Home Technique Chi North Couple

Chi North Couple

Works Catalog

Volume one talk, one, sixty-seven

1 仪 卫

2 special gift and book / p>

3 Department Cao into the list

4 two-way

5 test

6 enjoy

7 After the day of the day,

8 complex Cabinet

9 Fu Shi Du Carlia

10 from

11 Pharmaceutical Search

12 Russia

13 brothers 9 / p>

14 father and son Shangshu

15 father and son at the same time

16 Father and son prime minister

17 father and son Shangshu

18 子 北 北 三 及 第 第

19 午 浙 三 元 元

20 Deqing Cai's two状 元

21 戌 戌 三 及 第 第 第 元 元 元

23 Kunshan Xu's three and No.

24 hike Column and No.

壻 壻 元

26 Yifeng

27 全 椒 氏 兄

28 father Bachelor

29 Brothers Bachelor

30 Triece Clearator Test

31 Changzhou Peng's Second and No.


33 two five E Hanlin

34 Turban Procedure

35 Beichang Code

36 but parrot

37 sacrificial wine title

38 driving title

39 completion hometown

40 sitting

41 Hanlin plaque < / P>

42 Zhongtang

43 home injection

44 outsubo

45 prohibited teachers and students

46 primary election

47 生员 金

48 gift pen glory

49 cruise

50 Turkilee

51 Han Linqing Temple is

52 large - Big "


volume two talk two fifty-pointed

Volume three talk three three-pointed

volume four talk three three-eighth

roll five talks a 24

Author's introduction

Wang Shizhen (1634 ~ 1711), the word is true, the number, the number of Yuyang Mountain, because the empty map of the Qin Mun Tang Dynasty is hidden in the deeds of Yuxi, and the word is On, Shandong New Town (now Huantai County) people. After the 殁, because of the avoidance of the emperor, it was changed to the name of the name; Qianlong gave a reputation. At the age of eleven, I should test the child, and I have been in the first and the county, and I will try it in twenty-two years old. Zengzhou Government was promoted. Hi Towa Trial Trial Officer, Corporation, Ministry of Education, Lang Zhong.

Kangxi seventeen years (1678), Han Linyuan served a bachelor, and the history of the history official, the Vice President of the San Dynasty, the national bureaucrats, and the final rules. Diligent in a lifetime, 36 kinds of books, and two hundred and seventy volumes.

Evaluation of Works

"Chi Bei Council" is a valuable notes. According to Wang Shizhen, there is a house, there is a house, there is a place in the ground, and there is a number of homes in the north. There are thousands of volumes, and thus make white Jiyi "Chi North Book Library" means that this book is named " Chi North Coupletess ". It is also because there is Shili Pavilion next to the library, and Wang Shizhen is always talking to the guests in the pavilion, or the discussion of the articles, or the doubt of the history of history, and the national allusion, the history of the people, the Muke's words and deeds, the monster legend Waiting, by the children record, and gain him in Beijing for 20 years, and compiled, so also known as "Shili Pavilion".

The whole book is twenty-six volumes, nearly one thousand three hundred, divided into four eyes: First, talk: Remember the Qing Dynasty class and the Coquel system, the wooff event, etc., two, talk, main Remember Middle Ye to Qing Dynasty, the beginning of the minister, detainee, martial arts and other things; three, talking, comment, poetry, picking good sentences; four, talk, narration of the monsters of the monster story in the four-point "of the book, the most common content Reference value. Such as "Talk", "Han Linqing Temple" strips, remembering the early Taipu Temple to increase Manchuria Outlinal and Hanlin Hospital, the Hanlinyuan, the maintenance of the Manchuria, the situation of Zhongshu Wales "Baguko" Taiwan Kaikai " Manzhou Township Test ", etc., remember, the" Temple "of the Kang Township will be aware of the system of the Qing Dynasty, and the" Funeral "has been awarded the ranks of the first eight flags. Can be added to the "Clearance Ceremony" and "Catong". Some entries in "Talk", although rumors, but also make up the history of history.

Remember Fu Mountain father and child's name, Fifty prime minis, promise reference; such as "Hiss Hall" strip, remembering Yangzhou City breaking the history can ride a self-cultivating military camp, unyielding Killed, etc., can be widely heard. "Talking" is about one-third of the general book, mainly the author's commentary, explains the personal claims with Shen Yun. Therefore, the "four books' total books" said "Talking in the nine volumes, all the poetry, leading the new standard, and exclusively". Some of these entries have saved the materials for the literary art in the late Qing Dynasty. Such as "Yue Poetry", Junling South Third, the poems of Chen Gongyin and others. "Guangdong Fengxin" remember Kangxi, Wu Qi, Yu Yue Zhongfang, a class of works for the South Dynasty Lefu "Zi Night Song"; "Shi Drum Poetry", said Han Yu "Shi Drum Song" Bi Du Fu "Li Turns "Good," Shu Poetry "is said that Su Shi" Send Sumu "five poems like" checked questions ", comments are all known," ""


● Volume 10 9. Talk Arts 9

◎ Song people 's senses

Even Zhu Xiqi (Zichuan) Song people must track Tang Xian, do ten, talk about this .

