Home Technique Beixi Village Township

Beixi Village Township


1949 years, is four districts.

1953 years belong to the North Village, South Village, Xie, small Ling elimination (ie east Ling consumer), Business Village 4 townships, belongs to three districts.

1956 years, dismantling, North Village, South Village, Xie, Ling eliminate three small townships and rural North Village, Village business was incorporated toward the village.

1958 years, is chenshi commune.

1961 years, the precipitation, the establishment of the North Village commune.

1984, changed to the North Village Township.

In 1996, the West remain Cao Township incorporated.

administrative division

at the end of 2011, North Village Township jurisdiction Xitang Wang, Nord Stream, South Stream, floating Feng, Xie large, south Xie, Xie He, along the East Bay business village, the crowd, Xiling elimination, the East Ling disappeared, leaving West Cao, Cao Dong left, Zhang Qiu, head of the hospital, the East green, green, West green 19 administrative villages.

As of June 2020, the North Village township under the jurisdiction of 19 administrative villages. Township People's Government in the North Village.

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Darius village

West Tangwang Cun

HE Frank Estate

List Estate

East remain Caocun

South village

Frank large village

in the East village < / p>

West green village

North village

dongling elimination village

Zhang Qiucun

green village

von floating village

West Ling village elimination

hospital Tau

East green village

South Xie village

West left the village of Cao



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    location Realm

North village Township is located in Shenzhen City in the northeast, east and strong military County adjacent to the south and even large Fengying Xiang, Chen Shi Town, Raoyang and northwest border, an area of ​​70.04 square kilometers.

Township North Village


at the end of 2011, North Village village area with a total population of 32500 people. Of the total population, male 16884 people, accounting for 52%; female 15616 people, accounting for 48%. In the total population, the Han nationality is mainly. In 2011, the birth rate 6.32 ‰, mortality rate 3.54 ‰, the natural population growth rate of 2.78 ‰.

2017, the Northern Village Township resident population of 22429 people.

As of 2018, North Village village household population 33939 people.



2011, the Northern Village township's total fiscal revenue 3.06 million yuan, an increase of 21 percent over the previous year. Including local fiscal revenue 2.01 million yuan, an increase of 25 percent over the previous year. From the look of the main taxes, complete tax 1.05 million yuan, 2.01 million yuan tax.


Village North Township agricultural land area of ​​78,885 acres, 2.43 acres per capita, all irrigated land to grow wheat, corn, peanuts, vegetables. In 2011, agricultural output value 249 million yuan. In crops of wheat, corn. In 2011, the production of 47,000 tons of grain, of which 22,000 tons of wheat, 25,000 tons of corn. The main cash crops of vegetables, peanuts, chili. In 2011, vegetable cultivation area of ​​11,000 acres, the annual output of 19,335 tons; peanut planting area of ​​10,000 mu, the annual output of 3002 tons; pepper cultivation area of ​​0.6 million mu, the annual output of 4805 tons.

Village North Township Livestock raising pigs, sheep, poultry-based. In 2011, of pigs 27000, at the end of herds 22800; sheep rearing volume of 15000, the end of herds 12000; 300,000 poultry birds.

Beixi Village Township


Rural Industries, North Village mainly leather processing, peanut processing. In 2011, the industrial output value of 1.55053 billion yuan, industrial added value of 46.5159 million yuan, an increase of 3 percent over the previous year. Industrial enterprises 3, 152 employees.

2018, the Northern Village Township has 16 industrial enterprises above designated size.


at the end of 2011, North Village Township urban and rural markets 7, the annual turnover of 560,000 yuan.

2018, the Northern Village Township business area of ​​over 50 square meters of the store or supermarket 35.

social undertakings

Education career

at the end of 2011, North village village kindergarten six children in the garden 120 full-time teachers and 15; 17 primary school, children enrollment rate of school-age students and 977 full-time teachers 130 people, primary school, middle school enrollment rate of school-age population, the beginning of a small rise in enrollment rate, nine-year compulsory education coverage reached 100%.

2011, the Northern Village rural finance budget expenditure on education 960,000 yuan, an increase of 5 percent over the previous year. Budget expenditure on education accounted for the proportion of total expenditure was 15%, up 6% over last year.

cultural and sports undertakings

at the end of 2011, North Village Township cultural stations 1, the village has a library; Meihuaquan an association, held annually the first month tenth day Plum Flower show exchange.

at the end of 2011, North Village Township 5 village installed fitness equipment.


at the end of 2011, North Village Township village two hospitals, 22 medical practitioners, 18 hospital beds, 68 doctors in rural areas. Fixed assets worth 950,000 yuan. 19 villagers 29108 people participated in the new rural cooperative medical care, the participation rate of 98%.

Social Security

2011, the Northern Village Township minimum subsistence guarantee in rural households 835, the number of 848 people, spending 661,000 yuan, an increase of 30 percent over the previous year, the monthly per capita 65 yuan, an increase of 30 percent over the previous year. Rural five guarantees 113 people, spending 146,000 yuan, an increase of 8% over the previous year, the monthly 108 yuan per capita, an increase of 8% over the previous year. State pensions, subsidies of various types of entitled groups of 66 people, pension expenditure was 292,000 yuan, an increase of 8% over the previous year; the end of 2011, 223 person-years for the age of 60 in rural membership retired soldiers living allowance paid the money.

Postal and Telecommunications

at the end of 2011, North Village Township Post Office as an agency; subscriptions to newspapers, periodicals 100,000 (copies). Two telecommunications companies, service outlets 46.


North Village Rural territory wide high-speed, Su Heng Road crossing. There are county and township (town) level 3 road, a total length of 19.9 km.

History and Culture

  • < b> Origin of names

because the township government in the North village named.

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