Home Technique Business website design

Business website design


commercial website refers to for-profit sites, such as Sina, Sohu and other sites by the site planner, web programmers, web designers and other positions, a variety of applications general term for web application development technology and web design technology, registered as a business entity, company or individual construction site on the global Internet (Internet), and contains the domain name and hosting and other services. Site is the enterprise display their image, publish product information, contact the online customer's new platform, new world, in turn, can open up new markets through e-commerce, to get a great little investment income and profits.

design principles

A complete commercial websites must first consider the site location, to determine its function and size of proposed basic needs. Which should be considered include, website style, domain name, logo, space, advertising, number of pages, database structure, maintenance of content requirements, labor costs, etc. If you want to make your own words refer more to other people's things, if only to be planning specific do it to others to determine the site's main location and basic style requirements, technical personnel and good communication

commerce sites have begun to enter the era subdivision, large and comprehensive business website difficult to survive. Latecomer, has been difficult to compete with giants such as Alibaba.

So, you have to do the most attractive commercial sites, can only be aimed at an industry to do fine, meticulous, so thoroughly.

How to meet the psychological needs of consumers? It is difficult to express clearly in a few words, so you need to consider the consumer's point of view, and what can and can not identify the location, you can gradually improve in practice.



website design are two important points to note: the overall style and color matching.

First, determine the overall style of the site

The overall style and creative website design is the most difficult to learn. The challenge is not a fixed pattern and can be referred to imitate. Give you a topic, any two people are exactly the same impossible to design a website.

style (style) is abstract. It refers to the overall image of the site to the overall feel of the viewer. The "overall image" includes site CI (logo, colors, fonts, slogans), layout, browsing, interactivity, text, tone, content value, existence, the site honors and many other factors. For example: We think NetEase is approachable, Disney is a lively, IBM is a serious professional. These are the sites to different people feel left behind.

Here, I offer to give you some reference experience:

1. Your mark logo, on every page of the most prominent position as much as possible.

2. Highlight your standard colors.

3. Summarize a tagline that reflects the essence of the Guizhan!

4. The same type of image the same effect, for example, have adopted the title word shadow effect, set the shadow effect of all title word appearing in the site should be exactly the same!

Second, the web page color matching

Whether it is graphic design or web design, color is always the most important part. When we are far away from the screen, we see not beautiful typography or beautiful pictures, but the color of the page.

There are many colors on principle, we can not be elaborated on here, we can see the design-related books, help to understand the system. Here we just want to tell you some tips when pages color.

1. With one color. Here refers to first select one color, then adjust the transparency or saturation, this page looks unified color and layered.

2. In two colors. First select one color, then select its contrasting colors.

3. With a color. Simply put, with a sense of color, such as light blue, light yellow, light green; or yellowish brown, Tu Hui, soil blue.

page in color, but also remember some errors:

Business website design

1. Do not all colors are used, ideally controlled within three to five kinds of colors.

2. Contrast the foregoing background and try to be large (Never use complicated pattern of pattern as the background), in order to highlight the main text.

identify whether profit

register at a Web site through the domain name to identify profit or for-profit commercial sites

that they will give their own website registration a domain name, this is to tell people where your site is located, cn is China, jp is Japan, us is the United States

there is a com he refers to commercial sites, such as the name of the class also there gov, net, org, etc. that they all refer to the nature of the site, they said that some of the non-profit or for-profit website.

.com (commercial organizations);

.net (agencies engaged in Internet services);

.org (nonprofit organizations);

gov (national government agencies)

principles of business website design should follow

First, clearly establish the site's target and user needs

Second, the overall design of a clear theme

marketing design

"marketing website is a development of the site, the integration of a variety of network marketing concept and site operations management methods, not only focus on building site professional, pay more attention to the whole process of site operations management, enterprise website construction and operation and maintenance of the integration of the entire network marketing model. "marketing web to understand the following aspects.

What is a marketing website

In the industry has not yet defined a standard. The real marketing website refers to the modern concept of network marketing as the core, the site plan based on corporate marketing objectives, has a good search engine performance and user experience, a comprehensive impact assessment system, able to effectively use various means to obtain business opportunities, improve product sales and brand awareness corporate website.

marketing website concept proposed breaking up the traditional understanding of the construction site. It turns out that the traditional concept of flash website home page image, at great length News reported that leaders of the style show, product introduction is unknown and so are corporate website marketing functions make it difficult to play well. Build marketing website, the marketing function is to clear the site, web site marketing to construction as the core objective.

marketing website is to meet the enterprise network marketing, including customer service-based website marketing, sales-based website marketing, market development and international marketing for the active site. Marketing website is to capture the essence of every detail, to be effective website. Program

How to build marketing website

By seo concepts into Web site design, domain name selection function planning. To the customer with a search engine optimization elements, in line with the site search engine specification. Omitted fancy, meaningless pages, each page of the site are marketing will play a role in the sales process. Focus on the use of the website, information structure and optimization best practices. Enabling visitors to quickly find products, enterprise information, contact us.


will attempt to copy products between businesses and their customers to establish a bridge, organized to build customer trust in business and products through the appropriate text. Structure for clear, bait product introduction and new web2.0 technology to trigger actions for potential customers to purchase construction site means to an end.

If the website design very much in line search engine optimization, you can get a better ranking in google, Baidu, yahoo and other search engines, allowing search engines to bring you a steady stream of customers.

website design is user-friendly, direct impact on the ability to understand your potential customers in the shortest possible time, trust you, and can quickly be converted into customers. User-friendly website design to make, on the need for professional planning in terms of the structure of the site, Business processes, product descriptions copywriting, layout design, such as the use of web technology.

Online customer service network systems, lead tracking systems and other aids to further enhance efficiency. Factors

influence marketing website success or failure of

factors are three:

First, the decisive factor in marketing website success is perseverance;

Second, the key factor leading to build their own website awareness and emphasis;

Finally, website construction service providers of skills and professionalism.

marketing website refers to the modern concept of network marketing as the core, a good search engine performance, good user experience as the standard, to better the visitor into a customer's corporate website. All Marketing Web must first meet seo, search engine optimization ranking is one of the most important means of website promotion, if a business website design did not go from seo point of view, do a good job and then still need to spend a lot of money to pay a professional seo company website optimization. web sites are not works of art, be sure to design clear, user-friendly browsing. network marketing is marketing a technology and marketing strategy with the collection, so take reasonable network marketing industry, can improve the conversion rate of potential customers a large degree of .

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