Home Technique Treatment and utilization of solid waste

Treatment and utilization of solid waste


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Solid waste treatment and use

Disposal And Utilization of solid Wastes

Controlling environmental pollution and engineering technology and management measures to recover resources from solid waste.

Development brief history

Solid waste treatment and use has a long history, early 3000 ~ 1000 BC, the ancient Greek Minos Civilization, Crete The capital of Nosas, which is garbage, buried in the large pit. However, the solid waste in most ancient cities is arbitrary, and the year has been buried in the year, and even the city is buried. Some cities are later rebuilt on the ruins. The ingredients of Bath City in British are 4 to 7 meters higher than it in an ancient Roman time.

In order to protect the environment, the ancient Some cities promulgated to manage garbage, "garbage must go to the distance, the violation of the people". In 1384, the British promulgated prohibition of poured garbage into the river. The Scottish Cities of Edinburgh have a large wasteland in the 18th century and sells waste classification. In 1874, the British built into the world's first incinerator, after the garbage incineration, the embers were filled. In 1875, the UK issued a public health law, which regulates the local government to centrally dispose of garbage. The earliest treatment is mainly landfilled or incinerated.

Treatment and utilization of solid waste

China, India and other Asian countries have used feces and use of waste composting methods since ancient times.

After entering the 20th century, with the development of productivity, the population is further concentrated to the city (the population of 100 years ago in the countryside, now 80% of the population is in the city), the consumption level is rapid, solid waste is discharged The amount has increased dramatically and has become a serious environmental issue. After the mid-1960s, environmental protection is attached importance to the rapid development of pollution control technology. It is generally formed a series of disposal methods. In the 1970s, the United States, the United Kingdom, German Federal Republic, France, Japan and other countries have been tension in the waste placement, and the resource cycle is proposed for the lack of resources. In order to strengthen the management of solid waste, many countries have established specialized management organs and scientific research institutions to study the source, nature, characteristics, and environmental hazards of solid waste, and study technology and management measures for solid waste, recycling, utilization. And develop a variety of regulations and environmental standards, publishing the relevant books. The treatment and utilization of solid waste gradually became an important part of environmental engineering.

Disposal method

The main disposal method of solid waste is shown in Table 1 [Solid Waste Main Disposal Method].

Utilization of Ways

Solid waste is: 1 utilize mineral waste as building materials, road engineering materials, padding materials, metallurgy, chemical and light industry industrial raw materials. 2 Recycling energy from the waste containing carbon, oil or other organic substances. 3 Use waste containing soil or plants or compounds as soil modifiers and fertilizers.

Administrative measure

Main measures to control solid waste pollution and use solid waste resources are:

1 reform production process, raise waste: Improve product quality, Production of products with long service life makes the items soon become waste. Use a fine material to reduce waste emissions during the production process. For example, in the mineralization process, improve iron ore gradation, can reduce the slag and coke, thereby reducing the emissions of blast furnace slag. After the industrial advanced countries use this method, the blast furnace residue emissions can be reduced more than half.

2 Developing material circulation utilization process: reform the traditional process, develop material circulation utilization process, so that the waste of the first product, becomes the raw material of the second product, so that the waste of the second product is also Become a raw material for the production of the third product, etc., and finally there is only a small amount of waste to discharge into the environment, which can achieve economic, environmental and social multifaceted benefits.

3 The solid waste is included in the resource management range: formulate solid waste resource policy and encourage the use of solid waste policies. Establish a solid waste resource system, incorporate waste of waste applications into resource distribution plans; waste that is temporarily unavailable is stored as a backup resource.

4 Developing Solid Wastes: Policies for prevention and treatment of solid waste and use solid waste through legislative means. Some countries have developed solid waste management regulations and environmental standards.

Development trend

In order to protect environmental and development, many countries continue to take new measures and new technologies to handle and utilize solid waste. Mining waste is developed from low-lying and developing into mining land recovery, safe building dams. Industrial waste develops from negative stacking to comprehensive utilization. Urban waste from artificial collection, transportation to mechanization, automation and pipeline collection; from uncontrolled landfill, development to health landfill, filter loop down; from open incineration and use incinerators, develop to recycled energy Incineration, medium temperature and high temperature decomposition, etc., developed from compression molding into high pressure compression molding. Urban organic waste and agricultural organic waste are also used to make biogas recovery energy. Industrial harmless slag develops from quarantine to chemical fixation and chemical transformation to prevent pollution. The total trend is to achieve the reinvolution of waste from the negative disposal.

Subselecting the urban waste. According to the chemical, physical properties, such as specific gravity, electromagnetic, color, return elasticity, flammability, etc., re-use, and recovered metal, glass, Papermaking raw materials, plastic, etc., while recovering thermal energy and combustible gases.

For industrial waste, most of them are used as a comprehensive utilization of resources. Since the 1970s, it has been exploited by more than 40 million tons of steel slag and blast furnace slag each year. The slag, such as the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Belgium, and Germany, is also available in the same year. China, the utilization rate of the Soviet high slag is more than 70%, and Japan is 85%. Japan, Denmark and other countries have taken all the fly ash, the US utilization rate is 20%, and the current situation and development trend of 10% solid waste treatment method is shown in Table 2 [Solid waste treatment method status and development trend].


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