Home Technique Absolute surplus value

Absolute surplus value

Detailed Interpretation

The homework for the squeezed absolute residual value

in the early stage of capitalist development, capitalists' squeese of the remaining value It is mainly due to extending working days. To this end, capitalists have used national law to enforce the workdays. After the industrial revolution, the use of machines created new conditions for capitalists' extension work days and became the main means of producing absolute surplus value. At the same time, the use of machines also makes small producers have become a lot of proletarians, making women workers and child labor into the labor market, and if the labor force is available, capitalists may extend their business days over its maximum. In fact, capitalists chase the surplus value, have broken through the moral limit and physiological limits of the working day. At that time, in some production departments in capitalist countries, the working day of adult male workers and child workers and child labor was up to 12 hours. The length of the colonial and affiliated workers' workdays is even more amazing. In addition, capitalists also take all other means to extend the working day. After work, it is not allowed to rest in the middle, restrict the time to eat, and take the way to force the clockwise to force the workers to go early, postpon get off work, and even find various excuse to force workers overtime plus. The extension of the working day, excessive consumption of workers 'labor, not only makes the workers' labor force in atrophy, but also causes the laborers to be lost and even premature death.

The proletariat is to maintain the interests of their live survival, oppose the struggle of capitalists to extend the working day, strive to start the normal working day, starting from the United Kingdom, soon, they quickly spread throughout capitalist countries. This struggle forcing the bourgeoisie to promulgate the law and regulate normal working days. The actual length of the working day is mainly dependent on this struggle.

In the extension of the development of labor, the capitalist often increases the "internal content" of labor by increasing labor intensity by increasing labor intensity. Improve the intensity of labor, concentrate labor in a shortened working day, "this compression is a large amount of labor in a certain period of time, and now is a larger labor, but actually this" ("Marx" Engels Complete Works "Volume 23, p. 449). After the labor intensity increases, the workers have increased the amount of labor consumed in the same labor time and produced more value. Marx pointed out that by improving the remaining value of labor intensity production is absolute surplus value. He wrote: "Even without extending working days, using the machine can increase the absolute labor time, thereby increasing the absolute surplus value. This is achieved by the so-called concentrated labor time . At this time, each One minute and one is full of labor; labor intensity is improved. "

Improve the remaining value produced by the labor intensity, different in form and absolute residual value, because it does not manifest as an extension of working days. It is similar in form and relative residual value because it is a shortened labor time; however, improve labor intensity is the same in nature and absolute residual value, because whether labor extension is, or increase in content, It is the increase in labor.

The improvement of labor intensity is the same as the extension of working hours, bringing serious consequences to workers. Make workers exhausted, mental nervous, harm health, and increase mortality.

Improve labor intensity and the residual value of production is absolutely residual. Some people think that it is relatively surplus value, the reason is that the remaining value added under the conditions of improvement of labor intensity is not due to the extended working day, but due to the shortening necessary labor time.

The boundary of the extended workday is

Capitalist in order to improve the degree of exploitation, it is always possible to extend the working day as much as possible. . However, the extension of the working day is objectively restricted by two boundaries: 1 Physiological boundaries. The workers can only consume a certain amount of vitality within 24 hours of natural day. He must have some time to eat, rest and sleep, etc. to meet physiological needs; if you want to restore his labor capacity and continue to work for capitalists. 2 moral boundaries. In one day, in addition to labor, rest, eating and sleep, there will be some time for learning culture, development intelligence, taking care of families, raising children, participating in entertainment and social activities, to meet the needs of spiritual life and social life. . However, these two boundaries, especially the boundaries of social morality have great scalability.

Work Day

Under capitalism, the worker's working day is divided into two parts: necessary labor time, the time to produce the necessary living materials for themselves; the remaining labor time, That is, it is the time for capitalists to produce the remaining value. Under the conditions of the necessary labor time, the capitalist only prolongs the working day to the necessary labor time to make the workers to produce the remaining value. The capitalist is proportional to the extension of the extension of employed workers and working days. The longer work is long, the longer the remaining labor time, and the rest of the value is more, the higher the degree of exploitation. It is assumed that the length of the worker is 8 hours, with the necessary labor time and the remaining labor time each 4 hours, the remaining value rate is 100%. If the workday is extended to 10 hours, the labor time is not changed, still 4 hours, while the remaining labor time increases from 4 hours to 6 hours, and the residual value rate increases from 100% to 150%.

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