Home Technique Babao Jie rice

Babao Jie rice


glutinous rice 200 grams, 200 grams of water, 200 grams of bean, 30 grams of sugar, 10 grams of oil, 10 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, 30 grams of oil, cranberry, raisins, lotus sauce, osmanthus sauce a little.


1, the glutinous rice is washed in the plate, add the appropriate amount of water;

2, steaming 20 minutes in the middle;

3, boiled rice to add white sugar;

4, stir until the white sugar is opened;

5, take a container, brush oil with brush, so When you take out rice, you will not stick to the container;

6, put on the peer to the pair, cranberry, raisin, etc.;

Babao Jie rice

7, put half of rice In the container;

8, pressing hand according to hand;

9, add the bean sand;

10, put the remaining rice in place; < / p>

11, again placed on the steamer, the steam for 15 minutes;

12, after steaming, upside down in the dish, sauce topped with a little above osmanthus.


1, the proportion of rice and water is generally one to one.

2, sugar and candied fruit according to each human taste.

3, the characteristics of Babao rice: sweet and not greasy, bright color.

Babao rice related information:

Babao rice, the pass from the celebration banquet of Wu Wangzhao. Zhou end of the main Shang, brawn extraordinary, eloquent agile, alcohol lust, no way oppressive. 1123 BC, King Wu of princes conquests, Zhou defeated earlier this flood County, Henan Province south of Makino. Self-imminent, Wu Wang and Ding the world, Jiadu is in the middle of Chang'an, Turndo. In Zhou Wu Wang's, the world's large industry, Bethod, Bo, Zhong, Zhong Shi, Uncle Night, Uncle Summer, Safe, Tasty fraud, merit, Heiki, deeply praised by Wu Wang and people.

At the celebration banquet in Wu Wang, the world is joy, the soldiers are jealous, and the people will be born rice. The eight treasures symbolizes the eight shots.

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