Home Technique Computer Pioneer Award

Computer Pioneer Award


IEEE-CS Computer Pioneer Award (Computer Pioneer Award) is set up in 1980. If the birth of ENIAC is the starting point for computer history, when it is 1980, it has gone through 36 years of history, which can be described as "people to middle age". In 36 years, the computer itself has experienced huge changes in development, and the performance improvement is based on several order levels. Big, medium, small, giant, micro-grade computer, all grades, in various fields, various departments play a huge role in promoting social civilization and human progress, bringing human beings from the Atomic Era. Of course, people will not forget that behind this huge, behind the unprecedented scientific and technological achievements are wisdom, creating talents and hard work, especially the leaders of scientists and engineering technicians, especially the critical contributions of the leaders. IEEE-CS made a decision to establish a computer pioneer award to reward these to win people's respect scholars and engineers. Like other awards, the computer pioneer awards also have strict review conditions and procedures, but in fact, this award specifies that the results of winners must be completed 15 years ago. On the one hand, it is guaranteed that the results of the winners do have already taken time test, which will not cause differences; on the other hand, the winner of this award is a veritable "pioneer", which is in front of history. In addition, according to the analysis of 108 winners from the 1980 (in 1983), 108 winners were analyzed, the author believes that there are two important features of this award.

Computer Pioneer Award


First, taking into account theory and practice, design and engineering implementation, hardware and software, system and components. The winners have both computer basic theory research and obtain significant breakthrough scholars, such as the inventors of Hamming code and Huffmann, Richard W.hamming and Davida. HUFFMAN). It is recognized as a computer science master's Dicksgar W.Dijkstra and Hall (C. A.hoare), etc., and there are engineers and technicians who dare to innovate during the development of computer, such as ENIAC. Inventors Mohn W.mauchly and Ext (j. presper eckert), the parent of the giant machine, the parent of the small machine, Parent Bell, PC Pioneer Clark, etc .; there are scientists who have achieved significant technological innovation on hardware to promote computer update, such as the Jean A.hoerni of Semiconductor Plastic Treatment Technology. Invention Integrated Circuits, R.N. Noyce and Kilby (j.s.kilby), etc., and has established success in software and programming language development, making computer more and more easy to use, more "Friendly", so that the computer will enter thousands of thousands of genius software, such as C and Unix inventors, D. M.Ritchie and Thompson (K.Thompson), computer graphics I. Sutherland, human-computer interaction skills, Engelbat (D.c.Engelbart), etc .; there is a large-handed, big creative science giant, such as IBM / 360 in the design and development of computer systems Father Brox (F.P.Brooocks) and Ivans (B. O. Evans), etc., there is also a "peripheral" 35, but the performance of the I / O equipment is also worthy of praise, such as high-speed tape drive The inventors of the inventors, the J.A.Weidenhammer, the disk storage system RAMAC's developer Johnson (R.B. Johnson), and so on, because their results have created the "information explosion" for the computer ...... "Computer", simple single words, actually contains a discipline, an industry, a system, involving all aspects of issues and majors, and mutual dependence, relying on each other. Its development is the result of many experts work together. Therefore, the computer pioneering award has taken into account the above aspects, it is objective, fair and reasonable. Because of this, although this award does not have a high prize, only the copper medal and certificate will be given to the winners (if necessary, IEEE-CS will provide the travel fee to the winners and their spouses), but become a computer world. One of the most important awards, is generally emphasized and concerned.

Second, the computer pioneer award broke the restrictions on social systems and ideology, and a group of computer scientists in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe have got a commendation. Due to historical reasons, most international academic organizations were manipulated and controlled by Western countries, reflected in the award, the original scientists of the original "Oriental Group" were hard to win, causing factual imbalance. This phenomenon also exists early in the computer pioneer. However, the decision makers of IEEE-CS have earlier this problem and correct this bias with great determination and courage, launched a research on computer development history of the Soviet and Eastern Europe in 1995, here On the basis, the computer pioneer prize was temporarily revised, and 15 computer pioneers in the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries were selected in 1996 (the award regulations stipulated in addition to 4 winners per year, but this It is often violated before the provisions. In 2000, there were 2 white Russian scientists. In this way, the principle of "science and no borders" is better in the computer pioneer awards, further highlighting its objectivity, impartiality. Of course, like other ratings, there is still such problems and shortcomings, such as China's computer scientists have no award (only one Chinese scholar Jeffrey Zhu In 1981, he won this award), including many outstanding overseas Chinese computer scholars such as Wang An, Wang Hao, Fu Jing, etc., is not named, this is not unfortunate.

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