Home Technique Administrative structure

Administrative structure

Introduction level

how the specific arrangement thereof will now be grouped into four levels described below.

The first level is composed of basic elements and administrative organization of cells, i.e., post - permutations and combinations of the staff, an administration unit form.

After the staff after the organic permutations is not the mere individual, but to act as its objectives, the specific roles of responsibility and authority of the decision, he lived in the division of labor relations in the workplace status has transformed into a post. This post contains the objectives of staff, responsibilities, powers, and in the workplace in which the status, role and relationship. Thus specifically, the contents of the first level of the organizational structure of administrative jobs arranged in a manner that an organic combination, and thereby forming a work unit, the same organic, the main requirements of the post nature of permutations and combinations of jobs, the program relevant, easy to accomplish the overall objective of the work unit. The second level is an organic permutations of various work units, and thus forms a department.

permutations and combinations is based on each unit's target, responsibility, authority and status in the division of labor relations, and in this combination to form a department. The combined organic workplace arrangement resistance, but also reflected in the work of the same, although each work unit, a program related to facilitate accomplish the overall objective of the sector. The third level is made from organic permutations and combinations between the various administrative departments, which constitutes the level of government organization.

permutations and combinations according to target various departments, responsibilities, authority and status in the division of labor relations, and thus to form a government. Various permutations and combinations of the organic sector, mainly in their respective sectoral objectives are consistent with the various needs of the community, the government's various social requirements can be met from various sectors. The fourth level is the government system arrangement of an organic combination between governments, thereby forming a country.

It is composed of all levels of government objectives, responsibilities, authority and status of permutations and combinations relations division of labor, and thus a target made a comprehensive national system of government and its role in the whole society relation. Governments at all levels of organic permutations into a national system of government, its organic nature should be determined according to the division of powers system of governments. Centralization, decentralization, all-right country, the different levels of government objectives, responsibilities, powers of permutation and combination way in there. This point in the next chapter devoted to "administrative organization system."

administrative organization administrative organization is the entire system of a country by a combination of these elements at levels arrayed. Material structure is the framework of administrative organization administrative organization, it is a concrete manifestation of administrative organizational entity. The framework consists of four levels combined together, constitute the essence of this framework is based on the division of labor mention personal objectives, responsibilities and powers of the unit, the division of labor departments, levels. Administrative organizational structure of the four-level elements of permutations and combinations are closely linked. Permutations and combinations between them, both interrelated and interdependent, but also has strict logical order, not reversed. Which posts are arranged as the basis for the formation of a national system overall administrative organization for the purpose.


In the administrative operation mechanism, good administrative organizational structure is completed administrative organizational goals and improve the material basis of administrative efficiency, it has important administrative functions.

(a) a reasonable structure, can effectively meet the needs of the target tissue administrative

is an entire group of human tissue to achieve a predetermined goal of organically bound. Reasonable organizational structure that allows for each job in the organization, work units, departments, levels of government and even set the entire state administrative organization system, the right to meet the needs of the organization's objectives administration. That is, each level is set according to the needs of society, it is no dummy departments, units, positions, there is no leakage design departments, units, positions; various positions of administrative organizations, various departments at all levels, in the division of labor and cooperation under the organic combination of wisdom and strength to play organize individual and group, to ride Utility, to achieve the set organizational goals and work hard, to achieve optimal administrative organizational goals.

(b) rational organizational structure is conducive to stabilize the mood of the staff. Motivate staff

rational organizational structure. Set clear tasks for each staff member, responsibility and authority, the organizers of both a sense of belonging, but also a clear direction of struggle. Rational organizational structure able to play due to my people, because it is administered, the person obtaining the thing, when people use their expertise and resources. Can fully meet the needs of their work, but also to meet the requirements of professionalism of staff. This is conducive to the organization who worry about their work, emotional stability. Rational organizational structure. Make a good division of labor relations between workers, establish good relationships provide them with organizational security to enable them to work comfortably. Therefore, it is conducive to play the staff enthusiasm, creativity, and can form new collaborative force.

