Home Technique Cushion camel

Cushion camel

morphological characteristics

Cushion camel sauce (7 photos)

Cushion camel squash is a one formed under strength continental drought Low-short cold morning, small sheroes. The plant is short, the cushion, 10-25 cm, with intensive branches; the old branch is shorter, thick, dense black leaflet, one year of branches of 1.5-3- (5) cm. Leaves, intensive, blade ovary or torque circular ovites, about 1 cm, width of about 3 mm, first round, base is gradually narrow, edge to back roll; the leaflet is equal to the blades, expanded into a boat , Stalk; post-late blades fall off from the upper end of the petiole, and the lower shank is stored. The male and short and tight, head. The female tube is circular, about 0.5 cm long, two large and wide rabbit rifts, which are equal to the tube length or less, the first is circular, and the down is gradually narrow, and the fruit is Punched outside the tube. Elliptical, haired.

Growth Environment

Cushion camel squash is a high altitude of cushion shrub, usually born at a hillside or gravel area of ​​3500-5000 meters above sea level. The distribution of habitats is cold, and the arid alpine desert belt, soil barren, environmental conditions are bad. In order to adapt to the harsh environment, a special vertical pad shape is formed in a long-term system development. Cushic camel squash is the largest area of ​​Tibet, which is concentrated in the west of Qiangtang Plateau, and is the advantage of the main vegetation types in the north of the north of Kara, Kera, Kelauling. Occupy to 5000 (4800) -5500 meters of lake pots, wide valley, gentle hillside and hills, often forming a cushion camel squash or a simple cushion camel.

Community cover is extremely sparse, mostly below 10%, sometimes even 1-3%, accompanying plants are also simple, mostly high-reducing types. Alpine belt with 3800-4300 meters above mountainous altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude altitude, matted camel squared and Qinghai-Tibet ( Carex Moorcroftii Falc. EX Boott), 蓍蓍 ( Ajania Achilleoides < / I> (Turcz) POLJAKOV EX GRUBOV), multi-splitter dishes ( Potentilla MultiFida linn.), plants such as high mountain purple ( Aster alpinus L.) composition Simple, the community structure is simple, the plant grows, the total cover is generally 10-20%, and the height is below 10 cm. At the top of 4800-5500 meters in Kunlun Mountain, the source of the river, the lakeside rock beach and some gravel hillside, the valley, the cushion camel, the sap zero distribution, the cover is 5 -18%, height 5-7 cm. Cushic camel froth is in an average temperature-8 to 10 ° C, the average temperature is 0 ° C for 2-3 months, there is no frost-free period throughout the year, and the annual precipitation can be developed normally in the area of ​​20-100 mm. It can be seen. The cold resistance and early resistance are very strong.

Cushion camel, the soil is thin, generally grow in the alpine cold and soil and alpine desertification grasslands, soil often contain salinity, the soil and the surface often cover the magnitude wooden gravel and rock Weathered gravel sheets, soil layer thickness is typically between 15-30 cm, pH8.1, organic matter content of 0.63-1.84%.

Distribution range

In China, the Gansu Shanxi Section of Gansu and Qingbai Sea, the Northern Shanyuan and Titang Plateau in the Kunlun Mountain in Xinjiang, Northwest and Northern Part area. Pamir is also distributed easily. The pattern specimen is collected from the Mountains of China.

Growth habit of growth habits

The upper part of the mats of the cushion camel is extremely slow, the shape is low, and the underground part is very developed, not only the primary root, but also developed. Side root. Nurled thoughts, pop-up, strong wind and sand. Cushion camel has a strong amorphous reproductive ability. When the climate is not conducive to completing the entire development cycle, it is still possible to form a new plant with strain. Under the cold weather control of the absolute frost-free period, the growth period of the cushion camel squash is very short, generally in mid-May, from early July to mid-August, if the climate conditions have changed, The solid or trick-rate is very low, usually started from September 10, and it starts to be yellow, and enter the sleep state. About 3-4 months in growth period. June to August.

