Home Technique Alzak Dynasty

Alzak Dynasty

Historical Level

Patia's Protection State

First, in the Roman Empire and Patia Empire (China Ancient Ranked Safe) Under the double-sided feet, the Altashs Dynasty died around the West Yuan, while Armenia was also short-lived in a short, the province of Rome, became the protected state of Rome. As for the East Asia, the Arshakunian is established at 64 years, it has become the protector of Patia.

Single religious country

West Yuan 224 years, Sassanids is desiranted; in order not to be assimilated by Persians, Western Yuan 301, Trdat III Deda III (Trdat III) is a national education, making Armenia become the world's first single religious country.

405 years, Armenian letters were invented. In the 428th, the Axia Dynasty was destroyed.

King list

This period, the sort of the rest in the royal family has achieved the right to Armenia.

Ladder Lodge (54-58)

Roman occupation (58-59)

Timi Six (Roman protection

Ladda bottom I (62-163)

63 years, Rome and rest Conclusion Treaty: Armenian King is running by the Run Run, but must obtain Rome agreed Rome crowned.

Ladder Lodge (63-72)

Akdadarres (Roman Protection)

Palam Masilis ( Swiss protection) (? ~ 114)

Roman emperor map to conquer Armenia, place it as a province (114-118)

Voosjis (118 ~?) (Roman protection)

Orellius Parcos


Parco (161) 163)

Suhmo 2nd rule


Voosi II (197)

Cut old (197-238) may have no

ladda bottom I / P>

Bosasa Dynasty occupied: (238-1252)

Alzak Dynasty

Altavazde Six (Persian Protection)

Cuus old second world

Ladder Loda III will enter Xiao Armenia into the Grand Armenia

Cut old III (330-339)

Timi Seven World

Alzak II (350-1368) < / p>

Persins Sasan Dynasty occupation: (368 ~ 370)

Persi Governor

During this period, Armenia became a province of the Persian Empire, from Persian Appointed Governor rule



Wahan Mamiconian

Meiru Aldzruni

Alzak Dynasty

Pap (370-1374)

Varanadad (374 ~ 378)

Zalman Ducht (378 ~ 379)

Persins Sashan Dynasty occupied (379)

Persian Governor and local Wang Gong (379 ~ 384)

Alzak II (384 ~ 387)

Armenia East Roman Empire and Persian Empire (387)

Small Armenia

This is the Armenian Territory of the East Roman Empire

Alzak III (387 ~ 389)

Xiao Armenia is east The Roman Empire is a province. The Alzak Dynasty in this area ends

Great Asia

This is the Armenian territory obtained by Persia, and the Alzak Dynasty continues under the control of the Persi Empire. There is


Cusc's old four (387 ~ 392)

Varam Shepach (392 ~ 414)

Cut old three world (41 4-415) The second rule

Shapur (415 ~ 421) Persian Wang Gong

Local Wang Gong Autonomous Period: (421 ~ 423)

Altakshi II (423-1428)

428, the Armenian aristocrat has overthrew the Alzak Dynasty, and Person began directly to Direct.

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