Home Technique University of Washington Medical College

University of Washington Medical College

School Introduction

Washington University School of Medicine is the only medical school established in Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho and Waitawang, Wazhou, shoulders Important teaching tasks of five state medical students. Washington University School of Medicine is well equipped, teaching facilities are located in more than 100 counties and cities in five states. Before entering the University of Washington University School, as a cooperative college, the medical school is first in various states, such as the University of Alaska, Idahu University, Monthae University, Wyoming University and Washington State University Learning university first grade basic course. , Then enter the University of Washington to continue to study. Washington University School of Medicine has a US Department of Haiwei Medical Center, Washington University Medical Center, Northwest Hospital, Seven Medical Center, Washington University, also has Seattle Cancer Medical Alliance, Child University Medical Group.

Institute set

Compare Medicine Department

Department Deta Medicine


Occupational treatment


Children's Department < TD>

psychiatry and best sciences

Institute set

Medical system

< P> Medicine

Comparrative Medicine

Global Health Series

Global Health

Medical Health Line

Health Services

Family Medicine

Family Medicine

Anesthesiology department




Home and Child care unit

Family and child Nursing

Oral Medicine

Dental Hygiene

Medical Health Management

health service administration

laboratory medical department

Laborative Medicine


Nervine Sciences


Nerveood Sciences


Nutrition Science Department

Nutritional Sciences

Obstetrics and Women's Sciences

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Occupation and Environmental Medicine Series

occupational and environmental Medicine

occupational therapy



Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Department

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

< P> Oral Health Sciences

Oral Health Sciences


Oral Medicine


Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

otolaryngology - Head and NECK SURGERY

Pathological Biology


Department of Pathology


Children's Teeth Medicine

Pediatric Dentistry


Department of Periodics


Physiological Behavior Care and Health System Series

Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Prosthetic and Orthopedic Science Department

prosthetics and orthotics

Psychiatric and behavioral science department

Psychology and Community Health Department

psychosocial And Community Health

Radiation Oncology


Radiation Science Department


Rehabilitation Medicine

Rehabilitation Medicine

Dental Repair Literature

restorative dentistry

Urology series

< P> UroLogy

Medical Surgery Department


Discipline ranking

US News Weekly Rank Integrated Outpatient Medical For 12 consecutive years, the United States ranked first, dental school ranking second, public health management college ranking fourth, research Sixth Medical Ranking, Medical Nursing Academy ranked first in 2001. Her medical and medical care is the top top in the United States. The two rankings are the first, and they are the first in medical professionals. She is the only school in TOP-10 in the United States. It is the United States. One of the most funded by the Health Sciences funds.

Medical (Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy): The world ranked 3rd, with Harvard University, surpass John Hopkins University, Columbia University, Cambridge University, London University College , Stanford University, Yale University, Oxford University, University of London, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, Toronto University, Munich University, Tokyo University and University of Chicago.

University of Washington Medical College

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