Home Technique BrewMP operating system

BrewMP operating system

Qualcomm Brew MP

The Brew Mobile Platform (Brew MP) mobile operating system provides an attractive user experience for all grades of mobile phones, including entry-level smartphones. An operating system that changes the rules of the industry's game, Brew MP will help operators, terminal manufacturers and developers provide differentiated services and help them quickly realize their most creative ideas in the mass market. Brew MP brings a true smartphone experience to mass market terminals, providing users with more convenience, higher efficiency and better connectivity.

Bringing a truly "smart" experience to mass-market mobile phones

Smartphones are becoming increasingly popular all over the world, and mobile phone users are increasingly enjoying various applications And the convenience brought by functions, such as connecting to social networks anytime, anywhere, and easy and convenient web browsing. Nevertheless, in the future, the popularization of smart phones will still face many obstacles, one of which is price-at present, a large number of mobile phone users cannot afford such high-priced mobile phones.

Qualcomm has extensive experience in the development of mobile software and hardware, which gives Brew MP the advantage of tight hardware integration that other operating systems can’t match. Not only is it powerful, Brew MP is also very flexible-it supports in-depth customization, and can better meet the differentiated needs of operators and manufacturers than other operating systems. In addition, openness is the key to the success of the new mobile operating system; as an open platform, Brew MP provides developers with a more open and flexible development environment through the free Brew MP SDK, so that developers and designers can easily Develop new applications, widgets and customized user interfaces for mass market phones and mobile terminals. At the same time, Brew MP also supports a variety of programming languages. In addition to the powerful local C/C++, it also supports multiple languages ​​including Flash and Java. In addition to the above advantages, Brew MP will also provide a new business model: the operating system will be provided free of charge with Qualcomm's chipset, and developers, operators and OEMs will not have to pay any fees to Qualcomm.

The global development momentum of Brew MP

Brew MP is not a new face in the field of mobile phone platforms. As its predecessor, Brew MP is one of the earliest mobile operating systems launched in the industry. Proud record. The Brew technology based on Brew MP has been adopted by more than 70 terminal partners, applied to more than 1,400 mobile phone models, and supported more than 250 million mobile phones. So far, Brew has brought more than $3 billion in revenue to publishers and developers worldwide.

There is no doubt that since its launch, Brew MP has made important progress in the feature phone and smart phone market, and has continued to serve manufacturers, operators, developers, and advertisers all over the world. Partners provide new opportunities.

HTC is world-renowned for its innovative smart phones, and is currently leveraging the flexibility of Brew MP to launch affordable smart phones. The first product launched by HTC is called HTC Smart, equipped with a 2.8-inch screen and a 3.2 million pixel camera. It is an affordable smartphone that can provide a rich user interface experience, and has been well received by the market. In addition, manufacturers such as ZTE, Huawei, LG, Samsung and Pantech are also currently designing their Brew MP phone models.

Through its innovative 3Pre program, Qualcomm is working with major software providers to use Brew MP operating system optimization, pre-integration, and distribution software technology to enable developers to distribute their Application, thereby shortening development time and reducing costs. So far, more than 35 major software developers have joined the program, including Java, Adobe Flash, Bitstrea, Sun, and Chinese developers such as UC Web and Tencent. To further promote cooperation with developers, Qualcomm held a developer conference Uplinq in San Diego from June 30th to July 1st, which mainly focused on the application development of Brew MP.

In addition, in the United States, Qualcomm is cooperating with the two largest operators AT&T and Verizon Wireless. AT&T recently announced that it will select Brew MP to run on 90% of its "quick messaging terminals" to provide users with a smartphone experience. Verizon Wireless also said that it will continue to support the Brew system and Brew-based application development projects, aimed at reducing the difficulty of developers' work and increasing the chances of downloading applications.

In addition, Brew MP has also reached a partnership with AdMarvel, a top mobile advertising service provider, to develop an easy-to-use, in-application advertising solution. The solution will be for developers of Brew applications, and their applications will be distributed through an application store supported by Qualcomm.

Brew MP will flourish in China

Today, China’s mobile industry is facing an excellent development opportunity, and Brew MP will be fully committed to promoting the development of the Chinese market. In fact, China’s telecom giants have far-sightedly realized that low-cost smartphones have huge market potential and regard them as an important part of their strategies. Earlier, China Telecom announced plans to focus on the development of mid-range 3G mobile phones and smart phones suitable for the mass market. The vice president of China Unicom also stated that operators will promote the development of 3G smartphones with prices ranging from RMB 1,000 to RMB 1,500.

The application market based on China's huge mobile phone user base is also growing rapidly. According to the forecast of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Telecom Research Department, China's mobile application users will reach 400 million by 2012, accounting for 40% of China's mobile users, and the market value will reach 50 billion yuan. China's mobile market will bring huge business opportunities to all market participants, and Brew MP is committed to enhancing the strength of local manufacturers, operators and developers.

Recent roadshows in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen discussed the business opportunities that Brew MP brings to China’s mobile application market. Qualcomm communicated with local developers on many issues, such as the development potential of Brew MP in China, how Chinese developers can participate, and how Qualcomm can help local developers benefit from the rapidly growing application market. Qualcomm will provide developers with extensive technical and commercial support in a variety of ways, and has established an active developer community around the world. With the release of the Brew MP mobile phone, Qualcomm's new plan also includes holding a regional developer conference. Developer activities outside of North America will mainly focus on the Chinese market.

In launching the Brew MP app store, Qualcomm chose China's local information and entertainment portal Sina as the manager of its cooperative app store. The Brew MP application store will provide Chinese consumers with a complete set of paid and free content, applications and services for download. Sina will be responsible for content delivery and transaction, catalog management and storefront management to give full play to its good online and social influence. Sina's huge brand awareness and Brew MP's powerful developer ecological environment project will provide local and foreign developers with the opportunity to enter the world's most important application and service market.

Andrew Gilbert, Executive Vice President of Qualcomm and President of QIS and Qualcomm Europe, said: “Building a strong mobile ecosystem to provide developers with lucrative business opportunities is Qualcomm’s main One of the strategic driving forces. At the same time, we have been looking for new ideas to help developers successfully achieve their business goals. We look forward to working with Sina.com, which is committed to building a strong local developer community, to provide a more local market for the Chinese market. At the same time, Qualcomm will also encourage Brew developers around the world to fully explore the potential of the Chinese market."

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