Home Technique Baghdad


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8th century, Abbasid originated in Mesopotamia, began to build their new capital - Baghdad. Including thousands of engineers, 100,000 people, it has participated in the construction of the city. Baghdad and it has surpassed Constantinople, then became a leading bustling city.

at the time of the Abbasids ruled on numerous territories of Eurasia. In addition to the central area where Mesopotamia, and including Syria, Palestine and the entire Arabian Peninsula, including West Asia. Egypt and most of the coastal areas of North Africa, the western city of the empire. Iran Khorasan from the hinterland to the region, to Hualazaimo, river and Sistan, composed of the same vast eastern provinces.

As for the location of the city of Baghdad, but also to set up a component in the center of the empire of the full capital. City is not only the caliph and his family park, big market is the largest Guards barracks and China Unicom East-West trade. Of course, after the completion of Baghdad, is also drawn large warehouse agricultural income of the two rivers. Not only as a library City Longxing place to be more sophisticated than the law, will replace the history of the city of Babylon, Seleucia and Ctesiphon, become Hejian to sign. Eventually, the caliph of Baghdad will go beyond the Roman emperor of Constantinople, to get the world's first cities in the world.

So, when there is enough power to Abbas Caliph of Baghdad also carries almost the entire Islamic Golden Age. Up to 150 million people, or once lived around this city. There are tens of thousands of business travelers will be passing way here each year, and the size of the city and downtown are full of praise.

But with the Caliph to reduce personal power, the Abbasid national strength has entered slowly lower channel. Baghdad has been affected several times a civil war, the population began to rapidly drain. Especially when many provinces in North Africa and the East began to spin out of control, adequate resources to support mega-cities will become less and less.

to the 10th century, Caliph himself and the whole city together become a foregone conclusion Bu Weixi dynasty. The latter was founded by the Persian traditional North insisted the Iranians, not only believe in Shiite Islam, is nearly restored the Zoroastrian faith at the time of the Sassanid Empire.

until 1055 when the new rise of the Seljuk Turks south, the north Iranians Bu Weixi dynasty expelled. But the Caliph of Baghdad bitterness has only just begun.

Although early Seljuks in Iran Hamadan capital, but also to the city of Baghdad sent his chief. Harry sent away under house arrest Persians, Turks ushered surveillance. After the Seljuks and the court will simply be moved to the capital, Baghdad, and let the Caliph placing him under his Sudan in many public places. But as long as the spirit is still influential caliph himself, already weak unbearable Abbasid would also retain the remaining glimmer of hope.

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Ultimately, it is the internal Seljuk differentiation, and let the Caliph of Baghdad have seen a revival opportunity. As with all intercontinental empire, like, after the country Fang Changguan can not remain strong in the center of the Seljuk, strong independent tendencies inevitably arise. Originally a puppet caliph, the idea is also a blessing in disguise to become a party to power.

But in general the local lord different, caliph of Islam itself is the world's highest spiritual authority. At the time of their impoverished, they would nod and by King James, to any powerful forces to sell their own recognition. In turn, occupy any other position of supreme warlord, but also find ways to blackmail Caliph endorsement for themselves. Direct control of troops in Baghdad, is the most effective means.

1157, the then reigning Ali - Muck Taffy ran into this problem. He is a quite ambitious politician, hopes to use the Seljuk forces of segregation Ben points to reconstruct the old Abbasid Caliphate.

But when Mehmed II in Hamedan solid basic disk, will be eyeing the city of Baghdad. The reason is not difficult to understand, warlord compared to western and oriental Noureddine contender Malik III, the Muslim-Croat military Taffy is the most weak. He did not Abbasids upon which to build feats of Khorasan Army, nor the Turks to serve as soldiers in the Guard. Baghdad is not a powerful fortress with a natural barrier protection. Once the occupation troops, the bulk of taxes have two River region, and the highest commission Caliph had signed.

So, Mehmed II in that when there is spare capacity, select send troops to Baghdad. His control is an important ally in Mosul two warlords Zang Ji Hebei Department, also sent their troops. A team of 30,000 Turks, Persians, Kurds and Arabs patchwork army, under siege in January 22.

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Mustafi the hands of the Muslim-Croat forces is very limited, he relies on personal relationships, including Sheila and Wasit from the south to collect the Arab forces. Plus garrison town should not have more temporary and mobilized citizens, a total of more than 7,000 people.

Baghdad siege in 1157, also became an Arab forces with the Turks - the collision between the forces of Persia. Muck Taffy military organization, depends almost entirely on the Western Hills sunset armed Arab tradition. Among these are responsible for the daily maintenance of urban safety militia garrison, but also rely on armed tribes as a link of the country. Muhammad's army, under the command of himself and the core of the lords of the Guinean military fraternity. Secondly, it is the subsidiary of the armed forces at all levels. Muck Taffy side, almost all infantry team. Muhammad's army is the main force of cavalry, infantry but not a lack of all kinds of groups.

Let Muck Taffy think an important reason for shortage of troops, the city of Baghdad is too great. From the founding of the city began, Baghdad scale has been expanding. Amplification of the city area, troops assigned to the garrison of huge problems. The attackers but they can concentrate our efforts on the choice of the place were some storm. You can also dispatched a few road forces, carried out with a feint to deceive nature. Once the walls fall somewhere in the city, the city also needs reinforcements came from far away.

Even defenders stubborn resistance, but also by means of offensive siege, so the big cities into food shortages. Baghdad has passed the peak of 30-50 million people there at the time, very easy to defeat hunger.

