Home Technique Xie Yu (Sociologist, Member of the National Academy of Sciences)

Xie Yu (Sociologist, Member of the National Academy of Sciences)

Character experience

In 1982, he graduated from Shanghai University of Technology (now Shanghai University) majoring in metallurgical engineering with a bachelor's degree in engineering.

In 1984, he obtained a master's degree in the history of science and a master's degree in sociology from the University of Wisconsin.

In 1989, he received a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin.

In 1996, he was awarded the post of full professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Michigan.

In 2004, he was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan.

In 2007, he was awarded the "Otis Dudley Duncan Distinguished University Chair Professor"—this is the highest honor awarded to teachers by the University of Michigan. He is also a professor in the School of Statistics and School of Public Policy, and a research professor in the Survey Research Center and Population Research Center of the Institute of Social Studies.

In 2009, he was elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences. There are very few social scientists in the National Academy of Sciences. He is the youngest academician in the sociopolitical group and the only Asian academician in the Department of Social Sciences (including economics, psychology, humans, and society).

In 2009, Professor Xie Yu began to serve as a chair professor at Peking University.

In 2011, he served as the chair professor of the school. He is also an honorary professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Renmin University of China, Shanghai University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a tenured professor at Princeton University.

Main Achievements

Scientific Research Achievements

Xie Yu has made significant academic contributions in promoting the development of quantitative research methods, and developed a series of analysis and classification variables His new method, especially his logarithmic multiplication integral layer effect model (also known as the "unidiff" model) has become the most standard statistical method for analyzing discrete results in comparative studies (including cross-country and cross-time comparisons).

The book "Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis", co-authored by him and Daniel Powers, conducts in-depth, complete and systematic discussions on various statistical methods of categorical variables, and is listed as a graduate student in Europe and the United States. A must-read textbook for statistics. His "Regression Analysis" and "Sociological Methods and Quantitative Research" are also important statistics reference books for domestic empirical researchers. In addition to promoting the development of quantitative research methods, Professor Xie Yu has also made major academic achievements in the fields of social stratification, family, and demography. His representative academic monographs include: "Women in Science", "Marriage and Cohabitation" ", "Description of Asian American Demographics", "Is American Science Declining?" 》Etc.

Because of its important academic value, empirical research is getting more and more attention from the academic circles in China. Chinese social sciences are changing from the past speculative and ideological theoretical research to objective and empirical empirical research. However, there is still a very clear gap in research methods from Western countries, which restricts China’s social sciences from entering the ranks. The bottleneck of international leadership. If China is to gain worldwide recognition and praise in the field of social sciences, it must vigorously develop empirical research. Chinese society is currently undergoing a period of great transformation, and the huge social changes have provided unprecedented historical opportunities for the development of social sciences. Moreover, with the continuous advancement of China's democratization process, both the public and the government need high-quality empirical research to obtain the most accurate information about the current society and make the most rational decisions based on the objective understanding of the society. It is for this reason that since 2006, Professor Xie Yu has devoted a lot of his energy to promoting the development of domestic empirical research.

Professor Xie Yu is now one of the main leaders (PI) of the "China Family Dynamic Tracking Survey (CFPS)" project. CFPS is a nationwide comprehensive social follow-up survey project funded by Peking University's 985 funding. The project collects information on China's society, economy, population, education, and health from the three levels of individuals, families, and communities, and will carry out long-term follow-up surveys. The scale of the CFPS survey and the comprehensive and detailed level of information collection of Chinese households are second to none in the world. The quality of CFPS data and its research value have been recognized by the academic community. These data will become important data for academic research and public policy analysis in China today, and have great historical value for recording social changes in China.

Professor Xie Yu has also been committed to cultivating Chinese empirical scientific research talents and promoting exchanges within the academic circle. The Peking University-Miscellaneous University Joint College he established has offered courses for 7 consecutive years. Every summer, he invites top international scholars to teach at Peking University and introduces the quantitative curriculum system for American social science graduates into China. In addition, Professor Xie Yu has organized 6 consecutive "Sociology and Demography" seminars, which has greatly promoted academic exchanges.

Professor Xie Yu is currently preparing to establish the Peking University Social Research Center, which is a basic research and teaching entity funded by Peking University. The center conducts continuous and in-depth empirical research on China’s important social change phenomena and social issues based on international academic standards. It hopes to become China’s best and world-renowned sociology research institution, and contribute to the cultivation of the backbone of Chinese sociology in the future. At the same time, foster new academic communities and institutional norms for sociology and related disciplines, drive the overall development of Chinese social sciences, and enhance the international status of Chinese social sciences.

Main works

Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis (Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis, Powers and Xie, 2000, 2008);

"Science "Woman in Science: Career Processes and Outcomes, Xie and Shauman, 2003);

"A Demographic Portrait of Asian Americans, Xie and Goyette, 2004 );

"Quantitative Social Science, Scott and Xie (editors), 2005);

"Sociological Method and Quantitative Research" (Chinese, Social Science Literature Publishing House, 2006, 2012);

Marriage and Cohabitation, Thornton, William, and Xie, 2007.

Honorary Recognition

In 2004, he was elected as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan.

In 2009, he was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

Publishing books

Social Service

Shanghai University Board of Trustees, Honorary Vice President of Alumni Council.

Character Evaluation

Xie Yu is a recognized leader in the social sciences.

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