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Iroquois (Iroquois)

a North American Indians. Was originally distributed west of the Mississippi, later moved to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie area. A total of about 90,000 people (1978). This support includes the Seneca people, Cayuga, Oneida people, Mohawk and the Aonandajia people, including Erie offshoot, the Cherokee, a total of more than a dozen tribes. Belong to Mongoloid America branch. Use the Iroquois language belongs to Indian languages ​​Huoka - Sioux language family. Belief in many gods and nature worship.

Iroquois means any member of the Iroquois League or Iroquois language refers to the operation of the members of the Indian tribes of North America, such as the more famous Cayuga (Cayuga), Cherokee people, Huron, Moldova and Croats, Oneida (Oneida), Onondaga man (Onondaga), Seneca person (Seneca) and 图斯卡罗拉 person (Tuscarora). Iroquoian languages ​​Group accounted for living in the Great Lakes area is low, some of the more remote tribes living in low-lying areas along the southeast coast and Epalaqi Heights. This area contains some of the so-called eastern woodland cultures.


Iroquois Iroquois Confederacy composed in 1570, including the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca 5 tribes. 1715 soil Sikaluola tribes to join in, to become commonly known as "the Six Nations." Their language is very similar, able to understand each other. Mohawk tribe is recognized tribes "big brother", is called "(have) chert people."

Iroquois engaged hoe agriculture, livestock and fishing and hunting concurrently, pottery and basket making and other crafts. Long-term implementation of the matriarchal system. Clan totem named to the council for the Authority, and strict implementation of exogamy. Maternal great family is the basic unit of society, living in a longhouse, the living together of economic life. Descent and inheritance of property in terms matriarchal. The higher the status of women.

Alliance vast territory east from the Hudson River, west to Lake Michigan, north of the Ottawa River, south of the Ohio River and Botuomake river, to the establishment of the 18th century North America's most powerful tribal groups. Has strong resistance Dutch, English, French colonialists. When the American War of Independence, "Union" is the British and American use of differentiation, the US military was defeated in 1779. After the "Union" collapse, some members fled to Canada, to stay in the United States, forced to live on reservations. Usually by making sporadic handicrafts or day laborers live, live poorer. 1950 Zengyin ethnic discrimination policy pursued by the US government and complained to the United Nations, supported by the progressive forces of the world.


American anthropologist Morgan describe an Indian house in one of his writings, called "Netherlands - Germany - Snow - Cable - special ", meaning longhouse. Such housing with wood and bark barricaded, a pointed or rounded roof, can reach up to 30 meters long each block maternal house a large family home. Indians living in the house long claimed to be "Dutch - German - Novo - Sao - Nigeria", which means "live longhouse people." They also known as the Iroquois.

Iroquois tribes of semi-settled lifestyle type, engaged in farming, if necessary, will be surrounded by fencing tribe, living in long houses can accommodate many families. Covered premises, containers such as barrels or production, disk, etc., and the canoe using elm bark. Hundreds of people gathered in the village self-contained social and economic unit.

man gang construct buildings erected fences, fishing, hunting, patrolling, trade, competition, and set off to defend the village from attack. Women are compiled groups, each headed by a woman, in a farming village periphery of corn, beans and squash fields. After harvest, the home team that is deep forest camp deer hunting places, midwinter to return home. Spring fishing season attracts families moved to the entrance of the nearby streams and lakes.

long family houses is the image of the Iroquois society. Family members or persons related by blood composition clans, gentes half Pairs, semi-Pairs composed of tribal or ethnic, racial alliances. Kinship is the basis of geographical and political life. Each community has a council composed of adult men, counseling village chief. Iroquois like meeting a lot of time spent in meetings. The participants then according to region, gender, age and specific topics to be discussed are grouped; each group has its own protocol and plan to fight most people agree.

complex cosmology Iroquois myth about a woman as the basis for this woman fall from the sky. Features this myth lies in the great flood from the sky and landed by theme. And other tribes do not have this obsession with supernatural violations, atrocities, witchcraft, tortured people thinking methods and cannibalism, this idea will ease travel Fortunately, the myth of some beautiful stars and travel to the afterlife . There are six official religions agricultural festivals, and with long thanksgiving prayer ceremony features. As well as the approval of certain political activities rites, such as the conclusion of a peace treaty ceremony. Most of the wind study ever present.


In this system of kinship, a father's father and brothers share a call. The mother and her sisters are sharing a title. However, one's father's sister and mother's brother have another title. This distinction is an important call and pay meter table. For one person, the table is better to pay a flat table. Because one of the peers, brothers, sisters, share a similar meter title.

Iroquois kinship system type is widely distributed, usually found together with Unilateral Descent group, especially seen in more than loose tissue matriarchal society organizations.

clan custom

shelter prisoners

Iroquois life of militancy, self-esteem depends entirely on the individual to get the glory. Iroquois wars often occur between tribes, making this one of the few on less and less. Thus, prisoners are not executed, but is dictating or shelter as slaves down to replace war dead relatives.