"Slings of Spring Tan, until pedestrian wine is half-way. Regardless of smoke and wind and rain, it will hate Jiangnan. "

" Spring Yin Youth grass is green, there is a humor. Lonely boat in the evening, Xiaoxuan wind and rain look at the tide. "

" is cold in the water, and the poor is the poor. Lai is Danqing, painless, painted into a life. "

" Bamboo outer peach flower three two branches, spring river water warm ducks. " The larier buds in the earth are short, and it is a pilfer. "

" Huang Yesi Water ", the wind is in the air. The sunset is in a thousand miles, and the human chicken is in a rock. "

" Deman Cream Red Guoda, the mountains are concentrated. In the military, he will be angry, and it is also poor. "

" The shadow is invisible, and the silent is also broken. I want to have Yangguan's West Road, and the north wind is low and grass. "

" Liangzhou is a song, remember Zeng Yucu flute. Empty in the middle of the building, Yong, Xiaoximue sends a swallow. "

" Broken Yunyong Cave, Yu broken squid frost). It is good to send a new poem, and the autumn is full of southeast. "

" the dismissal of the migrant splash, born into Qi Tang Wei. Not smiled in Jiangnan, Yueyang Tower is on Junshan. "

" Jiang Shangcheng is sad, the zone is Qu Yuan. One thousand five hundred years, only the beach is like the old. "

" Night Rain even Ming Spring, Jiao Yun is warm and white. The curtain is rich and the bamboo is quiet, and there is a diamond relative. "

" is full of lonely, and you know the wind and rain. There is no one in this, sending with Xiangyang Meng Haoran. "

" alone is awkward, sunset Junshan is like drawing. Countless willow floral flying off the shore, and the evening wind has blown Dongting Lake. "

" in the autumn rain is full of rivers, returning to the day. Going back to the south of Jing Nan, the moon is piercing the Yangzhou. "

" pear flower white willow dark blue, and the willow fly. It's a snow, life is a few clear. "

" meeting is accidentally, the dream is relatively two Chinese. Also come to the West Lake, and don't see the jumping bead fifteen years. "

" Wu Tang is in the road, the pedestrians are carrying each other. What is the spring breeze? Xinyi, such as Xuekangxi. "

" sweeping the shampoo to sleep, the 簟 簟 such as water account is like smoke. Where is the guest dreams, hangs a wandering day. "

" once made Jinling rotted, northern dust shirts. Lonely boat in the lotus, lying into the first state of Jiangnan. "

" Sapam Village Sanshi, Spring River is not separated. The double embankment is like a horn, knowing that it is a thousand miles. "

" last year, the day of the day, the goblin. White hair is laid, and now listening to the city of Juanzhou. "

" The mountain is depressed, Jialing is right. It is unbearable to say goodbye, and listen to it. "

" according to Jiang Dan Ye Ye Lin, folding yellow flower. It is necessary to drink, and the waist is overwarded. "

" Dongting wooden falls to Wanbo Qiu, saying that it is also self-invested with the South. I want to refer to Wusong, and I've gave a line of Yan Haishan head. "

" Moses to open butterflies, Jiangshan is still in the past. The remains of the remains of a few times, and the girls swim slowly. "

" White hair is first older, the wind is boiled. Canglong did not repeat from the world, wiped tears and see the Junxue Group. "

" 濯 Jinjiang side people recall the old tour, entangled in a million drunken building. And now, Moopo smiles, the ancient lights are everywhere. "

" Jinan Spring is bright, and it is straight to Longshan Ma. " Make Junmao forget the yang, when Yangguan sausage is broken. "

" "Yuzhou, rolling the beam, and the drum sounds high dance. It is 3 million, and the Datang is to be entangled. "

" After Xiaoyao Tang, thousands of trees, often send the sound of the rain. Ermid to the bed for the old contract, I don't know how to drift in Pengcheng. "

" Autumn Dongge is cool as water, passengers go to the mountains. The sleeper is not awkward, and the wind is flushing. "

" Thousands of poetry will return to Wenjin, so the balcony is rushing. Only smart Suzi, more no regrets. "

" The sunset is the same as a ride, tired of pine stone. Penglai Han Dynasty Spring Divided, smiled in Taihua Autumn. "

" in the boat, a rain, semi-desorne, waters, cuoto. The dream did not wake up on the window, and the sound of the sound was soft. "

" Whoever puts a soul, open from boring. Fortunately, there is a three hundred songs in Qingxi, and he will send it to Huangzhou. "

" is always loose, sitting for a long time. The faint cultivation of people, the four mountains drops the wind. "

" self-proportion of new words rhyme, small red low sings me. The coming is the end of the Songling Road and go back to the smoke wave of fourteen bridges. "

" Night is close to the cloud, Jiang Hanxing Shaoyan Mission. The pedestrians look at Su Tai Liu, with Wu Wang sweeping flowers. "

" Sailing sail is a white gull, and the boat is watching the night. The plots were shore with flowers and creams. "

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