Home Technique Zhu Jia Garden

Zhu Jia Garden

synonym construction water Zhujia garden generally refers to Zhujia Garden (Yunnan Residential Building)

Building Layout

Zhujia Garden Sitting in Northern Dynasty, the entrance is a dazzling gate. The 10 "hanging foot buildings" along the street are connected to the "running horses", which is the shop and the supply of the company. It is Zhu family to import and export trade, buy and sell big tin, ocean cloth, salt, butter "Zhu Hengtai" general business name. Before the right side, I was a family ancestral hall, and it was the inner court. There is a pool in front of the ancestral hall, there is a stage, pavilion, and a well-shade flowers, etc. There is a right column on the pool.

The frontal construction of the three-year-old flower hall is "embroidered" on the left and right side. In front of the flower hall, the flower garden is left and right, and it is naturally separated as Dongyuan and West Park. The garden has a lot of tissue, a bush, a nursery, and a flower garden, forming a typical and rich southern private garden.

Zhujia Garden Institute, the housing, the inner and elegant show, the shape, the layout is flexible, the space is rich, the level is gradual, the environment is quiet, the color is elegant, the decoration, the structure is unified, The rich form is inclusive, which is a product combined with the cultural culture and frontier culture. It has a high architectural artistic value. It is a building population that is integrated with a house building in South China.

Art View

Zhujia Garden is a precious building historical and cultural heritage, which is a combination of Han architectural art and local minority architectural art. Carving paintings absorbed the content and skills of ethnic minorities, adding features. Zhujia Garden is very attached importance to residences and integration of local natural environment. The garden planted with bamboo wood, built a lotus fish pool, retaining rice fields, making the living into the Jiangnan Water Township. The water stage makes the audience feel refreshed. More than 40 patumas added a light surface. The doors and windows are fine, the content is diverse, both conducive to ventilation, and make people feel beautiful. The bed, table, chair, and stools are equally a purple wood carving. It is a reflection of the style of the Qing Dynasty.

Zhujia Garden architectural art and techniques, layout and design, engraving and painting, there is still a lot of content in modern buildings, and there is an important role in promoting national architecture art culture and decorative culture. .

Zhujia Garden is a shocking whole, and people think about the Summer Palace and remember the "Red Man Dream". It is reason to say that it is reasonable, one is that the southwest of the large-scale building itself is amazing; it is more embarrassing for private luxury homes, three is the humanities, geography and process levels in their buildings. It is even more difficult to imagine.

As a private mansion, the Zhujia Garden, which has a lot of Chinese historical system for thousands of years, of course, the return of the millennium history, this can be seen from the history of Zhu's hunting. Such a huge and well-preserved residential buildings are rare in China. Sun Tieqing, director of the former National Cultural Relics Bureau, waved the words: "Zhu Jiazong, gorgeous and residential, tourism open, and built a laiston."

History Background

Zhu Jiazu is the Husuang Mayang County (now Mayang County, Hunan Province), migrated into Yunnan, hovering in Yunnan, and hovering in Xizhuang Dashi in the Ming Dynasty. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the five-bedroom moved to Baijiaying Village, and the children (true names were unknown), and Qing was eager to live. It has always been ordinary civilians, and several generations have managed tea, silk, etc.

Zhu Jia Garden

During the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi, the generation of Zhu Guangfu, moved home to the old Ma Fang Village, setting the field to buy the land, Jianwahe, opened the Ramper Wine Square, Ding Xing, and the family production gradually. Since then, Zhu Jia has embarked on ZTE. At that time, the old, the tin mine industry was growing in the southeastern part of the water, the "Lin'an Avenue" in the old and construction water is in the middle of the Yunnan, and the transportation of the Yunnan City, the provincial city, the city, and Zhu Jia began. Hurry the horse, accumulated, and profitable. Because I have been familiar with an old mining, Zhu Guangfu boldly raised funds to set up the "Zhu Hengtai" business name to an old mining tin mine. Then, Zhu Guangfu has purchased multiple mines, but also built a smelter, became a smelter. The mining, choice, smelting, and smelting.

