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Balkan National Summit

The first

November 3 to 4, 1997, the first Balkan Summit held in Greece, Crete, Greece, is since 1991 After the outbreak of the Boss and Herzegovina in April 1992, the first meeting of the Balkan State on the regional cooperation issues was also a historic conference for the elimination of the Balkan region without foreign forces. The meeting issued a joint statement, emphasizing that the Government of the Eight Governments is determined by international law and the Charter of the United Nations, strengthening regional cooperation within the framework of peace, security, good-neighborly, stable and peaceful and other mutually beneficial frameworks, and join hands to build Balkans into a regional and prosperity. . Declare that Balkan countries will strengthen cooperation in infrastructure, energy, transportation, communications, scientific and technological education, cultural and sports, and will be coordinated in combating drug smuggling, illegal immigration and terrorist activities, and believe that cultural and religion is different. Should not be a threat to regional cooperation and security, but should be considered as encouraging, creativity and driving force. The meeting was also decided that the eight countries will hold at least one meeting in the future, and political consultation will promote the cooperation in this area in stability and security. After meeting, Greece and Turkish prime ministers said that both parties agreed to gradually eliminate their differences between each other by continuing contact with political dialogue. The Nanno, the President Miloshevich and Albanian Prime Minister Nano held the first meeting between the leaders of the two countries in 40 years.

Second meeting Balkan National Summit held a summit in 1998 in 1998.

The third meeting Balkan National Summit held a summit in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 29, 1999. It is the first "Southeast European Convention" Component part of the summit.

Fourth Session of the Fourth Conference Balkan National Summit on October 25, 2000, in Macedonian Capital, Macedonia, a European Union's support. Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslav Union, President, Romania, and Greece and Turkey Prime Minister participated in meetings, Bosnia and Human and Croatia's senior officials to observe their identity and the Southeast European Convention Special Coordinator, US Ambassador to the United Nations and EU officials attended The meeting. The main topics of the meeting were the situation in the Balkan region and the process of cooperation, and severe differences occurred in discussing the status issue in Kosovo. The meeting adopted a joint statement that the countries promised to continue constructive cooperation in order to solve all the problems left in the past, in the spirit of equality, mutual understanding and good neighbors.

The fifth meeting of the fifth conference Balkan National Summit on February 23, 2001, held a summit in Skopi, Macedonia, Croatia's observer identity. The original theme of the meeting is to discuss regional economic cooperation, especially energy cooperation, and how to attract foreign investment, but due to the situation in Kosovo and the situation in southern Serbia, the meeting still discusses regional security and democratic prospects, stability in Southeast Europe. The meeting passed a joint statement, statement that Balkan has experienced 10 years of war and conflict, and now has the possibility of achieving common goals of economic and social progress in the region; the meeting adopts an action plan for regional economic cooperation, it stipulates The priority area of ​​regional cooperation; the meeting absorbs Bosnia and Herzegovina is a formal member of the Southeast European Convention, restores Yugoslav's Southeast European Convention Member; Macedonia and Yugoslavia signed a boundary agreement.

Balkan National Summit

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