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Warsaw Old Town

City History

Poland Capital Warsaw is located in the heart of Europe, the central plain of Poland, is the slope of Soil and Water and Water and Water and Water Soil in the Visura River. The city across the Rivers, the history, history has been political, administrative centers, is now the national capital and the main provincial capital.

The 10th century and 11th century has a resident. In 1280, the Duke of Mazovawa established Warsaw. At that time, it was a medieval town in the Viswa River, and the Duke built the castle to control the Visura River. This is the logo of Warsaw Old Town began to develop. 1344 Warsaw became the capital of Mazovaa. 15 The Dubs of the 15th Real Episode was built in Warsaw, and the urban function was quickly and improved. The political status became more and more. In 1596, Poland Wangcheng migrated from Krakow to Warsaw, since then, Warsaw became the capital of Poland, political and cultural center. The 1456 and 1702 Warsaw twice were destroyed by Swedes and was rebuilt. At the beginning of the 18th century, it was taken from foreign rule for more than 200 years. At the end of the 18th century, Warsaw became the largest city in Europe. He has been a Poland capital in 1919. In 1920, the population of more than one million, is one of the European big cities at the beginning of 1920. The Second World War was seriously destroyed by the German Nazi air strikes and rebuilt rapid war. In 1949, the first batch of buildings were built around 1949, and July 22, 1953 held a grand transfer ceremony, and the entire project was completed in 1963.

The final stage of the second battle, Warsaw held an anti-Nazi occupant uprising, after the uprising failed, Hitler ordered Warsaw from eating from Earth. 90% of the old city was destroyed. After the war, the first batch of buildings were rapidly reconstructed in 1949, and July 22, 1953 held a grand transfer ceremony, and the entire project was completed in 1963. By 1966, all the commemorative buildings of all Old Town were re-constructed in accordance with the 14th to 18th centuries.

City layout

According to the planning of the Warsaw Reconstruction Office, the reconstruction project is fully based on historical literature as the construction basis, and the focus of 1939 to 1944, the monument to protect the file, Give full play to historians, architects, cultural relics protection workers' scientific knowledge and professional specialties, and strive to restore Warsaw Old Town to the construction scale and appearance of the late 18th century. Reconstruction projects include: repairing the old town market, townhouse, old city wall, royal castle, and important church and other buildings. In addition to the overall planning and architectural appearance, the internal decor of all buildings is also recovered according to the original appearance of the 18th century. While designing and construction workers have re-recovering the internal recovery of Poland celebrity and many historic buildings, the number of historical buildings, and the need for tourists, and the school students have the need to re-planning and functional transformation, so that It has become more common.

In the early days of the war, the Polish government has developed a program that built Warsaw into a "Mancheng Greater Modernization City". After the rebuilding, Warsaw retains the layout of the old city and the New Town, a variety of historical monuments, mostly concentrated in the old town, modern high-rise buildings, shops, and hotels. The city's transportation four-way eight-day, colleges, scientific research institutions, modern art gallery, shadow theater, stadium distribution regions, the original forests and green spaces are as protected and utilized, and the forest forests are not damaged due to large scale reconstruction. In order to reduce urban industrial pollution, the factory avoids the city center, built away from the residential. There are nearly 70 large and small parks in the urban area, with a green area of ​​130 square kilometers, with an average of 78 square meters per person, and among the top of the capital of the world.

Warsaw Old Town

Famous attractions

Warsaw Royal Palace

Warsaw Wang Palace is built at the end of the 13th century, also known as Warsaw Castle, originally a civil structure. The Warsaw Royal Palace is a symbol of the historical tradition of Poland, and is also a witness for national rise and fall. It collects many precious treasures of the Poland colleagues, all of the galleries are the most famous paintings in Poland, Mattco, depicting the oil painting of Poland History. The Castle Castle Castle was converted into the Royal Palace and the Parliament of the King of Zegmont August. After Zege Monte, after the movement of Warsaw, the castle was expanded from 1598 to 1619. The Royal Palace is located in this ancient city, which is characterized by a pentagonal building, which is a leader of the Gear Monteta. From 1636 to 1637, the Vadishvaw Vihard Theater was built in the south side of the Royal Palace. From 1655 to 1656 Sweden invasion, Warsaw Royal Palace was destroyed and plundered. Kan Kami-king began to repair the Royal Palace. Yang · Sony Schi Skie (1674 to 1696) Decoration Royal Palace interior. When August II (1697 to 1733) completed the House Hall, Senate Hall and King Hall. From 1741 to 1746, a wing was added to the east side of the Palace. After the third time in Poland was divided, the Royal Palace was partially destroyed and the treasures were disappeared. In 1922, the repair of the palace was restarted and the disabled art. On September 17, 1939, the Warsaw Royal Palace was bombed by the German, partially burned. Since then, German aggressors continue to destroy the palace. In January 1971, he decided to rebuild the Huasha Royal Palace by social fundraising. In 1984, the palace finally reappeared in front of people.

