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Personal experience

Movie "Hero Child" Zhong Wang Fang is shaping her originality.

Xiu Di Mei was born in 1932 in a poor farmer family in Gaoyang County, Hebei Province. After the liberation of the hometown, Jindiu is actively participating in the amateur drama of the village. In the performance, reading, the story of the female hero Liu Hulan deeply infected her. She is determined to serve the motherland like Liu Han. In February 1950, she became a member of the People's Army.

Not long, the troops in Ji Di Mei have crossing the ducks, and they will fight. Walking in the past 18 consecutive days, there is no such thing as the Men's comrades, but not only did not fall, but also always put the body's weak comrades Wang Xibin's bag and the three or four kilograms of rice bags on their shoulders. Xie Dynasty, Mei, took the comrades to the comrades. She is therefore ranked as the military model of the Wenshi.

In late November 1951, several comrades of the superior sent her and the Wencong team head to the front line condolences and nursing wounded. On the day and night night of the operation, she poured all the body and mind in the care of the wounded.

Whenever the wounded is in the place, she will hurry to take off the wounded shoes, socks, then use hands to close the cold feet, or put the foot of the wounded in their own Keep warm. Some wounded foot is frozen like a ice, the sleeve is warm, she simply puts the wounded's feet in her arms. "Love is the most true no words", Ji Di Mei's move makes the wounded in the field surprised and touched, and she shakes her hand and expressing the enemy.

Di Dai Mei also compiled the heroes with the heroes, heroic combat, and loyal to the motherland's deeds, to perform, sing, and encourage everyone's battle will.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon of November 30, Ji Dynasty Mei Gang came back from the mountain, and suddenly came to 9 enemy machines, crazy, bombing and scanning the village where the operation is located. At that time, other wounded people were transferred, and only a 605 group of 605, Li Yonghua, had not been transferred. At this time, the operating house was surrounded by a fire, and the enemy plane was still pulling in the second place. Solitan Mei did not hesitate to rush in, soon, Li Yonghua came out soon.

Just three or four steps outside the door, "嘭, 嘭", two gasoline falls on the roof of the operation. Suddenly, the house was fired in the sky. Mars splashed them. Xi Dynasty, Ji Xi hurriedly fell to Li Yonghua's flame, and he ran. At this time, the enemy machine is more crazy. The bombing bomb is shocked by their front and behind them. Li Yonghua urgently reminded her: "Let me put it down, hide, don't let you be injured." Ji Dynasty Mei said: "My mission is to protect you."

suddenly, a bomb is on the top of the head Throw it down. On this thousands of hair, Jiexiu is putting down Li Yonghua, and a bone is turned around in his body. The bomb exploded by them. The slice, the stone, the sand is full of flying. The cotton jacket of Ji Di Mei was broken by the slide, and the stone collapsed in her body, and the arm was also hoped. She climbed up, and when Li Yonghua didn't hurt, I can't say it. Xi Di Mei immediately took up him and continued to run on the mountain, and finally shifted to a safe place.

Solitan Mei This moving story quickly spreads every corner of the front. The fighters did not admire her dedication. After the war, Xiu Xi Mei Ri Li Yi is equal to the Chinese Communist Party.

Hero deeds

Ji Dynasty Mei and countless Chinese people's excellent children, with the hope of the motherland hoped to cross the duckling, the battlefield of the anti-US aid chapter. In the hard march, they climbed the mountains and wadily, and they were willing to sleep, but Ji Dynasty is never called hard. It always grabs the rice bags, backpacks of comrades, backpacks, etc.. In the two consecutive days of hard marching, Jindiu Mei's Women's Walking Mountain Warm Walking, not only did not fall, but also put the body's weak male comrades and three or four kilograms of rice bags on their shoulders. She is therefore rated as the "march model" of the Wenshi. As a cultural group, she and the accomplices always rushed to the trip to sing on the team, every time she camp, she didn't know how tiredly gumped the comrades to cook, hot, sewing clothes, go to the mountain ... Busy.

I earlmed the female soldiers

on the Korean battlefield of the throne, the Di Dynasty, the Dynasty, Mei Zha, active in the frontier position. She and his comrades often pass through the enemy's gunfire air strikes to block the money, and in depth, they will sing a variety of programs for the soldiers for the soldiers, and inspire the soldiers to kill the morale. The warriors often increased the power of defeat the aggressors by her spirit.

Soon, the superiors see the comrades of the Xi Dynasty, the will of the Comrade, and the enthusiasm of the comrades is, and she is adjusted to the warning of war. She is a cultural team, and she didn't have medical care at all, but I would like to have the dream, where I need to go. In this job, she played a high degree of patriotism and class friendship. In order to save the injured, she didn't look at it a few days. North Korea's winter, very cold. Whenever the wounded is carried, she saw the wounded foot and rushed to take the wounded shoes. Hold the wounded to seize the cold feet, the hand is cold, and then put the wounded foot in his own sleeve. Wet warm.

once, a warrior ran up in order to ran in the ice, and the shoes were replaced with the shoes. After the battle was unfortunately injured, because the weather was cold, his feet and his shoes were frozen in a piece, and he couldn't take off his shoes and socks. Comrade Xi Di Mei saw very distressed, she resolutely unlocked her cotton jacket, put the foot of the wounded in his arms. The young soldier was moved to tears. He held the hand of Jie Dynasty. "You have saved my feet. After the injury, I have to go back to the heroic killing enemy!"

