Home Technique USB1.1



The popularity and demand of USB external devices. In September 1998, USBIF proposed the USB1.1 specification to amend USB1.0, mainly amending small technical details, with a bandwidth of 12Mbps. USB1.1 is downward compatible with USB1.0, so for general users, they cannot feel the difference between USB1.1 and USB1.0 specifications.

The highest transmission rate of USB1.1 is 12Mbps, which is the "Full-Speed USB" in the current USB2.0 standard. Some manufacturers label their products as "USB2.0 Full-Speed". Be careful not to misunderstand "Full-Speed" as "High-Speed". The real maximum transfer rate of USB2.0 High-Speed is 480Mbps.

Upgrade method

Most old computers are equipped with USB1.1 interface. In order to achieve a higher speed, you need to upgrade to USB2.0. There are currently two methods:

1. Replace the motherboard by upgrading the motherboard.

2. By adding a USB2.0 pcI card (two ports and four ports), plug it into the PCI slot of the motherboard. This method can reach a transmission speed slightly lower than USB2.0 full speed but much higher than USB1.1.

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