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E-commerce market

The biggest impact brought by the e-commerce market is to make the market have become a customer-centric-centered, and the company's CRM operation has become a pair of today. One personalized service. Today, many companies have realized that customers-oriented are the only way to compete in today's market, but because of the sales, marketing, customer service and technical support of traditional enterprises, many of them are independent and vertical, communication between departments. There is an obstacle, and even different business is often difficult to concentrate on the customer, causing companies that have not effectively saved and utilize customers' resources. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can solve the above problems, which enables the company to focus on developing customers in designing its marketing strategies and marketing systems, and submitting the best value to customers, strengthening companies' understanding of customers or Understand, in order to provide strong support to the company's decision-making, first understand the concept and framework of the customer relationship management (CRM) before analyzing the problem. As a solution to customer relationship management, it collects today's latest information technology, including Internet and network management, multimedia technology, data warehouses and data mining, expert systems and artificial intelligence, calling centers, etc., as a customer Relationship management system, it condenses marketing management philosophy, marketing, sales management, customer care services and support constitute the cornerstone of customer relationship management software. The frame function of CRM can be summarized as three aspects: LabVIEW (1) information about the three partial business processes of marketing, sales and customer service; (2) means to communicate with customers (such as phones, fax, network, email Integration and automation processing; (3) processing information under the above two sections, producing customer intelligence, and supports decision making of the company's strategic tactics. The goal of CRM is to significantly scale the overall customer profit contribution rate in maintaining customer satisfaction. The CRM system is divided into three categories, namely: collaborative, translation company operated and analytical type, where analytical CRM is a very important part of CRM, including the function of the first two systems, and provides commercial intelligence skills, eventually makes it Operators transform valuable customer information into customer knowledge, emphasize analysis of various data, and obtain valuable information, first transform complete and reliable data into useful, reliable information, and convert information to Knowledge, provide accurate basis for the research and development of customer service and new products.

E-commerce market

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