Home Technique Yueyang Wuji Mountain Forest Park

Yueyang Wuji Mountain Forest Park

synonym five Eagle's Nest Forest Park generally refers to Yueyang five Eagle's Nest Forest Park


five Eagle's Nest Forest Park a few King (5)

Hunan, five in the Eagle's Nest national forest Park is located 1 km southwest of the North of the portal Linxiang City, 35 kilometers away from Yueyang, Wuhan, Changsha, just two hours by car, 107 State Road, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed passenger line near mountains and over. Wuhan, Changsha, two garden city group and the Pan-Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta region radiation source markets.

Park consists of five mountain peaks, named five Eagle's Nest, a total area of ​​2879.89 hectares, the highest elevation of 588.1 meters, the forest coverage rate of 98.2%, located in the subtropical north subtropical area, as the Yangtze River, Dongting Lake and the city's green lung , rich in forest resources, animal and plant gene bank is north and south, is a "green, leisure, culture" as the theme of forest Park. The park history, humanities, natural landscape at more than 100.

There Qu Yuan lived overshoot and boarding Dear husband had looked Ying Shan, the three countries plan lu Lu Xun Battle of Red Cliff will be Taiwan, Emperor Qianlong had Baibuti boarding, as well as indifferent museums, world Beilin Museum, Ching health park, forest Disneyland, patriotism education base and a number of cultural attractions.

natural landscape everywhere, which Taohuaxi, Longtoushan rare botanical garden, Chai Chong primitive times Senlin You representative.

Park by the car top mountain, Yingzuishan, Zhou Shan, Wangcheng hill and mountain Magu five mountain peaks, named five Eagle's Nest. The whole mountain was east-west, the highest elevation of 588.1 meters, the lowest peak altitude of 90 meters, the general elevation of 200-300 meters mountain slope between 25-35 degrees.

According to the Qing Tongzhi edition "Linxiang County," reads: "Five Eagle's Nest Wufeng mountain towering ...... boarded, both overlooking the Dongting water, but also a distance Jianli, Puqi, Honghu mountain light. "The whole park divided into four scenic areas, namely Wang Shiroyama, flower watchtower, Chai Chong, Baibuti. Beautiful here all year round.

to a spring, mountain peach garden trees, such as red clouds, pear Manzhi, like snow white, cool pines. Late autumn, Chui Ling hills, dotted with red leaves, mountain fruit everywhere, like a colorful Jinping. Winter frost of winter, green send bamboo, proudly, Lin Tao roar, the mountains respond.

Among them, especially Chai Chong scenic leaving visitors to watch: This is a valley about 3 km, cross-strait steep, densely covered more than 200 hectares of natural broad-leaved forest, is a very original game thick valley. Some trees song like Changhong, senile.

Guteng forest, trees, or wrapped, or hanging cliff.

valley on both sides of the sky, towering rocks, or like beetles, frogs or godlike, charm realistic. The most amazing is that many waterfalls, large and small, namely 10 spots, including waterfalls, duck waterfall, waterfall sisters, the three fall waterfall, dripping rock waterfall.

climate history

five Eagle's Nest Forest Park is located in the northern edge of the subtropical north subtropical transition, it is the East Asian monsoon climate zone. It has a mild climate, adequate light, heat rich, abundant amount inch, long frost-free features.

According to meteorological statistics Linxiang City, the park for many years the average temperature 16.4 ℃, the hottest month (July) the average temperature of 29.0 ℃, extreme maximum temperature of 40.4 ℃, the coldest month (January) average temperature 3.7 ℃, extreme minimum temperature of -18.1 ℃.

annual rainfall of 1600 mm, the average number of precipitation days was 149 days, more concentrated 4 - - May.

average evaporation 1,480 mm, average relative humidity 80%. Average annual sunshine hours 1804 hours, more than 10 deg.] C activity accumulated throughout the year 5200 deg.] C, frost-free period 260 days.

The main attractions

Dabei Temple

built in the Yuan and Ming, formerly known as Tien Temple, Jiangnan very famous temple, destroyed after the Anti-Japanese War period.

2000 Nian approved by the United Front Work Department, the majority of believers to raise funds to restore built on the site, named for the Great Mercy Temple, the "Buddha of mercy, all living beings," meaning, which enshrines Sakyamuni Nepal Buddha, the Goddess Guanyin Bodhisattva, etc..

World Beilin Museum

World Beilin Museum director by the China Federation of Literature, the famous bibliophile, contemporary ru Mr. Worldly Desires donated.

Yueyang Wuji Mountain Forest Park

He has invested heavily in the construction of five Eagle's Nest Beilin Museum, Museum of the whole area by the College and Wan Qu Yuan Beilin composition. The famous calligrapher Qi Gong wrote the museum name for the museum.

All inscriptions museum is Mr. Worldly Desires home possession of foreign heads of state, ancient and modern celebrity handwriting. Wan Beilin all hidden hidden in the mountains, integrated with nature.

2007 Kebei 1456, 2008 Kebei 1000, built in 2009, Hunan hundred celebrity statues row 20.

five Eagle's Nest Forest Park Beilin Museum

Disney forest Park

Goddess of Mercy bless

Wanxiu floor

other attractions

slopes Graceland Springs < / b>

Stephen slope Nga "Li Senlin dense foliage Fusu, winding, fresh air, high negative oxygen ions, known as the" natural oxygen bar ".

heroes kiosk

heroes Pavilion to commemorate the flame hero Lu Yun new martyrs and built. in 1993, forest police station instructor Lu Yun new organizational forest fire, heroic sacrifice , was awarded the "national public security a heroes' Ministry of Public Security Five Eagle's Nest is in Yueyang City for" teen patriotism education bases ".

