Home Technique Attributive



Classification and illustration:

a "central word + of + attribute + person"

< p> This can be seen as the standard format of the original sentence of ancient Chinese.

1 horse thousands of miles, one food or intimate stone. ("Horse said" the horse in Japan, sometimes can eat a stone millet.)

2 富 不, the poor is here. ("To learn") (rich still can't arrive, the poor monk is there)

3 stone, the people, all. ("Shimeishan Ji") (the stone of the sound of the sound, the stone everywhere is this)

two, "Central word + attributive +"

1 cover The nuclear narrow man is. ("Nuclear boat") (originally selected to choose a narrow-shaped peach nucleus to engrave the nuclear boat)

2 There is no odd font free, whirl ("Sports Board") (some usually have not prepared uncomfortable words, immediately engraved it out)

3 villages in a good thing, domesticate insects ("promotion") (there is a good thing in the village) Young people, raising a cockroach)

4 and the general can refuse, the Yangtze River is also ("Battle of Chibi") (and the generals you can use to resist Cao Cao's favorable situation, Yangtze River)

5 to ask for people to make the Qin Qin, have failed. ("Lian Po is like a biography") (I want to find someone who can reply to Qin Qin to Qin State, and did not find)

6 Prince and guests knowing their hassle, all white crown . ("Jing Yu Qin Qin Wang") (Taizan and knowing this thing, wearing white clothes, wearing a white hat, sending the Jingqi.

From the middle school Chinese textbook, this type of idiom The stronger is the most, and it is basically a verb structure (including the verb and phrase a verb-centric phrase). In turn, the attributive of the verb structure is often post. There is also a rule: when a central word is not An attributive, the noun, the acquired idiom, the rear, the modifier of the verb structure, is the same. In the case of the example 4, "General" is the property attribute, not rejected, "can refuse "It is a modified idiom that is composed of verb structures. It is placed in the central word. This way, the way ancient Chinese will be flexible than modern Chinese.

three," center word + + Attributive "

1 His Temple" is the worries; the rivers and lakes are far, they are worried. ("Yueyang Tower") ("Yueyang Tower") (in a high court, just worry the people) Pulling; retreat in remote rivers and lakes [即 folks], worry about his national monarch.)

2 无 无 无 牙 牙 牙 牙 牙, 牙 牙,,, 牙 牙 牙 强 强 强 强 强 牙 牙 牙 牙 牙 牙 牙Strong bones)

3 people can inspect the body, Wen Wen in the subject! ("Qu Yuan Biography") (noble people can make their own clean body, suffer Dividation of foreign objects [pollution]!)

It can be seen that the attributive in this type of example is generally the adjective, which in turn, if the modifier attributes that are adjective is usually constructed. "Central word + + attributive" format.

four, "Central word + attributive"

This format and the subject in the judgment sentence is the same as that, no Language logo, it is more difficult. But this situation has little, and I have selected "Ximen Leopard" in the middle school textbook: "From the ten-discipled ten people, all the clothes are single. "(followed by a dozen female disciple / follower of female disciples a dozen ......) here," woman "is" disciple "attributive, after being set up. If the identification is unclear, students may be understood as" cousin The child is ten personal ... "or" following youn, my son, my daughter is about ten. "

5," Central word + + attributive + "" structure.

1 缙 缙 而 不 者 者 者 者 海 海 海 海 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人))) 人))))) >


When it is translated into Chinese, it should generally be mentioned in front of the center word. In addition, when the idiom is posted, it is often added between the central words and attributives, sometimes In the absence of the "person" word.

It should be noted that the rear of the text in classics is limited to the sentence representing the modified relationship, the idiom of the collar is not resembled.

Three forms of "Instrumentation", but in a specific language environment, you should not simply "on the top", but should be from sentence words In-depth thinking in terms of structural relationships, especially to analyze the word "and effects", otherwise it is easy to have errors.

Chinese Identification


1956, Mr. Yang Bojun puts forward the "post-idiological post" in "Cultural Soot". Because everyone is very respectful, Mr. Yang, the words of him are too believed in, in 1979, "post-id" is included in the middle school language textbook.


In his later years, he found that he was too sloppy after the lapse of the idiom, and finally found that the dendrites were actually inverted, however, because everyone is too Respect for Mr. Yang, causing everyone to listen to him ...

The affirmation of the affirmation in the boundary is only one - the front of the object is no controversial flip. , other, such as: Instrumentation, 增 耳 ~

English idiom

In English, if the attributive is indicated by a word It is usually a pretreated. When a phrase or a sentence is represented, it is usually rear. The following conditions are several phenomena that are written by a single word.

1, adjective enough is a note, and the focus is emphasizing the noun that it is modified, or the noun it is modified to adjective the word effect and the front does not tell the word, usually back. For example:

i haven't time enough to do the work. I don't have enough time to do it.

He Hasn't Man Enough to Admit His Mistake. He didn't have a big husband who was very bad.

2 When the attribut is a adjective, it is modified by any-, every-, some, and the composite pronouns composed of -Body, -one, -thing, usually the back. For example:

there is some- Thing Important in Today's Newspaper. There are important news on today's newspapers.

He Wanded to Get Someone reliable to help in this work. He wants to find a reliable person to help do this.

Third, the word it is modified has a rear when there is a word such as the one and the like to enhance the tone. The inventory is indicated by adjective, and the word is modified is anywhere, somewhere et al., Will also be rearward. For example:

This is the one thing needful This is the only thing needed.

can you find anywhere quiet? Can you find a quiet place?

He Has Been Sent To Somewhere Particular. He was sent to a certain place.

four, attended by Here, There, In, Out, Home, ABOVE, BELOW, ABROAD, Before, YesterDay, etc., often go back. For example:

he is on his way home. He is going home.

Can you tell me Something about the social system there? Can you tell me about the social system there?

5, the idiom is the present word or the past word, if it emphasizes is not a more permanent feature, but the action of the word itself, it usually begins. For example:

MOST OF THE PEOPLE SINGING ARE THE STUDENTS. Most people singing are students.

The roude. Their high level indicates the progress they have achieved.

6. The attributive is sometimes conjunction with some adjectives ending with -able or -ible. This type of post-idler sometimes only means a temporary feature, phenomenon, etc. For example:

it's the only solution possible. This is the only solution that might take.

Are there any tickets available? Is there a ticket?

That's the only star visible now. That is the only visible star now.

seven, some of the adjective words that only have a speech function, must be rearward. For example:

He Was the Only Person awake at the moment. He is the only person who woke up at the time.

he is one of the few workers alive Today Who Took Part in The Strike. He is one of the few workers who have participated in this strike.

eight, ELSE is used to modify composite translation words, and if you have questions, you must be rear. For example:

Little else remains to be done. No matter what is left.

who else wanted to go there? Who else wants to go there?

nine, in some fixed matching, words are often rearward. For example:

the sum Total total number

Secretary General Secretary

The Third Person Singular third person list

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