Home Technique Vonnoyan system

Vonnoyan system

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Feng Niman is: the number of digital computers adopts binary; the computer should be implemented in order.

  • The basis of binary is calculated as a computer value, represents a value of 0, 1. The decimal counting method that is commonly used in human beings is not used, and the binary makes the computer easy to implement the calculation of values.

  • The order of execution of the program, that is, the program is pre-edited, and then the computer is calculated in advance in advance in programs.

function and composition

According to a computer composed of the Von Niman architecture, it must have the following functions:

  • Send the needs and data to your computer.

  • must have the ability to have long-term memory programs, data, intermediate results, and final calculation results.

  • can complete the capacity of data processing processing such as various arithmetic operations, logical operations, and data transfer.

  • can control the program as needed, and can coordinate operations according to the components of the instruction control machine.

  • can output the processing result to the user as required.

To implement the above functions of the computer, the computer must have five basic components, including:

Vonnoyan system

  • operator: used for Complete data processing processing such as various arithmetic operations, logical operations, and data transfer.

  • controller: The execution of the control program is the brain of the computer. The operator and controller constitute a computer's central processor (CPU). The controller operates according to the instruction sequence (program) stored in the memory, and executed by a program counter control instruction. The controller has the ability to determine the ability to select different workflows based on the calculation results.

  • memory: used for memory programs and data, such as memory. Programs and data are not differentiated in the memory in the form of binary code, and the storage location is determined by the address.

  • Enter device: Used to enter data or programs into your computer, for example: mouse, keyboard.

  • Output device: Display the processing result of the data or program to the user, for example: a display, a printer.

The five major basic components are controlled by instructions, and data is transmitted between different components, as shown in FIG.

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