Zhu Guangfu 32 years later, his Sun Zhuzheng got people in the county, and gave Zhu Guangfu Wenlin's official steps; at the time, Zhu Chaozhen (Word Yuqing, Qing Guangxing Dingshuo Township , Zhu Junluo's son) has also been promoted to the company, and it has become the core of Zhu Jia. Since this, Zhu Jiajia is more abundant and invests outward in terms of Tongzhi ten years. In addition to marketing indigenous products, there is also a big sale of clouds (opium), tin ingots. When Zhu Jia, Zhu Jia has become rich in Nannan.

Since then, Zhu Jia continued to expand the scale of commerce. It has done import and export trade, and put an old-produced finished tin ingot. After Mongoliang to Guangxi Baise, Hong Kong, shipped back to cotton yarn by Hong Kong. Department stores and other foreign products. In the Qing Dynasty, Guangxu 15 years (AD 1889) According to the Treaty, the Qing government has established China's first customs, the transportation of China's first customs, the transportation of the tin ingot, the transportation of the tin spindle is the old - Mengzi Shutu consumption The Red River is rushing and reaches the sea defense through Vietnam (now Hanoi) and then shipped from the ocean ship to Hong Kong and Western Europe. Because of the booming of import and export, Zhu Hengtai has set up a head office in Mongolian, while in Hong Kong, Kunming, Jianshui, and Hanoi. At that time, Yunnan's Shangbang came from the "Lin'an Bang" of Jianshui and the "Kunming Help" "Teng Yue Guo", and the company "Zhu Hengtai" under Zhu's name is the richest "Linan Bang".

Guangxu first year, Zhu Chengzhang, Zhu Chenglu brother (Zhu Guangfu's son) and Zhu Zhu Zhaozhen, Zhu Chao, Zhu Xiangqi, Zhu Chao, Zhu Chao, Zhu Chao, Zhu Dynasty, the two generations of people, such as the day, scholar, agriculture, work, business, the same is not bad. The Jug family has developed to the huge family that is born in black and white throughout Minnean. Its power is enough to affect the political and economic politics and economy in Minnan and even the province. At this time, Zhu Jia purchased more than 30 acres in the mud pond in Jianshui City, extending the workmanship, and building the house of House.

Construction After

Qing Guangxu twenty-nine years (AD 1903), Dunan has burst out the "anti-clever" miner uprising headed by Zhou Yunxiang, which is the Chinese working class. A tragic preview of the early revolutionary struggle. Approximately related to Zhujia's interests, it is also Zhu's home. Because Zhu Dynasty is driving, and paying money to subsidize Zhou Yunxiang. The matter is very big, involving the government interest, the Qing court sent troops to suppress, Zhu Dynasty knew that he did not take off the system, heard the news, was forced to escape, and gave it to the Huang Ning of Anhui, Jilin (now Yunnan Yuxi Huangning County) people Zhu Jiabao It is recommended to visit the Japanese to invest in politics (actually escape). After five years in Japan, after returning to the water in the year, then repaired the garden.

Zhu Chaozhen is influenced by the Meiji Restaurant in Japan, and the number of times the Dynasty has been exhausted. After returning to the water, they will contact anti-Qingzhi, plotting it. In the three years (1911), many people seek to save the country, the impact of the League will spread all over China. Zhu Chaoxi, of course, I also want to have something, so I will return to the hometown of Longji Guang, and the Guangdong Army will return to the hometown. In October, the 1911 Revolution Wuchang Uprising broke out, October 30, Cai Wei, Li Genyuan, Tang Jiyu is equal to Kunming to launch a heavy ascending. Zhao Yizhi, a member of the Allied member of the seventy-seventy-standard (group), the new army of the Water South Campus, under the support of the next military officer, and the soldiers in the late November 1st, Zhu Chaozhen and other opens, occupying Lin'an Provincial Office and Speech . The next day, I held a conference of Lin'an people, set up the South Defense Military Government, and the public pushed Zhu Dynasty is a tribute, and Zhao is new as a deputy, Lin'an uprising succeeded. And the province, state, county, and Yunnan Duken, the state, and the Yunnan Duken, this Zhu Chaozhen is really a humanity in the sannan, plus the Nuannan uprising, standing hard, and gives the rank, appoint him to be officially The soldiers became the king of Minnan. The garden is repaired, and the big door is big and hangs.

