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Xiaoyan sister


Xiaoyan sister is a foreign minister of Japan. Basic aunt nobility in the county of Nijiang Zehshire. The famous Komanti is high, and China is high.

607 years as the first returned to China to come to China, received by the Emperor. In the 608th, Wenlin Lang Yan Qing is made, accompanied by returned to China. On the way to the country, because the Empire of the Empire is to win, he was sentenced to the man, and he won the ancient emperor forgiveness. When I returned to China in the same year, I used to send it to China. I have come to China again. I have a "Dong Tianhuang Jingbai Xi Emperor", and the peers have high-tech Xuanji, Nanyuan invoice,, etc., learn to ask, come to investigate China. system. 610 at its country.

Xiaoyan sister

According to the exact text record, the official friendly interaction between China and Japan is in the Han Dynasty in China, which is in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Although it is diluted but it is endless. As the Japanese historian well, I passed this kind of interaction, Japan "just like baby pursuit of breastfeeding, the advanced civilization of North Korea and China, so, from the barbaric phase, soon, I entered the civilization stage."

historical records

Japan and the earliest official exchange of China can be traced back to 57 AD. China's history book "Han Shu" wrote: "There is a hundred people in the Fu Lehai, divided into more than 100 countries, seeing the cloud in the age of life." Years, as a "more than 100 countries" dispatching Holding the supplies to Luoyang, a hundred and sixty people, and the Guangwu Brings will be printed. This is the earliest documentary in East Asia to Japan Island Society and China-Japan Officials.

AD 607, Japan's first government sent to the China Sui Dynasty made a group finally arrived in Luoyang, and the leader called Xiaoyan sister. The messenger said that the emperor was "the Heavenly Buddhist Dharma", and said that he took a group of Buddha to learn the Buddha law. He then handed a letter to the Emperor of the Emperor, and the beginning of the letter is "There is no feeling in the day of the day." However, in the ancient East Asian tribute, only China's emperor can be called "Son". Therefore, Japanese letters called the highest rulers of the country as "emperor", which makes the emperor are very unhappy, and they are told, "there is a rude book, do not recover." However, at this time, China is carrying out the war of gorgellis, and does not want to increase the enemy. Therefore, despite this velocity, the Chinese still selection 13 people in the next year, and bring back the unprecedented complete and accurate news about Japan. At this time, Japan, in order to restore the power of the South Korean Peninsula, send the army of the new Luo, and also adversely. In order to make up for this military force, it is also hoped that by opening the national exchange of the Chinese Dynasty, to the new Roose. This intention is clearly exposed in the subsequent returns to the diplomacy.

Xiaoyan sister returns to the Tianshi, saying that the Emperor's emperor brings the king's book inadvertently lost. At this time, Japan has suggested that the Temple of the Temple of the Secret of the Emperor with the sin of the country, and the Saint German is in time to join the emperor to discourage. About Xiaoyan's Loss of Books Historians have three possibilities: First, the national book is indeed lost; the second is that the country's book has a blanking court to blame the Japanese repair book, and the young wild is worried about the emperor. The emperor has seen anger, punish himself or lead China-Japanese repaired failed, and smartly destroyed the slider; the third is that the national book is not lost, and the small field deliberately reveals the emperor. However, the Emperor has an unfavorable term in the country, and is worried about diplomacy after the diffusion, and the Wilden Troll is lost. All such varies have no conclusion, but it is certain that the "mistakes" of Xiao avoids the tension of the middle-day, which may be caused by the national book, prompting the return visit of Qi Shiqing.

AD 609, Xiaoyan sisters used to make returning to China again. The book has taken the top lesson and looks up: "Emperor Emperor Jingbai Xi Emperor", cleverly avoids the main relationship between the two countries, and brought a group of international students, studying abroad. In this way, the Sui Dynasty courtyard's diplomatic needs of the near-time, the Dafa, the Dawu, who urgently learned China's political system, cultural education, and made the first climax of the official exchange of the two countries.

After 1985, in 1985, at the President of the All-Japanese Cultural Group Association, the President of the Nara County Cultural Association, the president of the Cultural Association of the Municipal Cultural Association, Mr. Fangliang Under the active efforts, funded by the Wuyuan City Cultural Association, Japan Nara County sent Tang to make the Secretary of Tang, the Japanese Nara County, the Chinese Cultural Association, and the Chinese people's foreign friendship Association Luoyang Branch, three units in Luoyang Ying Tianmen Site established "Japan Revealing the Tang Dynasty to visit the Dynasty "Memorial Pavilion One through, and then built a stone pavilion, show commemoration and admiration. "Visiting Du Tip" as a witness for the history of China and Japan, the symbol of Sino-Japanese friendship, has a profound historical significance and practical significance.

This monument commemorates the retiring of the two generations of Sui Tang to visit the country, Luoyang, Tang Dynasty, and the list of commemorative lists contain Xiaoyan sister .

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