Breeding method


nursery selection: Seedling selection in the gesture, flat, ventilation, The water source is sufficient, the soil is fertile, the pH is in the 7-8 siblings.

Octopus: Seedling should have 25-30 cm, suppress the broken earth block, and do it in the top of the water; plant the water before planting, 2-4 days after sowing, stay Sowing of soil is loose.

Basfertafe: is applying for soil conditions.


Seed quality: seed purity is 80%, and the seeds are more than 2 grams of seeds, and the seed germination rate is 70% or more.

Seed processing: Spray cool water 2 hours before broadcasting, mixing the seeds moist, mixed with fine sand (sieveful sand) with a variety of seeds to spread evenly tidy.

Sowing method

Sowing time: Sowing time in mid-May to early June, the soil loose is sowing after irrigation underwater.

Sowing method: Two types of broadcasts and spreads, the broadcast is 25-30 cm; spreading is a flat, sieve thin soil, and suppress.

Sowing: The amount of sowing is 45-60 kg / hectare.

Sowing depth: The deep depth of 0.5-0.8 cm, and the moderate suppression is moderately suppressed.

Field Management

Irrigation: Watering the bottom water; when the seedling is 15-20 cm, a shallow deposit can be performed, and then Irrigation irrigation for 1-2 times.

Zhongchang removes fertilizer: When the seedlings are 20 cm, artificial grass, the seedling is 40 cm, and the second additional weed is carried out, and the last semifinal, each hectare Raise 105-1.2 million plants. When the seedlings are 40-50 cm, the urea is 105-150 kg / hectare.


seedling requirements: The specification of the seedlings is 0.3 cm, 0.5 cm, and the root length is 30 cm. above.

Seasonal Time: Frozen in the fall of late October or in mid-March until mid-April to November to return to you.

Seedmakes & Arhydrawal: Using artificial seedlings, it is a primary root of 25-30 cm. 1-2 days before the seedlings, the drought or hard seeds were filled, so that the soil wet, the seedling roots breathed the water; after the seedling trim, the upper diameter of 0.3 cm can be cut; after the seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seedlings, plant or hurt within 10 days, After the seedlings are seedling, they are kept in the plastic bag for 10 days.

Cultivation technology


Planting time: Seedling transplantation Choosing the spring and autumn two seasons; spring transplanting cushion camel Before the sprouts, the autumn was planted before frozen after frozen.

plant seedlings are planted: Generally take a ditch or acupuncture plant, a depth of depth of 25-30 cm deep, and the artificial side seedlings are suppressed; the strain is 0.5 m × × 1 meter.

Live construction

Octopus: in front of planting, it can also be planted in the same year, and it will be planted after the rain.

Sowing time: Sowing time from the rainy season to mid-July, it is required to be more than 100 days during the year; when the rain is greater than 15 mm, or the soil surface is 0- When the 5 cm moisture content is greater than 15%, it can be planted.

Sowing amount: unicast seeding 37.5-52.5 kg / hectare.

Sowing method: Single Broadcast, line spacing 70-100 cm; spread, evenly sprinkle; seedlings are not drought, it is advisable to make sowing methods to mix; .

Sowing depth: The deep depth is 0.5-0.8 cm, and the broadcast is heavy.

After the construction of production: Artificial grass can be carried out in the middle of cultivation and fertilization; the grassland after sowing should prohibit grazing in the growth period, but can be cut in autumn or cold Seasonal animal husbandry.

The main value of

Cushion camel squash is the main pasture in the alpine desert area, although the output is low, the nutritional value is quite high, according to the analysis of the Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, the content of the branch protein It can reach 17.71%, no nitrogen-free leaching is 36 coppen. 95%, allocate high, and the crude fiber is low. Good preparatory, help livestock to restore physical strength and grasp, is yak, a good grazing and feeding of children in summer, belonging to good grazers.

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