SongZi Shenquan

Shan ying Wang located halfway around "Shenquan" plant protection a national level - two ginkgo tree and two national protected plants - black megaphylla ginkgo tree commonly known as white fruit, more than 140 years Historically, black shell Nan tree under the tree are two "Shinsen" legend "God drink spring water, a boy not a girl." Eagle's Nest near five chestnut Nomura, the village 95% of households birth of a boy, it is called man power. Research found that the alkaline water is heavy, rich in selenium, sperm and eggs in a basic environment will develop into male embryos, so the boy is born.


According to legend, emperor Qianlong down the south, when after five Eagle's Nest, was attracted by the beautiful scenery five Eagle's Nest, in order to see the beauty of your fill, Qianlong decided to board in excellent shape. Because of the mountain potential steep on all sides there was no way, he ordered his men were local officials, called hundreds of masons, day and night cut stone walls, from the foot to the top, just carved one hundred.

Reach kiosk

to commemorate the Wu Xie had to be here to give lectures and built. there are pieces of stone near the pavilion, above recorded Guangxu years Dongting lake Washington, Mr. Wu Xie deeds.


According wen "Linxiang" record: "Eagle's Nest five, five peaks towering. In fine weather, boarded the mountain, both overlooking the Dongting water, but also a distance Jianli, Puqi, Lake scenery. "Stone after another level, backgammon board permitted, trickling babbling, long thin Yun Chung Lin Yuan Deng, not only Belvedere overlooking the Yangtze River water, Dongting sail, you can also experience the" list of small hills "feeling. < / p>

cloud temple

Formerly known as founder of the house. Zhenwu founder and legendary day wandering 八百里洞庭 Bodhidharma, Wufeng find that dominates the city, the misty at the Huaguang straight bullfighting, they stopped to rest here. they sat on the floor playing chess chess move, based on the deities to watch entourage waving flags add to the fun, the rise of two divisions, down to the red is gone, ho month when empty, Utah, regardless of wins negative. when a bureau two divisions, each leaving a pawn, these two pieces into a big mountain and five-founder of the house of Eagle's Nest Five Eagle's Nest incense heyday, the temple has two up and down, there is the great Buddha, founder temple, the hall, dining hall, dormitories, etc., covers an area of ​​1,700 square meters, more than 20 monks and nuns live, is famous Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces dozens of counties. Linxiang City Hall is the founder of the Buddhist Association financing the construction of new the founder of the house stately and elegant, magnificent

Maipo Ridge

Maipo Ridge has two attractions -. Taohuaxi and crocodiles third overall Taohuaxi three kilometers long, streams, waterfalls and more not only, but also throughout the wild peach, spring in March peach blossoms, peach flowers landscape river water in the form of, very beautiful. Taohuaxi in Mid-Levels downstream, there is a huge green stone, peek shape of crocodile turn, because immediately downstream of "peach water", so called alligator third overall.

granite table

this area by the beauty sun ashamed, granite table, hot hole three important sites make up. there is a special form of a small hill, the whole hillside seemed to be a girl lying there, have a head and long hair, pregnancy, hands, feet, Especially after that the lower slopes of shame like the beauty of the place, the locals dubbed the "beauty sun ashamed." granite, granite bed area is located at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by mountains. According to legend, the emperor became emperor, in order to weaken the kings of the phase power, created a series of tragedy. "bloodbath Huguang" is one of those. later, Zhu Hongwu sins to bear in mind, it will be renamed granite granitic units. heat hole in the granite-stage 200 m, a width of the hole 2 feet, ten feet deep hole, there is an evening out of hot red cross, formation of fog ten feet tall columns per day, rainy weather especially frost, and maintained year-round temperatures of about 30 degrees, mysterious.

Chai Chong

the area has a well-preserved in the North of, one of the few original forest. the whole area is a 3-km-long valley, steep mountains on both sides , more than 200 hectares natural forest clouds, distribution pubescens, yew, strong white flowers, fragrant fruit, gingko and Chinese dove flower (dove tree) and other rare plants. Chai Chong has more than 10 large and small waterfalls at which the waterfalls, duck waterfall, waterfall sister, three larger flow falls down, duck waterfall 40 meters high, 6 meters wide, the middle projection of a tree to a stone falls into two, rainy two contiguous waterfall magnificent, comparable to Huangguoshu waterfall.

Puji view

Legend has it that in the Qing Dynasty, the North of successive years of drought in the area, the people crop failure, life is extremely hardship. One day, there was a fairy to play five Eagle's Nest, seeing this, a sudden and devastating compassion, then flew practice, for the people to pray for rain, and soon, the rain poured down, people overjoyed. To commemorate the Taoist priest, where people built Puji view, to show the general economic beings. General economic outlook, covering about 30 acres, is now the main venues Linxiang Taoism.

parade ground

Legend of the Three Kingdoms period Lu Su navy training here. Fences, gates, trenches and drill ground of stone ruins clearly visible. According to historical records, the training ground for large-scale, magnificent, covering 20 acres, surrounded by brick walls up to three meters with large stones, door 2 feet tall, is on the city of Chang'an, which can accommodate over 1,000 people practice . To Hongwu years, the emperor in order to "Huguang bloodbath", which has been rebuilt, and the garrison here. Republic of China, the big bully Li Bingzhang occupied this mountain, which has been transformed. Now the only remaining sites.

free policy

In February 2020, in order to pay tribute to the vast number of medical workers, since the end of the epidemic scenic officially open until December 31, 2020, free and open to the national medical workers . With my doctor qualification certificate, certificate or hospital nurse work permit, with my ID card, you can enjoy scenic spots waiver. Visitor Center ticket window to the area, to present a valid ticket can be redeemed.

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