Home Technique Drake Strait

Drake Strait


name origin

Drake Strait is named by Francis Drake, the Francis Drake, the discoverer 16th century British privileged, Drake I didn't have a trace of tranquility in the Strait, and I didn't have a calm Magellan Strait.

In fact, Drake is not the first person who found it. It has found this channel in the 1525 Spanish Navigation Huti, and personally sailing through this The strait named Mar De Hoces, but unfortunately this name is not widely circulated.

Natural Environment

The average water depth of the Drake Strait is 3400 meters, and the deepest depth of the north and south borders is about 4800 meters. It is popular in the strait, and the wind force of the north is especially strong. The average annual temperature in the north is 5 ° C, and the south is minus 3 ° C. The minimum temperature in July is zero 20 ° C. There is no frozen in the gorge in the summer (February), and the frozen area in September is the largest. However, there may be floating icebergs in the strait in any season.

The sea flows from the Pacific Ocean into the Atlantic, which is a component of the largest Antarctic circulation in the world, with a flow of 15 million cubic meters per second. The surface water temperature is 1 ° C from 6 ° C in the north. There is a significant change in temperature at 60 degrees in the South latitude, which is called the Antarctic radial or pole, the secondary surface water and the coldan Antarctic surface water in this area. At 500 ~ 3050 meters deep, there is a cyclic deep water circulation having a large amount of warm salinity. On the entire Drake Strait, the seawater salinity and oxygen content are increasing from the south. Seabed photography shows that there are many marine animals here, up to sea urchins and starfish, as well as sponges. The floating creature is also quite rich. The south is rich in milk shrimp.

Geographic location

Drake Strait is located between the southernmost part of South America and South Antarctic Southern San Dynasty, next to Chile and Argentina, is the Atlantic and the Pacific Communication in the south. The important strait is also the boundaries of South America and Antarctica. Before the Canal of the Panama Canal, the Drake Strait is one of the important maritime channels for communicating the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. Connecting the Pacific and the Atlantic Drake Strait is the broadest strait in the world. It is located between the south end of South America and the south of Nairi, between 300 kilometers, and the north and south is 970 kilometers. The Drake Strait is an important channel from all over the world to Antarctica. Due to the influence of the polar whirlwind, there is often a huge waves in the strait, sometimes the wave is up to 10 ~ 20 meters. The iceberg from the southern is often floating in the strait, which has brought difficult to the navigation.

Drake Strait

Historical Edition

16th century, Spain occupied South American mainland, in order to cut off trade in other Western countries and Asia and the Americas, they block the route, strictly forbidden to do all other ships, Make the Pacific Ocean into Spain's private sea. At this time, the British Drake's slave boat was attacked in Spain. After Drake was lucky, it became a pirate that robbed the Spanish merchant ship. In 1577, Drake was inadvertently discovered in this strait when avoiding the Spanish warships. This discovery found a new channel that did not need to enter the Pacific Ocean with the Mamnge Strait. Since then, the Strait is named after its discovery - the United Kingdom of Francis Drake.

In fact, both Spanish and Spanish countries do not recognize this name of the Drake Strait. Although Drake self-thought is the first person who found this channel, he did not actually pass this dangerous hallway. In fact, Drake is not the first person, which was also found in the 1525 Spanish Navigation Hutthaya, and traveled the ship through this strait, To Mar De Hoces, it is a pity that this name is not widely circulated.

After the Canal of the Panama Canal, the role of the Drake's transportation channel is getting a micro. However, with the relationship between the Antarctic continent to the survival and development of human beings, the attention of the world's attention is increasing, and they will go to the Antarctic examination and adventure. Drake Strait, this sea road from South America into Antarcticia has become a must-have for many countries to go to Antarctic examinations, and is also given new strategic significance. It is foreseeable that as humans on the in-depth of the Antarctic mainland science test and development, the strategic status of the Drake Strait will be further improved.

Climate characteristics

The air pressure difference between the strait is 12 mbar, which has urged the dry cold air of the Antarctic continent to exchange the airflow in the continental wet warmth. The Antarctic radiative belt is in the middle of the south latitude 60 ° through the central part of the strait, Dongfeng circulation and western wind circulation. The Drake Strait is famous in the world, due to the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic is here, plus the high latitude of the Southern Hemisphere, therefore, the storm has become the dominance of the Drake Strait. All the Hurricane Arena of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic of the Strait seem to be gathered in the Strait. 365 days a year, the wind is above 8 or more. Even with tens of tons of huge rounds, in the hugs of the waves, it is also trembled like a tree leaves. This contrast of this round of arrogance, has made countless vessels in the sea in history. So, the Drake Strait was "murdered Western wind belt", "storm hallway", "Devil's Strait", is a famous "death corridor".

Seismic record

October 29, 2018, a 6.5-magnitude earthquake occurred in the Drak Strait (57.35 degrees South, 46.40 degrees in the South, and 66.0 degrees). 10 km.