In both cases, in ancient Babylon and later Beijing has staged in 1157 Baghdad can not escape. So, Muck Taffy must use extreme measures to eliminate the many disadvantages of defenders. He made the bold decision to give up a huge area and population of more Xicheng District, all of the defense forces are concentrated in easily defended East Side.

As a result, unable to defend the walls and the urban population can not participate in the fighting, have been sent directly to Harry dumped the pot. Tigris flows through the center of the city, has become a barrier defenders. After all the bridges over the river were removed, Dongcheng District, Baghdad has become a bastion of the Caliph. They also continue to reinforce the walls there, and called the art to make catapults and other weapons technology.

So, after Muhammad Seljuk army arrived, very successfully occupied the Xicheng District. They direct the camp in the city, looting property or materials can be found, and to collect materials engineering instruments.

retreated caliph Dongcheng District, will also stock the library of all weapons out armed volunteers. He also used his religious complex, under the command of its efforts to inspire the fighting. Finally, all soldiers wounded in combat, will be subsidized five gold dinar.

Golden Age Legacy

1157 Nian 3 March 4, has completed the preparation of the Seljuk army began to attack. They start from the side walls of the east, on the other hand also try to ride out directly from the Tigris Xicheng District. But these efforts have not received any results.

In the fighting near the city walls, the main test of engineering and technical level between the two sides. He experienced the Arab golden age of Baghdad, still has more scientific and technological heritage. Engineers and engineers who, with reinforced walls and gates against each other's battering ram attack. Placed in the city of the first catapults, it can transmit with a crossbow arrow combustion of oil and the like. In contrast, the Seljuk army ready in this regard, is inadequate. High mobility of civil strife and long-term members of the military, are not conducive to maintaining the technical team. They not only created a complex battering ram, ladders and a few long-range weapons, you can not gain an advantage in technology.

March 29, Seljuk army has launched an attack in the western city already control. Engineers in their own with the help of fire suppression, and finally repair a bridge on the Tigris. Ready brigade of infantry, swarm, an attempt to defeat the defenders of defense quickly.

But just the space of a bridge, please do not make large-scale troop cast. The garrison mobilized heavily to plug the gap. Wearing heavy armor holding shields infantry, it is easy to meet with dense phalanx accelerated charge opponent. Both sides in the shadow of the flying arrows, fierce fighting took place. Turks of course, is to use the compound bow players, but the Arabs the same since the beginning of the era of the prophet bows attached enormous importance to training. Caliph's army also transferred to the Catapult, shooting toward the Turks across the river. Seljuk side nF death squads, also destroyed a few doors Catapult with burning pot in his hand. Eventually, the morale of the defenders will Seljuk army back to the West Side.

On the same day, the siege of East Seljuk army launched a fierce attack. But they are good battering ram new creation, or upon impact gates are emitted defenders with Catapult combustion burned. Siege warfare this impasse, the Seljuks began to try to cities under siege. But already completed staff streamlined defenders, before relying on food storage, continued confrontation with the enemy. Seljuks did not dare to use the way dam, cut the Tigris. Because that would be a devastating blow agriculture downstream, will allow more cities and villages to join the caliphate side.

Since then, the two sides deadlocked at the end of June skirmishes often break out of. During the Seljuks create a lot of ladders, prepared in this way to reflect their numerical superiority.

29 days, do not want to continue to waste the time of Muhammad ordered a general offensive. Thousands of army soldiers of all ethnic groups, the use of 400 ladder while climbing the walls of Baghdad. The first reason is the low status of most of Chur person, and Catapult is responsible for the destruction of the law engineer satisfied. Defenders almost all placed in the city wall, and the opponent's final desperate for a stroke.

As the numerical superiority and the entire offensive launched at the same time, the Seljuks finally, after more than three months siege attack in Baghdad, boarded walls Dongcheng District. However, this is about the illusion of victory was short-lived. Defenders amazing burst of will to fight in despair, not to the already high morale of Kurdish cannon fodder with great shock. Coupled fire nF manufacturing engineers began to spread in the city of the first, but hindering more reservists to climb the city wall. Filled the huge casualties and the fire, forcing the attackers to give up the day's results.

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1157 In July 2009, involved in the attack Muhammad and Zang Ji, had to withdraw separately. In Baghdad, two people spent too much time and energy, so that their opponents have an opportunity.

The first is the control of warlords Noureddine eastern Syria to attack the two caliphs as an excuse to start troops eastward. Had been active in the front line against the Crusaders, he took advantage of Mosul Zang Ji is not a good time to prepare dove over the magpie's nest. Affected by this bad news, Zang Ji to Mosul with troop withdrawal.

followed by Muhammad II compete for the throne Seljuk Malik III, has been gathered in the eastern part of the new army. Taking advantage of the siege of Baghdad Muhammad and not the embarrassment opportunity to attack scored Hamadan north. Muhammad can only choose to retreat, to go and his brother were pending infighting.

In this way, after more than three months of fierce battle, the Muslim-Croat Taffy finally saved Baghdad. Is old age of the Abbasids, is relying on this victory, finally ushered in the setting sun. Caliph finally get rid of Persian or Turkic warlord to be maintaining an independent state in the tradition of Mesopotamia.

Arab morale in the siege of Baghdad, also inspired by the late Abbas caliphs. After that, regardless of the origin of armed men in Baghdad after defecting authorities, should be carried out to become a special ceremony Arab warrior. These complex components "Arab warrior", and again for the safety of Abbas small court fight over a century.

1258 years, that is exactly 101 years after the end of the siege of Baghdad, Hulagu the Mongol military expedition arrived at the city of Baghdad. In the battle for Baghdad, Caliph himself together, to be wiped off the map along with the entire city of Baghdad.

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