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Chard Harrow


The first chapter is the description of the poem under the iron heel of Napoleon, the Spanish people are suffering, their resistance and desire for freedom and liberation. Poets praise in the past and now its unyielding Spanish people, praise the guerrillas by the farmers artisans composed of heroic struggle against the invaders, who participated in shaping the glorious image of the Battle of Salamanca Gesa Spanish female guerrillas. Rulers Britain, Spain, Portugal, Napoleon against the invaders, the poet expressed great hatred. At the same time, the poet also feel the struggle of the Spanish people against the invaders in the final analysis is only beneficial to the country's monarchy, so in the Psalms and hints that no future tragedy.

The second chapter, 恰尔德哈洛 Stewart came to Greece, the Greek people are enslaved in Turkey but not yet up and fight. The poet stood on the land of slavery Turkey and Greece, seeing the bright and bleak historical sites, remembering the great Greek glorious past, lamenting the weakness of modern Greece

, the Greek poet motivate people to rise up the fight, chase for lost freedom: "who wants to be free themselves must stand up and fight."

after six or seven years apart, Byron finished third chapter (1816) and IV (1818). During this period, the poet's life took a significant turn - forever expelled from the country. He endured unspeakable depression, self-esteem and in the pain, from one land to another land.

at the beginning of the third chapter, the poet in a very deep voice to sing the exiled high society anger, thoughts of her daughter. The poet came to Belgium, pay tribute to the battlefield of Waterloo, Napoleon's comment on the merits; Rhine came from Belgium along the shores of Lake Geneva, the poet, with high emotional remembrance of the French Revolution, celebrating its pioneers - of Enlightenment Rousseau, Voltaire, to express their loyalty to ideas of freedom and equality of Enlightenment.

The fourth chapter is a poet in exile to Italy after written. Italy was being ruled by Austria, is split into many small states. Italian poet with a glorious history, when the Italian national disaster, encouraging patriots to overthrow the tyrannical rule of Austria, national liberation and unification.

The next two chapters compared with the first two chapters, Childe Harold Gould's image weakened, and greatly enhanced the image of the poet himself, Byron put what they had seen, feels, want, anytime, anywhere and freely express it, so these two chapters publicists color performance especially strong. Third, when the time comes chapters creation upsurge of the people's struggle in Italy, Greece and other countries, while the poet struggles with actual contact occurred, so that his creation angry and get a new strength, showing the free will win convictions.

In the image of the poet's Childe Harold Gould, reflecting their own life and character of some of the features: proud indifference, bohemian, hate and contempt for society and so on. But the kind of hero indifferent contemplation negative attitude towards life is different and poet. Poet deeply concerned about the people's struggle, anxiety and the fate and future of the people of the future, embrace the ideal of the hero in the cause.

writing background

18 century continental Europe in the early 19th century in a period of social upheaval upheaval. On the one hand, the feudal forces were under the impact of the influence of the French Revolution-like gangbusters to combat, gradually revealing the decline, decay and decline of the feudal nobility increasingly, it is also crazy for the last shadow of death throes, aggression, plunder and restoration always floating over Europe; on the other hand, the revolutionary ideas of the French revolution delivered the liberation of people's minds, the colonial state to promote the pursuit of independence, democracy and freedom of the national liberation movement. This background combined with a unique way of life of Byron, Byron understanding and inspired hatred of the feudal ruling forces. At the same time, his lordship can not give his aristocratic lifestyle of reality, but also prompted him in his spiritual world go farther and farther, "Childe Harold Gould Travels" in which the hero Childe Harold Stewart, in fact, reflects the twists and turns of life and thinking against the feudal tyranny of his wandering wandering.

1809 years, the Byron graduated from college and received a hereditary House of Lords member's office, however, it still has not brought great wealth to him, on the contrary, his liberal tendencies make him progress further isolation, and was high society ridicule and discrimination, which brought him a lot of psychological damage as a revolt, he chose mood centrism strategy, began his overseas trip. In traveling the way, as the pursuit of liberation and spiritual world, he began to actively creation, completed the first and second chapter, "Childe Harold Gould Travels" is. Surprisingly, after returning home, these two chapters work, once published, it caused a sensation, Byron became famous overnight.

main characters

"Childe Harold Gould Travels" There are two main characters: the hero Harold and lyrical hero. The former represents the negative aspects of the poet thought; the latter reflects the democratic tendencies of the poet and revolutionary zeal. Harold traveled route connecting the poem became an organic whole; lyric poet and lyric discussion flashback enriched the content of the poem, strengthening the appeal.

