Home Technique East mountain abalone

East mountain abalone


Dongshan Island farmed abalone common are abalone abalone, hybrid abalone (black abalone), abalone and other variegated. Abalone abalone oval, breathing holes 6-9, the housing brown, red, brown and white, or two colors. Bao hybridization (black abalone) blowholes 3-5, housing greenish brown color, red, green, nacre pearly white ribbon. Haliotis breathing holes 6-9, auburn color to the shell, obviously spiral ribs, growth lines fine, silvery white pearl shell layer and glossy layer. Dongshan abalone its soft flesh, delicious taste characteristics, long-term by domestic and foreign customers.

nutritional value

abalone, called as "abalone", also called "sea ear", "Sarcandra Lo", "Senecio", "cow eyebrow ", is a single-shell mollusks, is a high economic value of special aquatic products, known as" seafood Bazhen crown "in the world. Nutritional analysis by abalone high nutritional value, has the following characteristics:

1, abalone are rich in protein, as well as many nutrients as calcium, iron, iodine and vitamin A and so on.

2, abalone high nutritional value, rich in globulin-rich; abalone meat also contains component is called a "Martin element", it is possible to destroy cancer cells necessary metabolites.

3, abalone can Yin, Liver, Gushen adjustable adrenal glands, has the effect of two-way regulation of blood pressure.

4, abalone have menstruation, moistening intestines benefit effect, treating irregular menstruation, constipation and other diseases.

5, abalone with Yin nourishing effect, and is a complement rather than dry seafood, no pain, nosebleeds and other side effects after eating. .

Origin environment

Dongshan County is the sixth, the second largest island county in Fujian Province China, coastal salient at the junction of Fujian and Guangdong, Fujian Province is located southernmost main island of land between latitude 23 ° 33'33 "~ 23 ° 47'11", longitude between 117 ° 17'33 "~ 117 ° 34'32". The county from the main island and its surrounding 43 islands and islets, the sea area of ​​180,000 hectares.

Dongshan County subtropical marine monsoon climate, summer heat and winter cold, monsoon and typhoon greater impact. Annual average temperature of 20.8 deg.] C; average annual rainfall was 1134 mm, the average sunshine hours 2412.8 hours. Suitable for growing abalone.

historical origin

Before the nineteen seventies, Dongshan County rely mainly on natural abalone harvesting.

1972 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Research Institute and Fujian Dongshan abalone abalone pearl culture seedlings stations science and technology group, a variegated artificial breeding and rearing of abalone in Dongshan Island test, after four years efforts to succeed.

1979, the State Administration of Dongshan Island Aquatic investment to build large-scale abalone proliferation station, laid the foundation for abalone aquaculture Dongshan.

1992 In the spring of cross-strait aquatic experts to research and development, "abalone breeding and develop" as one of the main items of agricultural economic and technological exchanges and cooperation between Fujian Dongshan, Taiwan imported abalone abalone seedlings were cultured test. After Taiwan, Dongshan both scientific and technical personnel carefully nurtured to be successful.

2010 years, from Japan to introduce the West's public Bao Bao Dalian Deepwater hybridization, through painstaking research, and finally bred a new generation of high-quality varieties "West abalone."


Dongshan County mild climate, the trend of smooth, clean and pollution-free waters of Dongshan Island called "abalone Island", Dongshan County is China's largest abalone breeding base along the coast, but also the country the largest abalone breeding base of the county, the county has dedicated hannai more than 1,200 hatchery, water breeding area of ​​over 70,000 square meters, more than in educating abalone 1 billion; abalone seed sold in Shandong, Dalian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, China Taiwan coastal abalone seven or eight provinces and regions. By the first half of 2010, the value of Dongshan County abalone exports amounted to $ 24.08 million, exporter around the world on five continents. There abalone hatcheries, farms more than 1,700, the annual output value over 600 million yuan.

Products Honor

1971 years in China for the first time won the variegated abalone artificial culture seedlings, then we carry out large-scale artificial cultivation of abalone. In 1978, the research results obtained in Science Award of the National Science Conference.

August 17, 2006, the former State Administration of Quality Supervision approval of "Dongshan abalone" the implementation of geographical indication protection.

East mountain abalone



According to "geographical indication protection regulations", AQSIQ organized a review of Dongshan abalone geographical indication protection application. Review of qualified, approved since 2006 August 17 implementation of geographical indication protection of Dongshan abalone.

geographical scope of protection

Dongshan abalone scope of protection of geographical indications to products Dongshan County, Fujian Province People's Government "letter on the definition of the product scope of the Dongshan abalone flag geography" (East government letter

[2005 ] No. 16) proposed a range of subject for xibu Dongshan County, Fujian Province, Chen town, before Louzhen, Zhang town, Hong Mei town, Tongling town, apricot Thomas Chan seven administrative regions and towns has jurisdiction over waters .

technical quality requirements

(a) species.

abalone abalone, hybrid abalone (Haliotis discus progeny and Northern hybridization hannai Japan, known as local black abalone), Haliotis.

