Home Technique Cookies collection

Cookies collection

When accessing a Web site that requires unique identity addresses, cookies will leave a tag in the disk of the client computer, when accessing the site again, the page of the site. Each site has its own tag, and you can read and write at any time, but can only be completed in the page of the site.

From the cookies collection method as follows:

value = request.cookies (index, [subfield])

where the index parameter is represented To get a string of the cookie name, or an integer of the cookie location in the collection. Subfield is an optional parameter that acquires a separate item that contains multiple values.

Cookies collection

cookies collection contains three properties, namely Count, Item, and Key, their functions and methods of use are shown in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3 QueryString Collection Attributes

Name Features How to Use

Count Return QueryString Number Value REQUEST.QUERYSTRING.COUNT ([variable]

Item Returns the value of the specific key corresponding to the corresponding keyString.item (variant)

key Returns the key REQUERYSTRING.KEY (INDEX)

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