mu, glutinous rice and other high-quality high-quality and high-quality crops, new development facilities, and 8 new varieties, promotion 15 new technology. 15 years of cultivation of Agricultureal faucets such as Jiahe Flower, Zhongkulin frogs; 83 professional cooperatives, driving 5342 farmers employment. Investing 4.33 million yuan, complete 4 agricultural comprehensive development projects; 523 acres of drip irrigation section. The total power of agricultural machinery reached 42,000 kilowatts.

As of 2013, the high-quality and high-quality high-quality crops such as glutinous rice, blueberries, including 3,000 mu of food high-yield demonstration zone, 2000 mu, rice machine transplant, 35,000 mu, input 17.76 million yuan, complete 3 farmland water infrastructure projects. Realize the land flow transfer of 40,000 mu, 12 new farmers' professional cooperatives, 4 agricultural machinery cooperation, 13 family farms; Shuntian Agricultural Machinery Cooperative was rated as 3 farmers professional cooperatives such as national demonstration, Xinnong Park Provincial demonstration agency. Newly built, and the standardized farming community is changed.

The second industry

As of 2009, the increase in industrial added value above the main model of the Prince River has achieved 1.3.5% year-on-year, the added value is 1 billion yuan, accounting for More than 85% of the industrial added value above the size is 85%. Implemented 15 technological transformation, 17 new products; 2 national famous brand products, 2 famous trademarks.

As of 2013, 71 industrial enterprises above 71 industrial enterprises were 83 billion yuan, an increase of 5% from 2012. Among them: the four major industries of equipment manufacturing, automotive parts, chemical, metallurgy and metal processing have played a leading role, and the output value accounts for 84% of the total industrial output. Provincial high-tech companies have developed to 10.

Tertiary industry

As of 2011, the princes of the prince introduced 11S shops such as Audi, Subaru, the development of car sales enterprises to 17, sales revenue achieved 1.3 billion yuan. Introducing 4 logistics enterprises such as Sanli, Heaven and other logistics enterprises, professional transportation enterprises have developed to 19, and the employees have reached 3,000, and the profit tax is 10 million yuan. Adhere to trade, commercial and residential, industrial real estate, real estate enterprises have developed to 20, and the construction area reached 1430,000 square meters. Service industry has developed to more than 170. The added value of the service industry is 3.39 billion yuan, accounting for 54.7% of the total GDP proportion.

As of 2013, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the Prince River area achieved 2.12 billion yuan, an increase of 14% from 2012. Among them: car sales enterprises have developed to 26, the turnover reached 1 billion yuan; the new development of real estate is 600,000 square meters, sales reached 93 million yuan; the local Jia warehouse logistics warehouse capacity reached 300,000 cubic meters; total investment of 190 million yuan The Kangtai logistics project is about to start construction, and the logistics operation vehicle in the region reaches 3,000 units.

Social career

Cultural undertakings

As of 2012, the Prince River District sent 3,200 people to the masses, 1700 games, and won the "Liaoning Provincial People" Sports Advanced Unit "title, Dongning Township won the title of" National Civilization Village ".

As of 2013, the Prince River District launched the massatic cultural and sports activities, sending a cultural and going to the countryside, and the film is 730; the Taizi River district hat dance, the prince river drum is included in the city's intangible cultural heritage Directory.

Educational business

There is a second high school middle school in Liaoyang City, the eighth middle school, the eighth middle school in Liaoyang City, etc.

As of 2009, the Prince River District invests 3.33 million yuan, focusing on 18 standardized laboratories, 20 multimedia classrooms, "Double High Pujiu" high score passed the provincial examination acceptance.

As of 2012, the Prince River District has putted 37.6 million yuan, completed 9 primary and secondary school parallel schools, 7 campus landscaping projects and 68 laboratory, multimedia room construction, won the "Liaoning Province Double Gao Pu" The title of Jiuyi Education Advanced Unit.

As of 2013, the Central Primary School of Qijia Town, the Prince of the Prince has started construction, and the early procedures of Xu Junzi primary schools in Tiexi Street have been basically completed, and 900 square meters of public kindergarten has been put into use.

Medical and health

As of 2012, there were 152 health institutions at all levels of the Qijia Town Hospital, the Prince River District, Prince River District. The new rural cooperative consolidation rate reached 100%, and the total amount of subsidized funds were issued by 40 million yuan, and the beneficiary of 150,000 people. The District Counsel Association was rated as "National Advanced Unit".