Declining and maintenance

In December 1915, Yuan Shikai claimed to be "Hongxian" emperor in Beijing, Cai Wei, Tang Jiyu in Yunnan first protected the country, from Sichuan, Guangxi, Guangxi. At that time, the brothers of the Guangxi Wongji, the Guangxi Military Valve, which were attached to Yuan Shikai, was appointed as "Yunnan Surveillance", and the first attempt of the Guangdong army attempted to borrow Guangxi to attack the country army. Zhu Chao is a commander of the third Army, leading the soldiers more than 1,700 names in Guangxi Baise Zijing Guijun, Yang Jie led the army, and Long Yu Jingui also was annihilated by the National Army and Guijun. At the same time, Zhu Xiangzi Zhu Yingui contacts the potentian and bandits armed to build water city, and also defeated the guardian army. Zhu Yixi will die. After the war, the Zhujia Garden was copied. Until 1922, Tang Jiyu felt that Zhu Jiaxin Hai was active and sent home.

In 1927, after Tang Jiyi died, Long Yun was confident that Yunnan Military and Political Ministry , He said in the green forest armed South defense guerrilla command Li Shaozong into an old. At this time, Zhu Dynasty was old, and the Mongolian guardian commander, and he hit his nephew. Zhu Yantuan and other strict prevention. After the two sides were fired for a thousand nights, burn thousands of shops, and hundreds of deaths, which made a feud. Afterwards, the provincial government's directive dismiss Zhu Chaozhen and Zhu Yantuan to Cun prison. After Zhu Yantuan was executed.

Zhu Chaozhen was taken out after being out of prison, the Higher's huge family of Zhu's family was copied by the National Government as a public. The Family of Nobs made a bird beast. Zhu Dynasty was in 1930 in the poor and frustrated and frustrated in the country.

Zhu Jia's garden is no longer a Zhu family, and the Zhu family finally fly in a new and old world. Fortunately, the garden left.

After the liberation, Zhujia Garden was accepted by the people's government and worked as a public. During the "Cultural Revolution" period, Zhujia Garden was made messy. Many people who were not Zhu family stayed inside. The hawkers who sold snacks can shook them from the gate, and they will sell them, and then they come out from another. . From the end of the 1980s, the house and window, the wood wall, etc. have been completely damaged, a large number of engraving, 楹 楹, 匾 no longer exist.

In 1989, the Yunnan Provincial People's Government announced Zhujia Garden as a provincial key cultural relics protection unit; in 1990, he was recovered from the construction of the construction county government.

In 1999, Zhujia Garden was listed as "99 Kunming World Horticultural Expo" tourism boutique attractions, re-repairs Zhujia Garden, and rebuilt the back garden. Turn old as old, let visitors in the south to north. The county tourism department also uses many of the characteristics of the original building room. From the four colleges of the second entrance to "Mei Tuan", "Lanting", "Bamboo Garden", "Juyuan" a total of 28 rooms as a room, For the game, experience the living life in the Qing Dynasty. Bed, stool, table, chair and palace lights and palace lights praise, reflecting the style of the Qing Dynasty: the clerk of the door and the tour guide and the customer's clear etiquette, people have a hundred years ago history life Feel: You will have a good dream of the house and the park in the park.

Zhu Jia Garden, who has been vicissitudes of the hundred years, is rejuvenated.

It is said that after the year, I would like to pay attention to Jianhua (Zhu Yingwei's niece) returned to Zhu Jia. She said that she was a little different from before, and I used to install a glass before the square. Wood-on, at that time, the glass was running from Hong Kong, and the girls wiped glass every day, and there was no glass. It can be seen that the financial resources of Zhu Jia in the year.

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