Home Technique Venezue


People Introduction

Venezuelan, Multi-letter Catholic, a few people believe in Jewish, Islam and Orthodox Church. Indians are divided into many branches, mainly with Guakro, Alavak, Alavak, Walai, Karibi, Mapri, Piyala, Motong People, Kumanogo, Gan Dul, Guhviv, Gua Yu, Hirah Hira, Malacana, Mali, Omargua, Otto, Pallen Ka, Pari, Kiriki, Saliva, Terv, Timot, Solka. Most people retain traditional culture and beliefs.

The number of human species is

Indo-HOSCH is 51.6%, the white people are 43.6%, the black man is 3.6%, and the Indian is 3.2%. Indo-European mixed seeds mainly gathered in the coastal and pleasant cities and petroleum industrial areas, and mixed-born are generally distributed in coastal areas, Maraki-wave low and mainland states. In the middle of the 16th century, Venezuela became a Spanish colony. After a long-term struggle, it announced independent in 1811. Since 1819, it has become part of the Republic of Big Chorch, and the Republic of China is built in 1830.


Agricultural development

Approximately 20% of the Venezuelans are engaged in agriculture, planting corn, rice, wheat, coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, flax, cotton, etc. The animal husbandry in the grassland is relatively developed, breeder, pig, sheep, etc. Since the 1920s, the petroleum industry has always been the main body of the economy; the light industry is more developed. Venezuelans have a rich private creation from Indian cultural traditions. Clero Music is quite popular, the mainland is mainly in Indian music, and there is an impact on African music in coastal areas. There are unique handicrafts from all over the world. All old towns have traces of the architectural style of Spain. Urban residents wear continental clothing, men's clothes are generally pastel, and women's clothing is bright. Sorceaste white aristocratic woman mimics the popular style of the ancient Spanish, wearing black costumes. Rural residents wear more earth clothing, blue, white is mainly; men's clothing is a fat pants, shirts and belts, wearing a width straw hat, women's clothing is a fat dress or short top, skirt.

Humanistic style

Venezuela's urban architectural plan is Spanish, and the city's new area is mostly high-rise buildings, there are luxurious homes, and there are slums. There are many styles of rural houses, some are two beautiful buildings, some are bungalows built with bricks and cement, some are hunters. Venezuelans usually wear more casual. In formal occasions, men and women wear in a suit, shoes. Indians' costumes have a lot of costumes, they rarely wear a suit.

The etiquette of the residents is similar to other European and American countries, and when friends meet each other and to greet each other. There is also a close friend, and when you meet, you have to hug and kiss your cheeks. Also in the same time. Venezuelans attached great importance to the title of meeting, and considered to be decent name, indicating that respect for others is the basic etiquette requirements. The general title is Mr. and Mrs. Miss.

In diplomacy, any woman in Venezuela can be called "lady". Venezuelans value the title of their title, generally to add administrative positions or academic titles before calling. It is invited to visit the Venezuela, it is best to give the hostess to some gifts in advance, and then send a thank you letter afterwards. In the friends who have met each other, men like friends to send a pen or other office supplies. For ladies, give them a bunch of orchids, it is the best to meet, because the orchid is the national flower of Venezuela, it symbolizes a rustic and enthusiastic friendship. The custom of Venezuela is the same as the Western, taboo and the same or similar in Latin America such as Mexico.

With the initial exchange of the Venezuelan, it is best to observe the other party is the European descent or an indigenous Indians, and then deal with them according to their different customs. When the Venezuelan talked, I liked it very close, and some people came to face the opponent's nose. When I conversed, I might pinch each other's shoulder, and I mighty the opponent's neck, and the acquaintances often grab the other party's hands. . The foreign guests don't have to be very surprised, because this is the local residents expressed the close habits.

Venezuelans are very particular in social situations, in the official occasion, even if the weather is hot, men and women should wear in the suit, take a tie, and wear shoes. The suite of the male terrier, it is best to be three-piece suit, the color is good in dark, in the white shirt, the hem of the shirt is to put into the trousers, fasten the sleeve and collapse. The semi-selection of semage can be selected according to their own conditions, should be equipped with a variety of shirts or underwear, tape or not tape, but the trousers or sleeves should pay attention to the color harmonic of the shirt.

Venezuelans generally only invite close friends to their home. At the invitations of Venezuela, it is best to send some flowers or candies to the owner or the hostess in advance, and it can be brought to him. Afterwards, I will send a thank you. Venezuelan is based on Western food, but the local traditional cooking method and seasoning are drawn. The main food of the guest has rice, corn pizza, bean food, beef, pork, fish, shrimp, seaweed, poultry, poultry, vegetables, fruits, etc. Beverages have coffee; tea, milk, Coca-Cola, beer, liquor and various fruit wine, etc. Venezuelan is invited to eat and toast, according to local customs, and wait for the owner to seek toast.

Baseball is one of the most popular sports projects in Venezuela, there are many people in the local area to the United States, and the second largest overseas player in the US duty wanders (second only to Dominican Republic, more than Puerto Rico). Venezuela also has an occupational baseball alliance. In 2006, the champion of the Caribbean contest was obtained with six-win-lost achievements, compared to other South American countries, football was never prevalent in Venezuela, which is the weakest country in the South American Football Association.

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