Election of a clan chiefs and chiefs a handsome

chiefs must be selected from this clan members, the clan within hereditary, once the vacancy must be immediately re-fill his position; military leaders can also be selected from outside the clan and people can sometimes temporarily missing. Since the Iroquois pursue matriarchy, and therefore do not belong to the chief's son, a clan, so never a chief's son before the election chiefs do, but often do chiefs election of his brother, or sister of the election of his son to do the chiefs . All the people, both men and women participate in the elections. But the election is subject to the remaining seven clans confirmed only after this, people elected chiefs are grand, the joint council that is appointed by the whole of the Iroquois Confederacy. What this means, in the back can be seen. Emirates authority within the clan, is paternal, purely moral nature; his hands no means mandatory. In addition, because of his position, he is also a member of the council Sena Ka tribal council and the Iroquois League all. Emirates Shuai only to give orders during the expedition.

clan can recall any chiefs and chiefs

This is still determined by both men and women. The deposed person, like anyone else since then become a common soldier, became private. In addition, the tribal council can even against the will of the clan chiefs and recall.

Any member

clan are not in the clan endogamous

This is the fundamental rule of the clan, maintain clan ties; this is extremely positive negative performance kinship of blood, depends on a this blood kinship, it includes a talent to become a clan. Morgan due to the discovery of this simple fact, it is the first time reveals the nature of the clan. Report on the past and the savage ignorance, the various groups constituting the clan system, unwittingly, without confusing respectively, collectively referred to as tribal, Crane 51, 52 and so on Sam, and often said that in this Group internal kinds of prohibited intermarriage, which proves that the past people did not understand how to clan yes. This has created confusion one kind of hopeless, Mr. McLennan will be chaos in this act as Napoleon, with a final decision to establish such an order: all the tribes divided into internal tribal prohibited intermarriage (exogamy) and two kinds of marriage licenses (the endogamy). After he put this question more thoroughly confused, then buried in the deepest study, to explore in his dreary two categories, which actually a more ancient: is outside marriage or marital. Since the discovery that blood kinship-based, and therefore can not marry among its members of the clan, this absurd argument go too. It goes without saying, when we saw the Iroquois that they are in the development stage, the internal clan marriages are prohibited by strict compliance with the.

The rest of the deceased's property became vested gens All

Because the Iroquois very few things that can be left behind, so his legacy will by his nearest relatives of the same clan share; when the man died, by his brothers, sisters and brothers and mothers share; when the women died, by her children and fellow sisters and not shared by her brother. According to the same reason, the couple can not inherit from each other, their children shall not inherit his father.

gens must help each other to protect

especially when subjected to harm foreigners, should help revenge. Individual clans rely on to protect their own safety, but also to do it; all personal injury, and that is hurting the entire clan. Thus, from the clan kinship obligation that arises in revenge for the Iroquois absolutely acknowledge kinship. If a clan member was killed foreigners, then the whole clan of the victim is obliged to carry out blood revenge. At first pilot mediation; assailant clan council meeting, probably by way of an apology and presented gift to the procedure of the clan of the victim will propose peace settled event. If the proposal is accepted, even if the matter solved. Otherwise, the victim's clan to designate one or more avengers, whose duty is to pursue the assailants, and killed him. If this is done, the perpetrators of the clan have no right to complain of the complaint, even if things settled.

or clan names have fixed sets of names, all falling within the clan can only use those names, therefore, the name of the individual members of the clan, which also shows that he belongs to the clan. Clan names beginning right to bring their own clan.

7. Sib family may receive the outsiders, and in this way they are absorbent members of the tribe. In this way, not to kill the prisoners, due to be received into the family of a clan, you become a member of Sena Ka tribe to obtain all the rights of clans and tribes. Accept outsiders into the family thing, is the proposal of individual members of the clan and practiced: man can propose to accept an outsider as brother or sister; woman can propose to accept outsiders for their children; To confirm this acceptance, the ceremony must be held into the family . Individual that exceptional circumstances spawned not busy clan, often due to the large number do not receive a clan (to get its consent) who re-enter the family thrive. , Into the family ceremony was held at a public meeting on the tribal council in the middle of the Iroquois, actually into a kind of religious ceremony. .

8 whether the Indians clan proprietary religious worship, is difficult to determine; but how many Indians are religious and clan linked. During the Iroquois six annual religious festival, various clan chiefs and chiefs, because of their jobs are listed within the "guardian of the faith," and perform priestly functions.

9. Clan share a common cemetery. Four weeks within New York State are surrounded by white Iroquois, whose cemetery is now extinct, but formerly existed. In other Indians there, this cemetery is still preserved; for example, ease of Iroquois people have close relatives spit Scarone Greeks, although they are Christians, but in the cemetery, each clan are unique in a row, so, always the mother rather than the father and child buried in a row. And in the middle of the Iroquois, the whole clan should participate in the funeral of the deceased, and create a grave, eulogy and so on.

10. There are clan council, which is the clan of all adult men and women enjoy equal voting rights in a democratic assembly. This council election, recall chiefs and chiefs, as well as the rest of the "faith guardian"; it is to accept the Atonement gift for the clan members were killed (murder damages) or implement decisions kinship revenge; it adoption outsiders to join the clan. In short, it is the highest authority of the clan

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