On the afternoon of November 30, 1951, when Xiu Xi Mei came back, he encountered nine enemy attacks. The enemy plane cast a bomb near the Volunteer Ward, and my surgery was blown up by the enemy plane. Other wounded people have been transferred, and the remaining 605 group seminars, Li Yonghua, has not been met. The operating house was surrounded by a fire, and the Xiu Mei learned that there was no transfer in the ward. She immediately rushed into the house, and took Li Yonghua comrades. At this time, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, fireworks Forced her, I can't see it, and Xi Xi Mei took the wounded Li Yonghua fell. The enemy plane is still bombing, the wounded clothes have a fire, and Xiu Xi Xi hurriedly fell, and the wounded was run again. The enemy plane suddenly found them, and a bombing bombed. Suddenly, a bomb fell straight to her head, and Xi Di Mei immediately put down the wounded, hugged, covering the injured person with her body. The bomb exploded, and the waves rushed, the gravel and the floral block were buried, and the cotton coat of Xi Xi Mei was broken. The arm was also hurt, and the hand was full of blood, but the wounded was safe. She can't hurt, climbed up and ran forward. Finally, the wounded was back to the mountain air defense cave. When she saw the injured, she laughed! Volunteers 68 Military and Political Department gave her a good job.

Hug Mao Chair

On May 23, 1952, on the big lawn behind Zhongnanhai Huayuantang, the Chinese People's Volunteer Artists returned to the country of Mao Zedong and other central leadership People's interview. That day, Mao Zedong's face has been very downtown. Seeing these young people, how can he not want to return to love forever.

When the volunteer is one of the representatives of the Volunteers, our army is the only female warrior in the War of the United States and Aid Dorsions. The female literary group members gave Mao Zedong to flowers, after shaking hands, suddenly rushed to Mao Zedong's arms, hugging, can't help but cry, tears.

In January 1952, Jiu Dynasty was selected as a representative of the volunteer army, returned to the motherland. On May 23, Chairman Mao met with the Volunteers returned to the country in Beijing. Jixiu Mei Jiliang represents the whole volunteer warrior to show flowers to Chairman Mao, and ask Chairman Mao to sign her. On October 25, Jin Yicheng Yuan Shuai met with Xiumi in Pyongyang. After returning home, she was known as "the people's hero."

In 1956, Jiu Xi Mei was transferred from the troops, and he went to Hebei Huaxing Printing Factual to serve as a leadership.

January 30, 1996, Ji Dynasty Mei died in the death of Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, buried in Shuangfengshan Revolutionary Cemetery.

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Dear Chairman Mao:

The great 1953 is coming. I am a salute to you in the front line of the distant North Korea! I wish you a healthy new year!

Dear Chairman Mao: Write you with this year's letter, but also caused my best memorable memories: in January last year, I returned to our great motherland with the Volunteers. . On May 23, you met us in Wen Rentang. In the cheers of comrades, I am going to give you flowers. I am holding your hand: "Chairman Mao! The comrades of the Volunteer Army asked you." "Good, thank you!" You are kindly smiling and answering. You have a powerful and I shake what I have made me full of warmth. I can't suppress my feelings, and I am so excited that I can't say anything. At that time, I used it to sprinkle your chest, expressed my love for you and the volunteer army. Since then, your great image is even more powerful in my heart. After returning to the front, we convey your delegations to our comrades. Comrades checkered for your health in numerous times. Everyone and consistently said: Keeping in charge of Chairman Mao, fighting our great motherland, defending the world peace and fighting!

Chairman Mao, I will also report a matter: On October 25, 1952, when the Chinese People's Volunteers abroad two years old, I have a lot of battle heroes with the volunteers. At Pyongyang participated in the celebration meeting held in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. At the meeting, we met with Jin Yicheng General, I asked Jin Japanese General to sign a name. Many senior director of North Korea said in the speech: North Korea's victory of the Anti-aggression war, is the international assistance of the Chinese people's justice under the leadership of Chairman Mao. From time to time, the venue of Mao Zedong is a long-lived cheer. Chairman Mao! At that time, we felt your implied and great, I deeply felt unlimited pride and glory for the soldiers who made Mao Zedong.

Chairman Mao, under your correct leadership, in 1952, our motherland has achieved brilliant achievements in all aspects. At the front line of North Korea, we also achieved greater victory than in the past. When we celebrate the victory, the people of the motherland that you sent arrived in the front line of North Korea and gave us great encouragement and strength. The victory has passed in 1952, and the motherland has completed the preparations for large-scale economic construction, and the great economic construction will begin in 1953. I believe that under your efforts of the people of the motherland will be quickly got a brilliant achievement. We guarantee that the front line of North Korean is more engraved, striving for greater victory, using practical actions to defend the production and construction of the motherland, defend the happiness of the people of the motherland!

A part of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army

Xi Di Mei

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