(II) culture conditions.

1 farms options: onshore farms should be selected in the construction of non-polluting clean water, high and stable salinity, sea water exchange is good, convenient place to extract the water. Suitable water salinity 27 ‰ to 34 ‰, dissolved oxygen should reach 5mg / L or more.

2 Water: Sea when hanging culture, selected water flow, water meets the above two types of water quality conditions, the water is clear, stable and high salinity, temperature mutation does not occur, capable of resisting storms bay .

3 artificial measures: In the factory farming process, the pond should be on the opposite shade net, the need for water pond inflating and require flow-breeding, daily change of water for the total amount of water 2 to 4 times.

(c) artificial breeding.

to select individual robust, non-invasive, full affinity maturation for abalone abalone cultivation management. When the seedlings body is small, to attach the staple food for benthic diatoms plate, when the subject is about 0.5 cm spat, be fed with minced vegetables Gracilaria seedlings dedicated feed slurry or abalone. When the shell up to 2cm or more. Nursery should avoid the hot summer and cold winter period. Suitable MARTIN abalone breeding nursery temperature is 22 ℃ to 26 ℃; hybridization Martin (Martin Black) suitable nursery temperature 18 ℃ to 25 ℃; Haliotis suitable breeding temperature between 20 ℃ to 26 ℃.

(D) to develop commodity abalone.

1 and abalone abalone abalone hybridization (black abalone): use of factory farming land and sea crane to support two modes, feeding bait to Gracilaria, seaweed based. In the breeding process should be promptly removed the bait, abalone disease and impurities.

(1) factory farming land: Sham stereoscopic farming and aquaculture shallow flat-screen, typically in a breeding pool area 20 to 30 m2, 1.8 m to 1m deep pool appropriate. Ongrowing dedicated abalone stocking boxes, each box stocking abalone an amount from 20 to 30.

(2) Sea hanging culture: the main breeding cage and raft culture. Stocking density preferably of not more than 300 / m².

2 Haliotis: because of its slower growth rate, culture model mainly carried out in natural sea aquaculture. Breeding sea should choose the clear water, the trend of smooth, non-polluting, the growth of algae food rich region. Near the sea can not have a municipal sewage outfall and chemical industry, aquaculture area of ​​marine water quality standards should be consistent with GB11607-1989 fishery. Perennial temperature between 10 deg.] C to 31 ℃, salinity of more than 30 ‰.

(e) harvesting.

1 abalone abalone: ​​more than six months after breeding, when up to 7 centimeters above the shell can be harvested on the market.

2 MARTIN hybridization (black abalone): more than 1 year after culture, when up to 8 cm above case, the listing can be harvested.

3 Haliotis: Haliotis cm 2 or more by more than 1 years of natural breeding, when the shell can be harvested up to 6 cm above listed catch should strictly implement recovery principle be big to stay small.

(vi) transport and storage.

can be shipped dry abalone transport finished short-distance transport, when long-distance transport should be stored in abalone Sheng Youhai oxygen and to water container, the denser inflated when required. Three kinds of transport abalone suitable temperature is 10 ℃ to 22 ℃. Available flowing water transport magazine (boxes) pneumatic transport or transport bags oxygenation, shipping abalone running water reservoir (tank) must be cleaned and disinfected, transport water quality should meet the requirements of water quality standards GB11607-1989 fishery.

(vii) quality characteristics.

1 Sensory Characteristics:.

(1) abalone abalone: ​​shell-shaped complete, intact crack, long elliptical, breathing holes 6-9, the housing brown, red 2 colors white or brown, fine spiral rib growth lines, nacre thick and glossy, pale yellow foot, and resilient muscles, stretching powerful.

(2) hybridization Martin (Martin Black): shell-shaped complete, intact cracking, longer elliptical, 3-5 breathing holes, shell greenish brown color, irregular pattern wrinkled shell pleated projection, nacre pearly white ribbon red, green, brown with dark stripes foot, tender meat, muscle flexible, strong stretching.

(3) Haliotis: shell-shaped complete, intact crack, long elliptical, breathing holes 6-9, auburn color to the shell, obviously spiral ribs, fine line growth, shell layer silver-white pearl layer and shiny, pale yellow foot, foot osteosarcoma and resilient, strong stretching.

2 physicochemical indexes:.

(1) abalone abalone: ​​soft body protein content ≥12.8%, carbohydrates ≥1%, ash content ≥0.7%, fat content ≤1.5% .

(2) hybridization Martin (Martin Black): protein content of soft portion ≥13%, carbohydrates ≥1%, ash content ≥0.7%, fat content ≤1.5%.

(3) Haliotis: soft body protein content ≥13%, carbohydrates ≥1%, ash content ≥0.7%, fat content ≤1.5%.

Special sign

Producers of products within the scope of protection of geographical indications Dongshan abalone can be made using the "special signs of geographical indication products" to Higashiyama CIQ application, by the AQSIQ announcement approval.

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