Home Technique Anti-adjustment reservoir

Anti-adjustment reservoir

"Anti-adjustment" has a variety of roles:

1, adjusting navigation: Gezhouba is the counter-adjustment reservoir of the Three Gorges Project. After the third effort of the Three Gorges Project, the power generation drain change is huge. It has adversely affected the navigation of the canyon river section below, and there is a water storage in Gezhouba. This section has become a gentle waterway.

2, the flow of the river, such as planned Xixia Hospital reservoir, downstream of Xiaolang Bowl Reservoir, when Xiao Woland is generated, the Xixia Reservoir can block some water. When the small wave stops power generation, Xixia Hospital can continue to put water, downstream river sections can continue to have water.

3, the counter-adjustment of power generation capacity: Each cassette power station will give full play to the equipment capacity according to the water storage conditions and the grid load, and reduce the discarding water.

Reversive electricity is a power plant in operation dispatch, there is a stopped time period, this time is the power supply range of this power station, and the self-contained electricity of this power plant is reversed by the grid.

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