Home Technique Badogrio


Synonym Pedro Badogrio General Due to Pasterrio

Character Life

One Battle Hero

Badogrio is born in Italy Asti province in the Piemondo area of ​​the Piemondo. After graduating from the Turki Academy, Baogrio joined the Italian Lu team, promoted to the landlord in 1892. After that, he was stationed in Eritrea in 1896. In 1912, he participated in Italy to capture the battle of Ottoman Empire, North Africa, and was promoted to a small school.

After a battle broke out, the Baddorio of the middle school was in battle. In the war in the war, Borgurio continued to be promoted, but he encountered the first big trouble in 1917. In 1917, Badogrio was served as the 27th Army of the Italy, in the Battle of Carboleo, the 2nd Corps lost his face to the Italian army, and the entire armed group under the Audio army's attack is only casualties. 40,000, the soldiers who captured the enemy were mostly 265,000 people. Although Baugelio is responsible for this, it is not only any punishment, but will be promoted to the army in the same year.

In November 1918, the Italian army took advantage of the Austrian native land, on November 4th in the English and French military support, in the northeast, defeat the Austrian occupation forces, forcing the Austrian army unconditional surrenders, sign The Iry Anti-War Agreement and recovered the Bonner Hills, who were being occupied by the Oanderer, South Tyrol region and the Iry border. This day became the foundation of Italy. At the time, the Vice President of the Italian Army, Padgrio, was regarded as the founder of this victory, and was promoted directly to the army.

After the war, Baugerio became a parliamentarian member and retained military. At the beginning of Baugerio, Benito Mussolio did not accept the fascist government, and was exclusted from all parties. In 1922, he was dedicated to the Ambassador of Italy. However, the subsequent government transformation is Baddorio to return to the high level of the military.

May 4, 1924, Badogrio from the newly paragraph of the new Italy.

May 26, 1926 he was awarded the Italian Army Marshal Army.

In 1929, Badogrio visited the Governor of Italy in Libya.

East Africa

In 1935 Italy, the main force of Ethiopia, the Italian army is composed of Eritrea, the second, three army, and there is Eritrea Fourth Army and Marioi and Kumoti The two columns of the generals of the generals, the total number of 250,000, carried out in the North Battlefield, commanded by General Derbino, Northeast Army Command.

In the South Battlefield (Somalia), there are two campaigns, about 110,000 people, by Rodolfo Graziani Marshalfo; there is a campaign cluster in the central direction. 17,000 people. However, the intention of the intention of the intertility does not take advantage of the beginning of the war, and the Ethiopian army has a tenacious resistance under the commander of the emperor Haier Salasi.

In November 1935, the irritated Mussolini revocated the Dresborg's position, appointed Padgrio as the general commander of the North Africa. Baugerio changed his predecessor's careful offensive strategy, one arrived on the Eup Actor, and dispatched the bomber violently attacking the Egyptian war. In March, I even used the civic weapon such as gas bomb, mustard, and the banner of Pastorrio finally defeated the main force of the Egyptian, Ethiopian Emperor Haier Salasiyi.

On May 5, 1936, Baogrio Yao Wuyangwei land led the army into the Ethiopian capital of Siabebaba. This is not worth showing off, Mussolini is very happy, and he is quite shameless to tell the "Daily Mail" reporter, "Italy's victory in East Africa made her into the ranks of the world."

The soldiers defeated Greece

After the explosion of the World War I, Padgrio has served as the total staff of Italy. Badario knows that the Italian army combat power is low, and Mussolini should not be easy to fight against the Allies. And ambitiously in Mussolini persuaded Ruoyan.

At the end of October 1940, Mussolini, who wanted to show strength in front of Hitler, ordered it to invade Greece. Prior to this, the Badogrio Yuan Shuai has repeatedly expressed its opposition. He believes: In case the attack of the Italian army is unable to win, the war will be extended, and it is a scarce resource that is scarce. If you don't affected, after the start of Greece's offense, the Italian army is born with the Italian army in the festival of the Greek army. It is not very clear that Baugerio is specifically played in this process. In the past few in December of the year, Borgrio was kicked out of the staff as a sin.

Government Visualization and

In 1943, the arbitral national war has deteriorated sharply. After the July Allies landed in Sicily, Italy, the Italian country failed. At the meeting of the Italian Parliament Fascist Grand Council, Badogrio's proposal to withdraw from the war and the allies has been widely supported by participants. On the 2nd, on July 25, the King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel III, the King Victor Emmanuel III, was released in Mussoli, and was forcibly formerly according to the proposal of Badario.

followed, Italy established a military autocracy with Badogrio as the core. One side ordered the "Keeping the Alliance with Germany, continuing to fight", and the conditions of withdrawing from the war in the war, and the British began to negotiate. At the same time, Mussoli's overturned, became the signal of domestic anti-fascist power action, and the powerful strike waves swept the northern industrial areas.

Beginning on August 5, 1943, Badogrio representatives and the allies secretly negotiated against the secret negotiations in Sicily. Italian hopes that the Allies landed in the northern Roman, and sent a empty division to occupy Rome. At the beginning of August, Elwin Longmel led the border to enter the northern Italy to support 8 German divisions of Albert Kelly Lin, Albert Kedellin, Italy. The German army lifted the 800,000 army to armed, arrested a large number of helper officers.

On August 31, 1943, the Allies issued the Italians to the Italians in the final way: all the armed forces immediately unconditionally surrendered; either accept or pulled down. Because the generals of the Allies are not very trust in Pastogrio, the Treatment of the Badogrio Government is not better than the Morrini government.

September 3, the Badogrio government signed on behalf of the Anti-Anti-Affairs Action agreement, Italy surrended with the Allies. At 6:30 in the evening of September 8, Eisenhower reads the armistice declaration in the radio. After 1 and a half hours, Badario also read the armistice declaration. At this time, the German began to surround Rome. Baugerio took the royal family and the cabinet, all took 5 cars, and took advantage of the night to escape Rome, and rushed to the Adriatic coast, then take 2 Allied speedboats to the south. On October 13, the Barldolio Government officially quit "axis" alliance and declared war to Germany. At the same time, the Government of Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Sino also issued a declaration and acknowledged Italy as a common warfare. However, the Baugerio military government that fled to the South of Italy did not receive national support. On the contrary, the status of the king who supported Mussolini in the war was extremely unstable due to increasingly questioning.

On June 4, 1944, the Allies broke through the German strict defense of the Gustav line in the middle of Italy, liberated the capital Rome, and then resigned in Badorio after 10 days.

After the war, Badario returned to his hometown, Peony, died in 1956.

Main achievements


became a member of the parliament after a war, and retained military.

he was dedicated to the Ambassador of Italy in Brazil.

served as the Prime Minister of the New Government in 1943 (1943-1944).


promoted in 1892 as the landlord.

1912 due to the war and promoted to a small school.

was promoted to the army in 1917.

directly promoted to the Army General in 1918.

May 4, 1924, Badogrio from the newly paragraph of the new Italy.

May 26, 1926 he was awarded the Italian Army Marshal Army.

In 1929, Badogrio visited the Governor of Italy in Libya.

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