Home Technique Economic romanticism

Economic romanticism


Economic Romanticism is France and Switzerland in the early 19th century. Represents the ideological and emotional and economic requirements of small producers. It has seen the inevitability of capitalism's contradictions and economic crisis from small producers 'bankruptcy and workers' poverty, pointing out the damage effect of the capitalist system and its production and division of labor, poverty in the proletariat, producing anarchy, property distribution Extremely imbalance, the negative capitalism is a reasonable natural system. Economic romanticism advocates that the contradiction between capitalism is to eliminate capitalism, the only way is to re-return to the idealized small production method of modern society. It is the best way to produce the Middle Ages' agriculture and guild. Calling for countries to take measures to achieve variant cooperative relationships between capitalists and workers to obtain equality and universal social welfare distribution of wealth. Economic romanticism despite the various contradictions under the capitalist system, has certain historical progress, but because it does not understand that capitalism is generated from small production, it is not possible to see the capitalist machine. Medieval small production is the inevitable development of historical development, so ultimately can only flow in the sky.


To catch up with developed countries in the basic aspects of social development, realize modernization, if you do not have a mistake, key reforms must be able to pass through, everything is as good as people, I see at least 50 years or more. In 30 years, we realize the infrastructure construction of a big leap, while cautiously realizes social transformation; use 20 years to make up less, there will be a quite good situation. And developed countries, only its social needs and labor costs limit his development; it has entered a supernatural social stage, and there will be no high development speed. I hope we have modernized within the decades.

Economic romanticism

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