Home Technique Virgin Sky Cathedral

Virgin Sky Cathedral


Cathedral of the Assumption located in downtown klyazma river rock steep high ground, is Russia's oldest church. To the 12th century popular local "colorless artificial gems building structure" is known, it is one of the 12th century Russian architecture's greatest creation. During the 12-15 century, Tsar were crowned here. In the communist period excommunication, only the people of this church is still open the door, respected Orthodox. By the 19th century, since the original church no longer used, to the right of the original church built of white stone church. Inside the church there are cultural centers, libraries and so on.

Virgin Sky Cathedral

decorated with white stone cathedral on "Alexander the Macedonian heaven" and other stone screen, as well as Lion's Head and women head relief, symbolizing Christ eternal life, but also that the church for Our Lady of worship. Watercolor mural west of the church "Last Judgment", some are preserved. Inside the church the burial of Grand Duke Vladimir and Bishop 12 to 13 century and so on.

Opening hours

Working hours: 13: 30--16: 30, Monday holiday.


Address:. B Moskovskaya St, Sobornaye Sq.

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