Home Technique Electronic Frog Eye

Electronic Frog Eye

Introduction to the invention

The bionician Locke invented the electronic frog eye based on the principle and structure of the frog eye. In modern warfare, the enemy may launch missiles to attack our targets. At this time, we can launch anti-missile interception missiles. However, in order to confuse us, the enemy may launch signals to disrupt our sight. On the battlefield, the true and false missiles launched by the enemy's aircraft, tanks, and ships are all in rapid motion. To defeat the enemy, we must distinguish between true and false missiles in time. By combining electronic frog eyes with radar, you can look at moving things sharply like frog eyes, but turn a blind eye to stationary things, and quickly track real targets in flight.

The process of invention

It was discovered that frogs can see moving objects, but cannot see immovable objects. Through research, scientists invented electronic frog eyes, which further improved the battlefield. Equipment and facilities.

Detailed process

In order to figure out why the frog must wait for the moth to take off before launching an attack, bionicists conducted special experiments on the frog. It turns out that the nerve cells in the retina of frog eyes are divided into five types. One type only responds to color, and the other four types only respond to a certain feature of a moving target, and can transport the decomposed characteristic signal to the brain's visual center-the visual center. Top cover. There are four layers of nerve cells on the optic roof. The first layer responds to the contrast of the moving target; the second layer can extract the convex edge of the target; the third layer only sees the periphery of the target; the fourth layer only keeps the target dark The light and dark changes on the front edge. These four layers of features are like drawings on four sheets of transparent paper, stacked together to form a complete image. Therefore, among the rapidly moving small animals of various shapes, the frog can immediately recognize the flies and moths it likes to eat, but has no response to other moving objects and stationary objects.

Understanding the principle and structure of the frog eye, the bionician invented the electronic frog eye.

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