Harold is a young British aristocrat, this class is very offensive. He not only did not want to flatter flatter upper ruler, do not want contact with people all day, caught in the abyss of suffering. The root cause of their suffering, to find his own words: "neither love nor hate, more difficult to achieve non-humble ambition", "but due to experience, witness and heard."

Harold is a depression, loneliness, pessimistic lost drifter. He was tired of high society "drunk eaten", "Carnival excessive" life, hated the cold "civilization" and corrupt practices British, because they are with his freedom of thought contradictory. He did not want the ugly social company, and then he put his melancholy to leave the country, go waves travel overseas.

In the first two chapters, he went to Portugal, Spain, Albania and Greece. He saw the British plundered the Greek monuments do not mind, go through a lot of ancient and modern battlefield, he was indifferent, "the heart is cold," "eye is indifferent." Harold typical characteristics of this image with a typical sense, he summed up when Britain and other European countries, many asset democratic intellectuals both discontented, they can not find a new road.

lyrical hero but in a different spirit and Harold Stewart, he is an emotional hot, energetic observers and critics, he faced all the problems have made positive comments. What did he support against what attitude is very clear.

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"Childe Harold Gould Travels" rich in content and profound thinking. Harold Gould is a fictional character, played a role in a series of episodes in the poem. It is through this character works in roaming in Europe, where depicting the enchanting scenery, local customs, pay homage and remembrance of history there, exposed and criticized the politics there, showing the author against aggression, against oppression, democratic desire, desire the voice of freedom, singing the great national liberation movement and the people's revolutionary struggle.

"Childe Harold Gould Travels" is the most basic features of a social and personal opposition is very prominent in the poem that the poet's subjective expression occupy a prominent position in the poem. The book is only on the surface of the plot and the image of the hero who stood in the center of the work (Harold Gould) have contact, substantially all of the structure "Childe Harold Gould Travels" episode is the subjective lyric poet of the decided. A basic feature of this subjective expression, but also romantic, romanticism and realism is the biggest difference in the creative methods.

In "Childe Harold Gould Travels," Childe Harold Gould is portrayed as the son of a British family, lived a carefree, debauchery, dissipation of life and finally one day, he tired of this life, start excursion abroad. In the travel, he not only enjoy the beautiful natural scenery around, familiar with the customs of each place, and learned that enslaved the people of Greece and other countries eager voices of freedom and liberation. Aggression and plunder his British and European reactionary forces allied with the conduct of full resentment, to be ruthlessly expose and criticize, saying they gentle on the surface of the heart Ci Shanliang, and indeed the last "more difficult to rob a nation a group of Daodang. " In the third chapter, "Childe Harold Gould Travels," Byron is a direct expression of opposition to all feudal autocratic monarchy, he notes wryly, under the banner of the Holy Alliance in Europe, feudal forces against the oppressed people's revolution repression meant that era movement to re-start "bow to the wolves." He is full of Napoleon deplored and tangled feelings, not only to enjoy the revolutionary hurricane Napoleon launched in mainland Europe, but unfortunately he ultimately failed to overcome their feelings, become a "victim of honor", and other countries misfortune slavery. Napoleon's defeat led to the Battle of Waterloo, but also did not make more progress and freedom in Europe, the idea of ​​this political confusion and tangled Byron squalor, unable to find a realistic solution. In "Travels", the Byron also enthusiastic praise Italy, Spain, Greece and other countries have been brilliant heroic ancient history, celebrating their heroes, praising the glorious achievements of their heroic resistance of aggression to the history of reference today, countries are encouraged oppressed peoples to rise up against, for freedom and liberation struggle, Byron himself in historical retrospective, the aroused their revolutionary enthusiasm, bravely into the struggle for national liberation in Greece against Turkish slavery. Unfortunately, only 36-year-old Byron infected with malaria, premature death, the Greek people for national liberation and independence devoted his life, he used his poems, his life, he composed a song against the feudal autocracy euphemism touching battle Hymn of the rule, he is also like a meteor, a flash light up the dark night sky, the earth longing for democracy and freedom of people to spiritual enlightenment and shock.

