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Egypt Museum

development history

The Egyptian Museum is an ancient stone buildings and luxurious double,

Egyptian Museum (20)

is made by Egypt It is known as the "father of the Egyptian Museum," the famous French archaeologist Mariette in 1858 in northern Cairo Braque designed and built. At that time the purpose of building the museum is to prevent the Egyptian national treasures unearthed flow abroad.

completed in 1881, the collection of various artifacts more than 30 million pieces, only about 63,000 exhibition on display. But its collection from prehistoric times to the ancient medieval era, empire, as well as Greek and Roman artwork in there. Including a huge statue of the Pharaoh of Egypt and Pharaoh's gold-plated vehicles, prehistoric pottery, stone tools, there are a variety of ancient art artist crafted, and papyrus documents record the contents of ancient Egyptian science, literature, history, law and so on. You can also see the mummification of thousands of years ago, lying on gold, precious stones inlaid coffin, still stay the same.

The museum then moved twice, in 1902 moved to the new museum in Cairo. The museum garden planted in front of representatives of the ancient Egyptian world of "lotus" and the representative of Egypt's oldest paper-making materials - papyrus. The museum has more than 50 showrooms. One order of ancient Egyptian history exhibit development, where you can see the ancient Kingdom (2686 BC to 2181 BC) to the precious cultural relics during the reign of the Roman year five or six centuries.

2006 announced that it would invest $ 550 million to build a Grand Egyptian Museum (Great Egyptian Museum), scheduled Locations near the Pyramids far from Cairo, it is expected to open in 2010.


display layer by chronological order, displaying artifacts from ancient Rome to the Kingdom during the reign of the fifth and sixth centuries AD, including a large number of ancient Shakespeare toilet paper and coins, these experienced corruption papyrus thousands of years, most have been fragmented, found on papyrus fragments of multiple languages ​​and characters, including Greek, Latin, Roman, Arabic and ancient Egyptian. The coin also has gold, silver and bronze coins and other kinds of material. These coins are also not only from ancient Egypt, but also some from ancient Greek, Roman and Islamic world. These historical data has helped to historians trade in ancient Egypt. In addition, the floor also displays works of art during the New Kingdom, about 1550 BC, the time span - between 1069, during this period there are many large cultural relics, there are statues, tables, sarcophagi, stone columns and reliefs wall and so on.

Egypt Museum

The second floor is the topic showroom to display artifacts from the last two dynasties of Egypt, many from Pharaoh Thutmose III (ThutmosisIII), Thutmose IV (ThutmosisIV), Amon Nuofei Si II (AmenophisII), Queen Hatshepsut (Hatshepsut) and courtier Maihe Po in (Maiherpri) mausoleum, there are many unearthed from Valley of the Kings, notably from the well-preserved tut Mongolia (Tutankhamun) and 普苏森尼斯 II (PsusennesI) tombs unearthed cultural relics, which Tutankhamun's golden mask in showrooms, humanoid gold coffin, gold throne and so called Egyptian Museum's greatest treasures . Two other special mummy showroom for storing the New Kingdom king's mummy and Empress, which is the best preserved 19th Dynasty mummy of Pharaoh Ramses II.

Old Kingdom

Egypt Tomb statue north to Memphis centered mainly, like Kafu Le throne, seated cross-legged secretary, Lage P King and Princess Min ladder Feret seated and so on. The latter is colored like limestone, it remains bright colors.

Middle Kingdom

gradually replaced stone carvings. Display of color wood carving as soldiers, sent offerings such as very fine portrait.

New Kingdom

Young's law Tutankhamun period

Eighteenth Dynasty (1584 BC to 1341 BC), is a prosperous era in Egypt, in addition to display spit Temo Si III, Ramses II, a small statue of Amenhotep IV and other outside as well as kneeling, squatting like and so on.

more than 1,700 pieces of cultural relics 18th generation dynasty pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb unearthed, including fine bas-relief gold throne, gold masks, gold coffin, gold ornaments, Tutankhamun and Queen like Pharaoh's chariot cars, military vehicles and hunting with bow, stained glass and ivory inlaid furniture, jewelry and queen suitcase and so on.

Greece and Rome

There are different exhibits Fusion Greek sculpture realistic style.

Tut chamber

on display more than 1,700 relics. Where the mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun "Golden Mask", "golden coffin", "golden throne" and so on. Especially the "Golden Mask", with gold plate appearance in accordance with the king during his lifetime to build, studded with rubies, the volume is still a plastic ruler symbol of upper and lower Egypt vultures and cobras. These brilliant gold products, is rich in power in Egypt and Pharaoh of ancient huge property fully reflected.

mummy Showroom

which has placed more than 20 ancient Egyptian pharaohs and their consorts their mummy. Mummies thousands of years ago after making a mummy. On the cover and inside the store humanoid mummy coffin, painted the patron saint of the deceased or the scriptures. The Aspen Terme Cabo color wooden coffin the coffin lid, 205 cm high, eyes, eyebrows inlaid with enamel, gives a sense of elegant. Egyptian mummy museum store, and some have been 3500 years of history, but still well preserved, and some can also clearly see the hair and toenails. Which is the best preserved of the nineteenth dynasty of the New Kingdom Ramses II (about 1317 BC to 1251 BC) remains. Ramses II in Egypt's history, the first foreign enemy between the Hittites and the conclusion of a peace treaty, so the remains of Ramses II seated galleries called "War and Peace exhibition room." There are a number of ancient Egyptian pharaohs and their consorts's mummy, which is the best preserved remains of the 19th Dynasty pharaoh Ramses II. There are historical data about temple etiquette, priests and other duties in the papyrus on display.

Important Events

December 11, 2012, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its opening, open basement, never exhibited before the world debut of artifacts, like the gold surface, rare statue ancient Egyptian pharaoh of gold and silver jewelry is known as "hidden treasures in the Egyptian Museum of Archeology."

2017 On the evening of November 15, "Sleeping Tutankhamun treasures: gold" special exhibition at the opening of the Cairo Museum, more than 80 pieces of cultural relics to be forgotten in the warehouse of fine gold jewelry for nearly a century after 3 in restoration, public debut. Exhibition on the 16th officially open to the public, will last until December 31.

venues Features

The Egyptian Museum is a neoclassical-style red brick stone building. There are tall buildings inside the spacious atrium, through the ceiling and floor mosaic glass windows diffuse lighting, atrium modeled on ancient Egyptian temple in the case of placement of a huge statue.

museum entrance into the design features of ancient Egyptian art: the outline is a circular arch of the door, both sides of the arch niches one in each of the European Pharaoh relief image, wherein a holding papyrus, the other holding a lotus, a symbol of North and South respectively ancient Egypt.


scenic Tickets: EGP 75 for adults, students £ 35; 100 adult mummies hall LE LE 75 students, children 20 Egyptian pounds

< p> Hours: 9: 00-16: 00 (Friday 9:00 to 11: 00,13: 30 to 16: 00), 15 o'clock and 30 minutes after stopping admission Close Storage< / div>
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