Social security

As of 2011, the small balance of 3.35 million yuan, training unemployed personnel, 1560 lost farmers, adding real name system, 5866 employment, urban registration The unemployment rate is controlled within 2.9%. Implement a new rural social pension insurance and urban residents' pension insurance. Actively build a harmonious labor relationship, the signing rate of the labor contract reaches 98%. Purifying the payment and rescue funds of 14.1 million yuan, 6,500 people have been rescued. Solve 102 urban difficult groups in urban urban difficulties through low-rent housing pathways, 33 domestic rural poor households, repair houses.

As of 2013, 3,550 new real names have been added in the Prince River area, establishing a low-end policy, and issued urban and rural low insurance funds by 18 million yuan, and 7751 people have been rescued. To build a house for 48 domestic dangerous buildings, poor households. Issue a subsidy of 125,000 elderly people, 500 disabled accessories have been issued in place. All the rural drinking water safety projects were completed, 9900 people's drinking water safety issues were completely solved; 1,000 granary has been completed; relying on the development zone, training and transferring 900 rural labor force.


As of 2009, the Taizihe District completed 4295 households' authentication rights. The highway is overhaul 21.9 kilometers, 10 green villages, and 2 communities.

As of 2011, the Prince River District puts funds 18.42 million yuan, new construction, 39 kilometers of rural roads, and 5 maintenance bridges, 3 kilometers from rural road drainage projects. Carry out the "four-way" project, investing 530,000 yuan, beautify, and lighted the community.

As of 2012, the prince of the Taizihe District has invested 10 million yuan, 10 green villages, and 10 community. Implement 108 new rural construction projects, and rural cleaning urbanization models extend to 23 villages. The new road mileage is 75.5 kilometers, and the maintenance road is 110 kilometers. The accumulation of 4,500 mu of afforestation, and 5,000 mu of Yanshan Yuling.


The long railway of the Taizi River area has taken the north and south, the Liaoni Railway is in the abstinence, the Shen Da Expressway crossing the territory, south of the camps, Dalian Port, Northern Taoxian Airport.

Tourism Resource

Prince River Scenic Area

Taizi River Scenic Area is located on the bank of Liaoyang City, Taisiha, Northern Section, South to Growsey Bridge 3260 meters full length. Western and urban areas, the East and Hedong Village are in the village, with average of 750 meters wide, with a total area of ​​240 hectares.

Prince of the Scenic Area in 1991, the initiative, and opened to tourists in 1992. On the basis of preserving the original vegetation, 33 varieties of 4,542 trees, 14 varieties of 7412 flowers, 3 hectares of lawns. Construct 350 square meters of square, 3400 meters away. There is a natural bathhouse of 40,000 square meters, 60 meters of flower shelf, 530 meters fence, 1855 square meters of shops. There is also a circular pavilion in which there are different styles, dividends, combined pavilions, four-way pavilion, hexagonal pavilion, octagonal pavilion and small buildings, sculptures, etc. There are also 13 attractions such as Dragmate, Longwang Yedund Site and water yacht.

Guangyou Temple Big Buddha

Guangyou Temple Big Buddha is the highest in the world, the largest wooden Sakyamuni Buddha is like a total of 21.48 meters, "21" meaning In the 21st century, "48" is a memoram day of the Buddha April. Buddha statues must be 4.48 meters high, and there is a "legal source map" and "released to the deduction". The Buddha is 17 meters high, and the spiral bun is 325 in the head. Only the face is 28 square meters, the ear is 3 meters, and the open palm can stand 8 people, and the slightly curved finger is equivalent to a high size of an adult. . Sakyamuni Buddha is sitting on a repeated lotus, its shape is simple, dignified, peaceful, solemn. The right hand is lifted to the golden beauty, to show the Fa-control eye, and the heart is wonderful, and it will be broadcased; the left hand and the head print, to show the Buddha's compassion.

Buddha statue, the design plan follows the Mahayana Buddhism "to create a Buddha metric" standard. Buddha statues adopt traditional "wood carving paint gold Zhu Jin" crafts, choose high quality camphor, wild Ning Ma, original paint, Chennian tile powder, etc. natural materials and 24K full gold, after sculpture, natural dry

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