Home Technique Vulture


Institutional responsibilities

Support Francisco Franco, combating the Republicans of Spain in Spain. There is also the responsibility of training and testing new weapons.

Historical Level

Historical Background

Most of the Spanish army in Spain in Morocco, due to the Republicans master the Navy, Franco can only use The air transportation method transports his army to its native. Hitler offers three JU 52 transport aircraft to Franco.

The front of the two sides of the operation in October 1936 is basically flattening. With the help of the International Columns dispatched by the Soviet, France and the US Communist Party, the Republican army is even started on some fronts, so Hitler decided to 10 On the 30th, the Air Force is reinforced to the Franco.

officially established

November 6, 1936 Huo Shile will be appointed as the Legion Commander. In the name, he obeys the highest commander of Spain, in fact, he can independently determine the warfare. The personnel of the general legion are about 5,000, never more than 5,600 people.

On November 7, 1936, the first batch of 694 soldiers were sent to Seville, they arrived on November 16. These soldiers did not know where they went, they firmly believe that they were sent to Gdansk. In that winter, Hitler sent approximately 4,500 Air Force Legion to Spain, including three bombing brigts (JU 52 transporter modification), three fighter brigade (HE 51 fighter), a investigation brigade (12 He 70), four Heavy high-tech gun, two light high cannons, a communication and ground person. All German soldiers who have been in Spain were being built in this army, and the Legion officially won the name of the Vulture Corps, of which the Air Force was the main military species.

In January 1937, the Legion received 100 Imoding Tanks of William Von Toma Middle School orders, these tanks were only used to train. Germans continue to replace Spain people, which make the most proliferable personnel to get practical experience, and the German soldiers served in Spain at the end of the civil war between 15,000 to 20,000.


Since 1937, the Vulture Corps participated in all important battles in civil war, especially the inexperienced bombing of G'nika, this city is located The Republican army supported the Transport line of Biel bag, which bombarded the city almost completely destroyed, and many civilians were killed. Afterwards, Picasso created his famous painting "Gerna" in this matter.

New Weapons

All participating countries are tested here in the actual effect of their latest weapons here. Germany uses the He 111 bomber and the famous JU 87 dive bomber. By using the new Mercet Schmidt BF 109 Fighter Vulture BF 109 Fighter Vulture. The Air Force support on the most important battle is very important to the ending of the civil war. Although the Republican army has an advantage of the number of aircraft, these aircraft scattered on the entire front of the front, failed to get the victory of the Vulture Corps.


German Air Force's 74th fighter brigade is named by a pilot Vernner Merdels in the Vulture Eagle Legion.

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