It is first in the UK on a "sacred" in the name of reactionary forces allied to Europe, and all kinds of injustice, aggression and plunder ruthlessly expose, condemn anger and bitter irony. Poet comment that damage caused by the war, both to the ancient or contemporary, is "act like an absolute monarch of Maozei" were launched by "unfriendly", "Oh God, you do have to make the Earth their gambling capital!"; That rebuked destruction looting of cultural relics, "to remove the behavior of animals brutally ancient relic", "god willing forcibly transported to the North." "Childe Harold Gould Travels," the first two chapters, the Englishman has done in white Europe in the world: messianic posture, actually doing the looting activities, "freedom of Britain" has become "a robbery last Daodang more difficult countries "; scold steal Greek shrines of Lord Elgin Scot," and the blood of his hometown seaside rocks generally cold, numb the mind like a rock, stiff "; to have such a compatriot the sad sigh, "people who love freedom should not hurt the free stuff." In Chapter 3, the poet, by then Waterloo battlefield poetry of condemning all forms of European tyranny, sharply pointed out, revived under the "Holy Alliance" aegis of the European feudal forces rampant, marking the "bow to the wolves" to start again. Defeated Napoleon, the world is a forward or backward? Byron profound is that he questioned the revelation readers: British victory, meaning what? "Perhaps this becomes a Gallic horse, to be bound by the reins; but the world is more free?" Therefore, the treatment "tomb of France, the death of Waterloo" to specific analysis, "should first estimate the effect, come celebrate this kind of victory. " And while always admired Bonaparte is given by the more objective and fair assessment: that "the world conqueror captive" final "has become a victim of honor," Yes, maybe because of too much vanity, the vanity of wayward arrogance, which sometimes became a big shot him fatally flawed, so, "you can overturn the ruling and rebuild an empire, but at least control his feelings, no self-knowledge, I do not know the truth Ying Xu, people have always the good and bad fortune. " Not just to observe the poet's stay in the international political, military, diplomatic level, but also touched the depths of the mysteries of the universe and the laws of personality.

Secondly, the peoples for freedom, the struggle for independence and liberation of warm praise and sympathy and solidarity; Acura Spain, Greece, Italy and other countries "heroic ancient", to stimulate human freedom here and war, become the main theme of the poem most exciting. Whether reputation for independence of the Spanish national historical tradition, praise the heroic deeds of her children against aggression; or mourning Greece enslaved Turkish reality, pay tribute to the ancient battlefield commemoration of the great motherland; supreme honor or memory of ancient Rome - that " was the monarch of the country's citizens are "" conquer land and sea "- said freedom will be victorious; nothing but a meaning, that is, give up the illusion, on its own liberation.

"Childe Harold Gould" Travels in Harlow de loneliness, depression, and even pessimistic. He despised the hypocrisy of high society, cunning, hypocrisy flatter, sycophant, he is looking for share of human innocence and go into exile, the fantasy of freedom hides in mind, trying to find the seeds of freedom from exotic foreign land. However, with tourism Harold Gould, and he increasingly felt Renxinbugu and inconstancy, his eyes almost in a depression on the sidelines of national liberation movements in some countries. It should be said, when Byron wrote this chapter, itself full of confusion, he did not find ways and means to achieve freedom and dreams from the heavy reality, the heart has been associated with conflict, as Harold Garde traveled to the place where the souls of almost all shrines are human hero of "yesterday" and was incompatible with the reality of the times, "today" was almost ignored, repressed in the corner of the soul, and Harold Garde Your heart gets cold, began to despise this world, however, he also said he has an incredible passion for the world that he is willing to make for the world to win a better future. Harold Gould body of this conflict personality, so he sometimes nothing, sometimes filled with revolutionary fervor. His insight into current events, brave to expose the shortcomings of current affairs, firm and fearless, just like a valiant fighter against the feudal monarchy. Byron Harold Gould to portray the contradictions of its charismatic personality, real and vivid, but also become a typical Byronic hero, on the one hand, they are confused, lonely, depressed and pessimistic, on the one hand, and very rebellious character, discontented, rebellious, full of fighting spirit. They both strongly opposed to the aristocracy, but also do not want to have contact with ordinary people, therefore, often gets himself into hardship spiritual abyss. Its spiritual origins, probably with Byron's humanist thought and thought about the French Revolution affected, prompting Harold Gould had more to think about the people themselves, such as equality, freedom, dignity, and get forward momentum, thus burst out indomitable humanity, the courage to spiritual beauty of struggling.

It is said that the image of Childe Harold Gould has a clear autobiographical Byron, in fact, not at all. In this work, in accordance with Byron felt this character Chard # Harold Gould interested in nothing, and the poet himself can not express an active interest in all things, so he simply put Childe Halol

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