Home Technique Ultrasonic leak detector

Ultrasonic leak detector

The working method of ultrasonic gas leakage detection principle

If a container or pipeline is filled with gas, when the internal pressure is stronger than the external pressure, due to the large pressure difference between the internal and external Leakage hole, the gas will rush out from the leak hole. When the size of the leak hole is small and the Reynolds number is high, the rushing gas will form turbulence, and the turbulence will generate a certain frequency of sound waves near the leak hole. The frequency of the sound wave vibration is related to the size of the leak hole. When the leak hole is large, the human ear The air leakage sound can be heard. When the leakage hole is small and the sound wave frequency is greater than 20kHz, the human ear can not hear it, but they can spread in the air and are called no-load ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound is a high-frequency and short-wave signal, and its intensity decays rapidly as the propagation distance increases. Ultrasound has directivity. Using this feature, you can determine the correct leak location. R-0501 can work in passive and main dynamics. When conducting real-time inspection of gas pipelines, it can be used alone to capture the tiny ultrasonic signals generated when the gas leaks, and the correct leak location can be judged. This way of working is called being dynamic.

When R-0501 is used in conjunction with T-0501 (ultrasonic signal generator), the inspected object can be inspected in non-real time, that is, T-0501 (ultrasonic signal generator) emits a certain frequency Once the ultrasonic signal leaks, the ultrasonic will leak out through the leak. Use R-0501 to capture the leaked ultrasonic signal to determine the correct leak location. This way of working is called the main dynamic. Compared with the dynamic working mode, the main dynamic working mode is not suitable for real-time inspection, but it has higher reliability.


Leak inspection of tires and pipelines

Leak inspection of heating system

Inspection of internal leakage of steam

Inspection of air leakage of compressor

Leak inspection of refrigerator, air-conditioning system, etc. . The R-0501 detector is suitable for the detection of vacuum leaks and pressure leaks. Once the refrigerant leaks, ultrasonic waves are generated. Using R-0501 can accurately detect the location of the leak.

Leak inspection of engine seal

Knowledge of arc. Arcs will generate ultrasonic waves of multiple frequencies. In this case, it is recommended to use PVC ultrasonic radio tubes. Bearing inspection, etc.

Detection of electrical discharge of switchgear, transformers, insulation devices, circuit breakers, relays, busbars, etc.

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