Administrative structure

(c) a reasonable structure, enabling organizations to maintain good communication

organizational structure is the framework of the organization, the main channel of communication constitutes an administrative information. Rational organizational structure organizational communication can play an administrative function, which enables upward communication of administrative information, downward communication, parallel communication and even oblique communication can be kept unobstructed; it helps to eliminate differences of opinion, and even conflict with the friction; it easy to make between personnel, units, departments agreed thinking, leading to cooperation in action; it can strengthen people's sense of community, a sense of responsibility, sense of honor, and to improve the rustic spirit of service personnel;

it superiors often make subordinates understand the situation, to facilitate decision-making realistic.

(D) rational organizational structure, improve the administrative efficiency of the micro and macro prerequisites

level of administrative efficiency, depends largely on whether the design of the organizational structure of the executive Reasonable. A structural disorder, inadequate segregation of duties overlapping organizations, not only the departments, administrative inefficiencies units, but also the entire administrative organization has been inefficient because any one unit in order to improve administrative efficiency, not only to make the unit an internal division of labor the well-structured, yet also other units associated with it, coordinated action, which requires the entire ten administrative organization system has a good organizational structure. The only way to promote all levels and all departments effective use of human, financial and material resources, time,

rational allocation of resources, with a minimum investment to achieving the maximum social benefit, give full play to the administrative organization of individuals and integral role to better improve administrative efficiency.


In order to give full play to the function of the administrative organization must establish a reasonable structure. So what is rational organizational structure? In general, reasonable structure should have the following several major conditions. Set

(a) tasks and organizational level value

each position, unit, department, an administrative organization, just with the functions to be exercised task equilibrium. Can fully meet the needs of their work, but also make full workload of each organization and individual, so it was something to do, something people do, get the best combination of people and things.

(ii) the organizations, by scaling arranged between

between the respective units according to the working relationship between the convergence and their work to set the ratio between the amount of units and personnel; the whole administration process can be smooth, proportionate and coordinated development of various administrative work organization happens to be the convergence of each other and there is no set due to leakage or uneven workload of the severity of the workflow interruption or infarction phenomenon.

(c) the clear division of labor, good cooperation

is the essence of the organizational structure of the administrative functions of the division of labor for the content - between individuals, between units between the department, the division of functions between the various levels. The purpose of the division, first, the respective specific functions can be best performed, so that each person can fine-unit and on the base profile. Therefore, the division of labor must be clear, clear, try to be professional in order to be proficient. Second, in order to better cooperation so that the whole administrative functions of the organization due to the division of labor but get better, cooperate closely with each other to perform. If the purpose of the division of labor is that the former only is not conducive to the latter, that is the destruction of a whole division of functions, which can not be taken administrative organization.

When the administrative organizational structure so the design. When between the various units and individuals to carry out the division of labor, not only to achieve a clear division of labor, but also take into account whether such a division of labor in favor of cooperation.

For each unit, and there is good coordination between the smooth channels of communication between individuals, and provide a guarantee for such communication and coordination on the structure of the organization. As in the related business affiliations we should consider whether it is conducive to cooperation. Non-affiliation, they need to cooperate with each other in the same level units, we will have to consider the establishment of such institutions a loose coordinating committee, or by the head of an executive body responsible for coordination.

(iv) adapt to the environment, having an elastic

is a modern administrative organization to adapt to an open system environment, the system can adapt to the environment tissue, and having an elastic it is a measure of organizational structure is reasonable yet another standard. Organization is the link connection between the various systems within the organization and environment organizations, networks, organizational environment restricts the structural properties of tissues, different social environment - especially in the economic environment, requiring internal administrative organizations have different relations division of responsibilities, which requires there are different organizational structures. Therefore, any administrative organizational structure of society is stable and variability of unity. To maintain reasonable, the organizational structure as the environment changes must be timely adjusted so that the structure has a flexibility, stretchability and contingency, to adapt to new changes in the environment.

In short, a good administrative organizational structure should be based on competence center post, to maintain a reasonable relationship between the proportion in number, in quality mutual co-satirical adaptation presents an organic, dynamic network as a whole.

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