Switching Effect

Satellite Data ​​h3>

For the analysis results of the temperature trend graph from NOAA satellite data (high-level very high-resolved radar) Antarctic surface in 1982-2004 The trend of surface temperature in the Antarctic area is cold, and the trend in the Antarctic Peninsula is highlighted. The "surface temperature" said above is a few millimeters and sea surfaces, rather than temperatures in the Antarctic region. A possible explanation of the trend in the Antarctic pole area is that the four weef water temperature is warm, causing more snowfall in the inland of the Antarctic mainland, so that the highland area of ​​the Antarctic is getting cold. Another possible explanation is the reduction in ozone. Usually ozone is absorbed in a polarized layer to increase the temperature of the ceiling layer, but the reduction in ozone makes the polar joint flow layer tend to become cold, thereby enhancing the polar vortex. It formed by the stroke of the pole area like a large air fence, blocking the heating air from the Antarctic coast moves to the Antarctic inland movement. Forming a strong vortex is an explanation of the innerland cold trend of the Antarctica. In fact, more scientific interpretation is the ocean around the Antarctic continent. The Antarctic Peninsula warming made the sea ice, expanded the Drake Channel channel, broadened the circulation of the NTR and partitioned to the extreme heat transfer of Antarctica, thus gaining the Antarctic pole area.


Drake Sea ice switch effect and Eastern Pacific Temperature change, the total temperature between China and New World and the early new world decline, The whole new generation is the most emerged.

This decrease is considered to be caused by the following reasons:

1, the Drake channel and the south of Tasmania began to be the world The loop and climate isolation loop opens the passage;

2, due to the Northern Australian move to the new Guinea, the absolute water area of ​​the heat absorber is reduced;

3, special Shou is closed and cannot pass the equatorial circulation. The Cast of the Drake Channel may form a loop flow and partition the extremely heat delivery of Antarctica, thus producing an ice rack and cold bottom water. In the same way, the Drake Strait is extended by the Antarctic ice cover that causes the climate to disappear, strengthen the conveyance of the equatorial heat flow to the two poles, so that the extended ice sheet tends to disappear. This is an important reason for the Antarctic ice cover that cannot expand the Galarian Big Ground.

Seasonal change

Drake Strait (5 photos)

Antarctic sea ice seasonal variation is large. Sea ice net ice is the smallest in February, which is 243.8 square kilometers, the largest in September, is 1632.4 square kilometers, the maximum value is 7 times that of the minimum. The long-term trend of Antarctic sea ice has two mutations from the 1970s to the 1990s. Once occurred in 1976 (El Niño year) at the end of 1975 (El Niño year), the sea ice is transformed into a small, and the other occurs In 1988 (Lanina), the sea ice was more slowly turned to more. The decrease in sea ice has a good correspondence with El Niño. The low latitude of the South Pacific has the warmest in March, which is the coldest in September. In 1973, the range of winter sea ice is greatly expanded in summer; the smallest appearance is on February 10, the biggest appearance appears on July 16 (which is a special exception in the general situation in September). In relation to it, in February 1972, February 1973 was the El Niño incident, from June 1974, April 1974 is the period of Rana. It can be seen that the trend of the two can be seen that the NAP Sea Ice and the South Pacific Ocean have obvious correlation, the seasonal northward of the Drake's frozen line, close the "sea ice switch" in the Drake Strait. The correspondence to the Cold Circulation of Peru, is the main cause of the occurrence of Runina incident and the coastal water season of Peru.

scientific research

latest evidence

latest evidence confirms the existence of Global climate switching in Drake Sea Ice, geological data shows that Drake channel is in the medium cycle and long Decisive role in cycle's climate change. The sea ice advancement relationship is high, one possible mode is: Ice into the water level of Drake's water flow, the water level is increased, and some are blocked in the north of the water, strengthen the secret of the secret, so that the east Pacific surface is cold, strengthened Walker circulation, triggered Lunina cold incident, enhance the heat exchange of equatorial Pacific and Antarctic circulation (ie, the West Wind drifting), the Antarctic circulation of the Drake Strait is refunded; ice retaining caused the water level of Drake water to increase the water level Some of the water flows in the north to enter the Drake Strait, so that the Peruvian cold flow is weak, so that the east Pacific surface is warm, weaken the Walker circulation, so that the warm water flow in the west of the Pacific, throwing Elno warm incident, weaken The thermal exchange of equatorial Pacific and the Antarctic circulation, cooling the Antarctic circulation of Drake in the Terake. The reverse lift of the Pacific Sea plane and the growth of the two-pole ice cover will cause a strong volcanic earthquake activity and the ocean crust of seesaw.

Low Temperature record

The minimum temperature record of the Drake Strait in February 2005 will increase the seabed area, weakened the Antarctic circulation, enhance the secret of the secret, so that the Eastern Pacific reduce. This is the reason for the sudden interruption of the weak El Nino incident in February 2004 from September 2004. After May 2005, the Eastern Pacific is continuously reduced, and Lunina events may occur at the end of 2005. This prediction has been confirmed.

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