Zi Goment Credit Column

Zi Gomont Credit Column is built in 1644, located in the castle square of Huasha Ancient City, by Vadishva The husband is built. It is built for commemorating the Queon Montest of Quege Mon, from Tengchara. Zi Gomontan Cixi Pillar and Mermaid constitute the city emblem of Warsaw City. Sculpture was destroyed during the Second World War, repaired in 1949. The bronze casting Zi Gomont III statue is on the red flower stone cylinder, head wearing a knot, wearing kings, left hand holding a cross, right hand holding a treasure sword, and scent. The column is 22 meters, the column base has a swirls decorated copper plate, which is engraved with the name of the royal family, title and praise, and the name of the monument builder.

Mermaid copper

Warsaw's first Merfish bronze statue is built in 1855, located in the center of Huasha Ancient City Market. Currently towering the beauty of the mermaid on the Vissed River, much larger than the first bronze statue, and the gesture is also more beautiful. It was created by Poland's famous female sculptor Lududova Nitzhov in 1934, was created by Poland Girl Heroes Peteharska, built in 1937. During Hitler German invaded Poland, the bronze statue of the mermaid was quietly disappeared until Poland was re-emerged. It turned out that before the German fascist army invaded, people were disassembled and carefully protected. After the founding of the People's Republic of Poland, people reopened her on the banks of the Viswa River.

Mermaid is a symbol of Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is the Guardian God of Warsaw. Legends, a long time ago, a king named Qigomont cruised in the country, and wanted to find an ideal Kyoto for the kingdom. One day, the king came to a scenic orpage of the Vissed River. Here only lives with a fisherman. When the king looks around, the mermaid of a personal fish is jumping out of the water from the river, sang a beautiful and beautiful song for the king. The king immediately fell in love with this place, and decided to build here. The king asked the two fishermen children who were watching the river: "What is the name of this place?", The child answered: "No name". The king asked the child again, my brother answered, called "Wars", my sister, called "Sawa". So the king decided to join the names of the two, as the name of this place, this is "Walhatabeth" (Chinese translated into "Warsaw").

Wajinki Park

Wajin Park is one of the most beautiful parks in Poland, with a British garden style. The villa of Poland's last generation of Kings O'Ponia Tovski (1766- 1795), because there is a statue of Chopin in the park, the Chinese people are also known as "Chopin Park."

The palace, the pavilion, the pool, and the grass is wrong, and there is a rose garden, citrus garden, etc. The most prestigious water palace - Wajin Ji Palace, majestic, Richtha. It was one of the royal officials, now one of the national hotels. The center of the palace is a circular hall of hanging chandeliers, and there are all-round buildings. According to reports, two hundred paintings, sixty art, seventeen clocks and eighty statues were stored in the temple. If you look at this building from the distance, the palace on the island is in the water, and it is very refreshing and beautiful. The water palace was suffered from Hitler molecules and destruction in the fall of 1944, starting to rebuild and repair in 1960. Located in the Northeast direction, situated in the Mehletitzki. This palace is kept well and has not been damaged by war. For the Chinese, it is more particularly significant. In the 1960s, he held a famous Sino-US ambassador level. This is the place of the palace official, now one of the national hotels. During the Second World War, the Chopin statue in the park was destroyed. In May 1958, the Chopin statue was re-established. Under the organization of the Chopin Association, from 6 to September, every Saturday and Sunday, the open-air concert will be held under the Chopin statue.


The reconstruction of Warsaw Old Town is a very successful city to design, reconstructed in the original site, reflecting the polish people to continue Poland Culture. s hard work. The appearance of each building after rebuilding has maintained the original architectural style, and its internal structure and facilities have been rebuilt in accordance with modern building technology, which has an important impact on the reconstruction work of other countries in Europe. It is a new theory in solving some of the problems faced by modern cities and protecting urban buildings. It is still very important to guide the protection and reconstruction of the ancient city of all countries. This also illustrates why it is a reconstructed city, which can be included in the World Cultural Heritage.

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